A Chicago Love Story (Part 46)

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4 months passed and Dayvon was getting a lot bigger. He was starting to laugh and smile a lot more instead of looking like he wanted to kill people. He was making a lot more noise and becoming social with people. Von was trying to get him to talk and say dada but he wasn't reacting yet. I got up out my bed to go get Dayvon out his crib. I walked in his room and he was laying on his back with his fingers in mouth. I moved his hand and said "Stop chewin on ya hands." He kicked his feet and I picked him up. I kissed his cheek and went back in the room. Von was still asleep on his stomach when I walked back in so I just laid Dayvon in between us. He started pulling at Von's dreads so I pushed his hair back. Dayvon started crying when I did it and I said "I can't let you pull his hair 😭" I handed him my bracelet and let him play with that but it didn't stop him from whining. Me: "Shh." Von grabbed his arm and said "Hush lil boy. Da hell he whining for" Me: "He wanna mess wit yo hair" Von rolled on his back then picked the baby up and let him sit on his chest. Dayvon started pulling at his hair and Von said "Uhnt uhn. Aye nigga" He sat up and pushed his hair back then he said "No. Stop wit dat" I handed him the bracelet then he started shaking it. Von: "He just like you" Me: "Whatchu mean?" Von: "Whining to get his way 😂" Me: "Shut up." My phone started ringing and I picked it up. Me: "Hello?" Mani: "Heyyy. I gotta question." Me: "Ight wassup?" Mani: "You got a babysitter for tonight?" Me: "No... why?" Mani: "Ughhh find one! I'm tryna take you and Von out." Me: "Out where?" Mani: "To a kick back." Me: "Yeah no. I can't always be out whenever I'm off work... I got a kid to take care of" Mani: "I know but you be inna house too much either way. Before you had Dayvon you stayed inna house all the time. You're young Lai! I'm not tryna influence you to stay out more or nun cus I know kids is a big responsibility but sittin inna house stressed out all the time ain't always the best." Me: "Mani..." Mani: "Pleasee? Durk wants Von to come and I feel like it's weird to just invite him and not you." Me: "I want to but I feel bad asking our parents..." Mani: "What about Q and Maurice? They always wanna see him." Me: "Yeah... ion know tho I feel bad" Mani: "Just ask himm. He'll understand." Me: "Fine imma call him now." Mani: "Good! Call me back when y'all done" She hung up and Von said "Who was it?" Me: "Mani." Von: "What she want?" Me: "She was sayin something bout Durk wantin us to go to a party." Von: "Bet" Me: "We ain't got a babysitter. She told me to call Q but I feel bad for asking him to do that." Von: "Just try it. If he don't wanna babysit den I guess we can stay." I called Q and he picked up after a few rings and said "Hey bitch! Wassup?" Me: "Hey fren... Um.." Q: "What's wrong? Oh my gawd are you pregnant again? Did you cheat? I won't tell. What happeneddd" Me: "What? No, none of that 🤣" Q: "Bitch what is it then?" Me: "Can you babysit Dayvon tonight please? I'll pay you and everything." Q: "Of courseee. My baby gets to spend the night wit Uncle Q? He gon be ight. And bitch you don't gotta pay me, dis my nephew." Me: "Are you sure? He can be a lot to deal with." Q: "Yes girl. Where y'all finna be goin?" Me: "My cousin want me to go out wit her and her boyfriend. I feel bad askin my momma cus she always has him... Von's parents too." Q: "Well you know I gotchu, don't ever feel bad to call me whenever you need sum." Me: "Alright.. I really preciate dis. You sure youn wanna be paid?" Q: "I'm good. Just bring all his stuff his car seat to sleep in." Me: "He got a swing, do you want dat?" Q: "Girl you bring whatever you want." Me: "You know how to change a diaper and make a bottle?" Q: "Yes 😂. I'm not dat irresponsible miss lady." Me: "Ight I'm just askin 😭. What time you want him?" Q: "Before it get dark. Actually, bring him over in about 2 hours. Imma wait on Maurice to get here then imma take a shower." Me: "Okay gimme da address wheneva you ready." Q: "Okay sis byee. Muah!" I hung up and said "Well he said he'd do it. He's excited." Von: "See. When he want em?" Me: "Bout 2 hours. I needa dress him and feed him." Von handed him to me and I took him downstairs to eat. I made his bottle and fed it to him then I sat on the couch. Von came downstairs a few minutes later and said "Where dat party at? Who all gon be there?" Me: "Ion know. I gotta call Mani and ask." Von: "Gimme da baby." I handed Dayvon back to him and called Mani. She picked up and said "Soooo?" Me: "Q gon get him for a few hours. Where dis party finna be at?" Mani: "Ion remember the name of the dude but Durk and Von know him." Me: "Who all finna be there?" Mani: "Girl bye you sound like Von." Me: "I'm being fr." Mani: "Girl it's finna be a bunch of folks they know. Ion know nunna dese folks. It's prolly gon be a cuppa hoes there cus you know how niggas be." Me: "Ight." Mani: "Y'all betta be here in like 2 hours." Me: "Uhnt uhn. Dats when I gotta take Dayvon to Q's crib. Imma let you know when I'm onna way." Mani sucked her teeth and said "Fine. Y'all hurry up." She hung up and I said "She don't remember what da dude's name is but apparently you and Durk know em." Von: "Damn. Imma just ask Durk." Me: "Make sure he finish dat bottle so Q ain't gotta feed him for a few hours." Von: "Nigga shut up. I know what I'm doin." Me: "Nigga you shut up. I'm just lettin yo ass know" I went upstairs then I heard my phone ringing. Von: "It's Q." Me: "Answer it." I heard Von say "Wassup fuck nigga?" I went back downstairs and took my phone from him then I said "Stop. Hello?" Q: "Y'all can actually come early. I ain't expect to be done that early." Me: "Oh... uh ight lemme get everybody dressed." Q: "Ight imma send you da address." Me: "Okay we'll be there inna lil bit. Bye" I hung up and took Dayvon upstairs. I went in his room and laid him on the changing table then I looked in the drawer for some clothes. I tried to put his pants on but he started kicking his feet and giggling. Me: "Don't do dis wimme. You betta behave" He kept kicking his feet and squealing then I said "Dis whatchu gon do lil man?" Von came in and leaned up against the wall. Me: "Whatchu starin at?" Von: "Watchin you struggle to put his pants on 😂" Me: "He keeps kickin em off." Von: "Watch out." He took the pants and tried putting them on but he was still kicking. Von: "Man come on twin. Yeen gotta do allat" He pulled his pants up and said "Ayee" Me: "Now you can finish dressing him." Von: "You always complain when I do." Me: "Cus youn ever put enough clothes on him. Just put a shirt on him then give him his jacket and wrap him inna blanket when you put him in the seat." Von: "Dats extra asf." Me: "It's cold asf. You used to dis Chicago weather." Von: "He can get used to it." Me: "He's 4 months old." Von: "Fine. I'll dress him up in allat shit" Me: "Good" I kissed his cheek then I started filling up the diaper bag with everything he would need for a few hours. Me: "I gotta get ready." Von: "Hurry up." I stuck my middle finger up and went back in our bedroom then I threw on some sweatpants and a big long sleeve shirt then I put some slippers on and went downstairs. I made a bottle then Von came down and put Dayvon in the car seat. I put his blanket over him then I put the diaper bag over my shoulder and said "Can you grab his swing?" We got everything together then we left.

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