A Chicago Love Story (Part 50)

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I woke up the next day to get ready for work. I looked up and Von was still sleeping so I got up quietly. I went downstairs and Momma had Dayvon sitting in an old high chair feeding him a jar of baby food. He had it all over his face and bib and Momma was tryna wipe it off of him but he kept screaming. Me: "Who's old ass high chair is that 🤣" Mom: "Either yours, Mani's or Nique's. Prolly Nique." Me: "Do he like the food?" Mom: "Mhm but he ain't lettin me wipe his face. Come on fat man, you being complicated" She picked up a baby wipe and wiped his mouth then he started squealing. Me: "Boy hush. Allat noise for no reason" I kissed the top of his head and said "Look at all dis hair tinka. Imma let yo daddy decide on what to do wit dat." Mom: "Y'all betta let it grow. He got some pretty hair." Me: "I know. It's so curly." Mom: "It's gon be nappy inna few months. Dats how yours did." Me: "I ain't see Von wit hair when he was little. Every picture I see, he always had a lil peanut head." Von came downstairs and said "Shut up." I started laughing then Momma said "Well good morning." Von: "Good morning. You got work today Lai?" Me: "Yeah. I'm boutta go get ready." Von: "Aye I needa go back to da house right quick." Mom: "I can take you." Von: "Ight cool, hollon." He went back upstairs and Momma said "You needa watch him. Feed him the rest of this then just clean him up" Me: "Okay.." She got up and opened the door then Von ran downstairs and they left. Dayvon started screaming cus I wasn't giving him the spoon so I said "Okay, okay damn. Ole fat self." After he finished the jar he started crying and I said "Ion know whatchu want me to do Dayvon. You can't have no mo rn 😭" I handed him a toy and got him to stop crying the best way I could then Mani came downstairs. Mani: "Whatchu do to dat boy?" Me: "Shut up I ain't do shit to em. I was feedin him some baby food then he got mad cus it was empty." Mani: "He's eating baby food now?? Nooo." Me: "I know.. he's gettin so old." Mani: "Y'all betta start teaching him how to talk and shit." Me: "Von already tryna make him say Dada. Imma have to start gettin him to say mama doee." I shook his lil legs then he started giggling. Mani: "I'm gon cry when he starts talking. Lai dis shit dine flew by, he gettin too old." Me: "Bitch who you tellin." Mani: "I stg it feels like yesterday dat you was inna hospital cussin out nurses." I started laughing then I said "Watch him for a minute, I gotta get ready." She picked him up and sat him on the couch then I walked upstairs. I put my work clothes on and did my hair then I went in the bathroom to wash my face. I heard the front door open downstairs so I stood at the top of the steps and Momma walked in. Me: "Where Von at?" Mom: "He outside. He needed his car so he could take you to work." I came down the steps then I seen Von walkin up on the porch. He came in and shut the door then he sat on the couch with Dayvon and said "Dada." Me: "Stop cus I'm tryna get him to say Mama first 😂" Von: "Uhnt uhn. Dada. Say it boy" Dayvon started laughing then Von said "Say dada." Me: "Mama." Von: "Fuck mama." Everybody stared at him and he said "Damn I'm playin." I sat in front of them and said "Yo first word gon be mama. Fuck what yo daddy gotta say. He a pussy." Mom: "Quit cussin round dat boy. His first word gon be a cuss word if y'all keep on." Von: "Yeah Lai." Me: "Shut up. Come on I gotta go." He picked Dayvon up and held him in the air then he gave him a kiss on the cheek and handed him to me. I gave him a few kisses then I said "Imma be back inna lil bit chunky." I handed him back to Mani then I gave Momma a hug. I walked out and got in Von's car and he took me to work. Von: "Have fun in there 🤣" Me: "Fuck you. You gon be here tomorrow so." I stuck my tongue out and he said "But you gotta be in here today and I don't." I got out then I walked to the driver's side and he rolled the window down. I gave him a kiss and he said "Imma be here inna lil bit." Me: "Okay." He gave me one last kiss then he rolled the window up. I walked in the mall and went to the store then I seen it was empty. I walked in the back and everybody was piled in there. Me: "Da hell y'all doin in here?" Myra: "Hey." Me: "Hey I ain't seen you inna minute." Maurice: "We in here cus it ain't nobody out there." Q: "Bitch dis our relaxation time. We get to sit in here and laugh." Kim: "We a group of funny mfs" Me: "Where Lena at?" Q: "Girl she quit." Me: "Aw what?? I liked her." Kim: "She was tired of Teresa so she said fuck you and a whole bunch of shit. Sis went off." Me: "Damnn." Maurice: "Well bitch come sit wit us. How everything go witchu and Von?" Me: "We back on good terms. I'm glad tho cus I missed him" Myra: "Bitch he was posting you a LOT." Me: "Huh?" Myra: "He was posting shit like "Dis still my girl at da end of da day. yall niggas betta leave her tf alone" and shit. It was a lot of shit he was posting." Me: "Aww." Kim: "Man where tf these typa niggas at? Like damn." Myra: "Honestly." Me: "Southside Chicago I guess 😭" Myra: "Dats a lie cus I had one dude from there and he hate me now." Me: "What dude?" Myra: "I ain't gon say his name." Me: "I think I know who." Myra: "Huh?" I got in her ear and said "You tammat Durk ain't you?" I stepped back and she said "Bitch how you know?" Me: "Cus he told me. And from what I heard, y'all was never together 😂" Q: "Ouu bitch spill the tea." He crossed his legs and put his elbow on the table and Myra said "Ight.. Y'all know Von's cousin, Durk?" Kim: "Da one dat come in wit da blonde dreads?" Maurice: "And he fw Lai's cousin?" Myra: "Yeah." They all nodded and she said "So basically in middle school I had a big ass crush on him but he told me I was too young so I got in my feelings cus-" Q: "Bitch you got rejected in middle school, what da fuck did you do that made dat man hate you from then to now?" Myra: "If yo ass ain't interrupt me, you'd find out. Anyways, I was basically stalking him then I told a few people that we was dating and eventually the whole fuckin school found out and Durk was mad." Maurice: "You a crazy hoe ain't you? You slash tires?" Kim: "You only posed to slash 3." Q: "Why?" Me: "Cus insurance only pay for all 4 tires." Maurice: "Mhm y'all crazy." Myra: "Can I finish like damn 🤣. Y'all ask me to tell a story den interrupt me" Kim: "Damn bitch my bad. Continue." Myra: "Durk confronted me in school dat day, mind you I was in 6th and he was in 8th so he was real popular and knew everybody so when he cussed me out I got bullied a lot." Maurice: "As you should cus you was stalking." I started laughing and she said "Shut up. He told me to stay tf away from him forever and he neva wanted to see me again. Now whenever he sees me he gets mad. The end" Q: "Bitch I'm finna call him up here to see what he gon do." Myra: "Don't... Ion think his gf like me either." Me: "Mani don't know you so she ain't got no problem witchu." Teresa came in and said "Why are y'all just sittin in here doing nothing?? There's people outside waiting!" She sighed and slammed the door then Kim said "Dis bitch extra." Maurice: "I stg." We walked out and it was only one person at the register. Q: "I know dis bitch lying." Me: "She makin it seem like issa line of folks outside 😭. I got em tho." I walked over and checked the man out then I went back and talked to Maurice and Q.

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