A Chicago Love Story (Part 11)

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The next day I took my homies Quan, DaeDae, and Marcus to the mall with me and Durk. Quan: "Bro where tf you gon put allis shit at?" Me: "Worry bout yo self I got it." Durk: "He right tho..." Me: "Mane yall niggas will see later on tomorrow damn." We put the stuff in the car and went to Laiya's house. I called her momma when I was otw over there so she knew I was coming. Mrs. A: "Okay go put the stuff in the closet in my room. Laiya and Mani went to the corner store so yall gon have to be quick." We put all the stuff in there and then we left. 


Mani took me to the store to get a few snacks cus she wanted to have a "Girl's Night" since my birthday was tomorrow. We got sum chips, juice, sodas, and HELLA candy. We came back and I seen a familiar looking dude was walking away from my house. He kept looking around and was puttin something in his pockets. I jumped out the car and walked over to him. Me: "Da fuck was you doing over there?" Dude: "Aye who is you? Yo lil ass betta get out my face." Me: "Stay da fuck away from my got dayum house boy. I ain worried bout you." Dude: "Look lil girl, ion know you nd youn know me so we shouldn't be talking to each other like that." Me: "Boy fuck you! What the fuck was you doin at my house?" I pushed him back and was about to hit him when somebody grabbed my arm. I turned around and it was Von. Me: "Von?" Von: "Chill out ma." Momma came running outside and said "Laiya what the hell you doing?" Me: "Who is this lil boy coming out our house Momma?" Momma: "Girl he was with Von and he forgot something. You can't jus walk up on folks talking like that!" Me: "Why was Von here? I thought you ain't wanna see me for a few days." 

Von let go of my arm and said "You know that's not what I said. I said I might not be able to see you for 2 days." Me: "Mhm whatever. Bye Von." Dude: "Ayo she crazy bro imma lil scared fo yo ass." Von: "DaeDae go get inna car wit Durk nem bruh you ain helpin shit rn." I stared at "DaeDae" and watched him get into the car. Von: "My mama told me to come bring yo moms a thank you letter for letting us stay with yo family in Atl." Me: "Den why tf was 'DaeDae' in my mfn house Von?" Von: "Cus he came in with me??? We was chillin at my momma's house. What's yo problem?" Me: "Nothing Von, bye." Von grabbed my arm again and tried to kiss me. I pushed him back and said "Stop wit that. Imma see you whenever." I walked in the house and slammed the door. Momma: "What the fuck is yo muthafuckin problem? Why tf you slamming doors?" Me: "Momma I'm just irritated." Momma: "You gon be baby. It's okay to be irritated but don't be taking that anger out on everybody else especially when they ain't do nothing to you." Me: "Momma I just seen an unfamiliar dude roll out the house looking around and on top of that, Von don't wanna be around me but he can be around his friends. I'm shitty." Daddy came into the kitchen and said "Aht! Don't. You leave that lil boy alone. Don't think that jus cus yo birthday tmr that you get to act up and treat us however." Me: "Why you and Von all buddy-buddy all of a sudden? Any other time you be talking about him so wassup?" Momma: "Laiya just go upstairs I'm not dealing with yo attitude." I stomped upstairs and closed my door. I put my face in my pillow and cried. Mani came in and said "Hey girl what- Laiya? What you doin- Uhnt uhn no get up! Yo birthday is tomorrow you is not finna be crying jus to wake up with a headache feeling shitty. I think tf not." Me: "What if Von don't want me no more?" Mani: "What? That boy is in love with you girl. Why would you even think something like that?" I wiped my face with my sleeves and said "Cus he said he wasn't gon be able to see me for a few days but he's out with Durk and his homeboys..." 

Mani looked down and started fiddling with her hands. Me: "What?" Mani sighed and scooted closer. Mani: "He still wants you I promise..." Me: "Then why is he being so distant?" Mani stayed silent then said "Girl don't let this ruin your day. He'll come around I promise you." Me: "How you so sure?" Mani: "Babygirl I just know."  Me: "You right. Anyways what's been going on witchu and Durk." Mani laughed and shook her head. Mani: "Girl we just friends... I thought he was cute back in ATL but when we got back here we basically friend-zoned each other." Me: "mhm but yall had sex tho..." Mani: "It was drunk sex. It wasn't meant to happen... We agreed to not talk about that." Me: "Awee yall woulda been so cute  together tho 🥺." Mani: "Girl hush. Come on and watch this movie wimme." She brought all the snacks and stuff in my room and then we stayed up late watching movies. I texted Von and said "goodnight🙄💜"  then went to sleep. 

October 26, 2020

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