A Chicago Love Story (Part 10)

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~There are a few things I want to say before I start writing this part; the first thing is I'm sorry for not keeping up with writing the chapters!! Online school been having me busy and unmotivated to do anything😓. 2: a lot of the pictures that I use from other chapters are going to be "recycled" because I write this all on my computer and it's hard to find and download more pictures of him🤣. 3: Thank you ppl SOOOO much for reading this story!! 💜💜There aren't many ppl who've read it but I didn't expect it to even get past 50 so I am really excited and proud of myself . Anywhooo! Enjoy part 10~

I woke up to 8 missed calls and 175 texts from Von. I was confused and worried because I didn't know what was going on. A majority of the texts just said "hey." Then I seen some that said "Let me in" I was confused so I walked downstairs and Von was sitting in the living room talking to Daddy. Me: "Um... Wassup? What yall doin?" Daddy: "We just talking privately Laiya. Lemme continue to do it privately." I looked at Von and he nodded his head and smiled. "I guess everything is okay between them..." Me: "Wait. Where's Momma and Mani?" Daddy: "They went to the grocery store. A lot of food we had expired while we was gone." I walked upstairs and got ready to get in the shower. I wonder why Momma didn't wake me up. I'm guessing because Mani's here so she has all the help she needs.


I was tryna come see Laiya to tell her that I wasn't gon be around her for maybe 2 days. When I got there I started knocking on the door but her daddy opened it and stared at me. Mr. Anderson: "What the hell do you want?" Me: "I gotta tell Laiya something." Mr. Anderson: "She's asleep. Tell me and I'll tell her whenever she wakes up." Me: "Ight. I need you to tell her that I'm not gon be able to see her for a couple days." He frowned and said "Why?" Me: "I'm planning something for her birthday and ion want her to see it until the day comes." Mr. Anderson: "Come in and tell me what you gon do for her. I might be able to help you and tell you some things she likes." He opened the door all the way and let me walk in. He walked over to a recliner and pointed to the couch next to it. Mr. A: "So what exactly are you trying to plan?" I explained everything I was gon do for her and laid out a plan. He told me to get her perfumes, stuffed animals and anything that was pink, purple or blue. Black hoodies and sweat pants and stuff like that. I was surprised he was telling me anything frfr. He usually rude asl to me but I jus took the advice.

Laiya walked downstairs and asked what happened. Her daddy told her we was having a "private chat" I just nodded at her then she went upstairs. Mr. A: "If you got anymore questions about stuff like that ask Roshonda. She goes to the mall more with Lai Lai than I do. Oh, and don't ask Mani. She might accidentally tell Laiya." Me: "Ight thank you. I appreciate it. Can I talk to Laiya when she comes out again?" Mr. A: "Yea but yall staying down here. I'm gon be in the basement for a minute. Jus make yourself at home." I turned around and sat on the stool near the counter. 10 minutes later Lai came downstairs with her robe on and her hair down. Me: "Well damn. Good morning." Laiya: "What happened? Where's Daddy?" Me: "He's in the basement. Everything's good. I needed to tell you something." Laiya: "What? What was you and Daddy talking bout?" Me: "Damn Lai you jus full of questions today huh?🤣" Laiya folded her arms and stared at me. Me: "I can't tell you what we was talking about. I came to tell you that I'm not gon be able to see you for 2 days." Laiya's eyes got big and she started pouting. Laiya: "Why..." Me: "Don't worry about it. You gon be okay." I kissed her on the forehead and gave her a hug. Laiya: "Well can you at least spend today with me?" Me: "You gon have to ask yo dad about allat cus he told me to stay down here and talk to you." Laiya went upstairs and put some slides on then walked in the basement.

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