A Chicago Love Story (Part 39)

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*2 weeks pass, and it's time for the ultrasound at the clinic*

I woke up the next morning at 8am to get ready to go to the doctor with Von. I let him sleep in a lil bit since he didn't take long to get ready. I was still layering clothes to cover my stomach but it was starting to get a lil hard since it was getting bigger. I zipped up my jacket then I woke Von up at 8:45. He got up and put his clothes on then we walked downstairs. Daddy stopped me on the way out and said "Where y'all goin?" Me: "Uh..." Von: "To my homeboy crib den we gon be at my house for a lil bit." Daddy: "Ight. Be back before ya momma lock da door." Me: "Okay bye." We got in his car and I said "Why you lie to him like dat? 😭" Von: "You da one dat said yeen want nobody to know. If you tell em you goin to da doctor they gon ask why." Me: "Hm... true."

We got to the doctor's office and had to wait in the lobby for about 15 minutes. A nurse came out and put us in a room with a computer and the ultrasound machine. Nurse: "We'll be back shortly." She walked out and closed the door then Von said "Aye I gotta go to the bathroom imma be right back." Me: "Okay..." He left and I was in the room by myself. The nurse and a doctor came back before Von did so I was a little nervous sitting in there with them. Nurse: "Okay honey I need you to sit on that lil seat right there then lift your shirt up so we can put the gel on there." I sat on the table and she adjusted it so I wouldn't be laying down flat then I lifted my shirt. She wiped my stomach down with some typa cloth then put some gloves on. The doctor scooted her chair over next to me and said "I'm gonna ask you a few questions you know just to see if there's anything going on, okay?" Me: "Okay." Doctor: "Have you had any cramping in your stomach at all?" Me: "Only when I'm bout to throw up." Doctor: "You've been vomiting?" Me: "Yes." Doctor: "Any headaches or migraines?" Me: "Yes." Doctor: "Breast pain?" Me: "Not a lot." Doctor: "Have you seen any spotting of blood in your underwear?" Me: "No." Doctor: "Okay so for the vomiting and breast soreness there isn't much to help with that. Your breasts may increase in size, if they haven't already and for headaches the only non harmful thing you can take is Tylenol. You might also get a lil bit of heartburn but you can take some Tums or something." Me: "Okay." The nurse squeezed out some gel on my stomach that was cold then she started rubbing it across my stomach. She cut the machine on and put the lil stick on my stomach. I heard the baby's heartbeat and the doctor said "Oh there it is!" Nurse: "So where's dad?" Me: "Um.. I don't know." Nurse: "You're a single parent?" Me: "No. I don't know where he went. He was supposed to go to the bathroom and come back." Von walked in and said "Mfs had me walkin everywhere. I ain't know where to go." Me: "Von." Nurse: "Hii. There's your lil bundle of joy right here." She pointed at the monitor and Von started smiling. Von: "Issa boy or a girl?" Doctor: "Well it's too early into the pregnacy to find out the gender. How many weeks are you?" Me: "14." Doctor: "Oh then you'll have to wait about 4 more weeks until the gender can be clear enough to see." Von: "Damn." They finished up the appointment 45 minutes later and the lady printed out the pictures of the baby. Doctor: "So any questions?" Von: "Why her stomach so lil if the baby dat big?" Doctor: "Well it's normal to be that small since she is at the beginning of the pregnancy but it should get a little larger in about a week or so. Anything else?" Me: "No." Von: "Uhnt uhn." Doctor: "Okay well that's all we have for today! Have a nice day." The nurse walked us out into the waiting room so we could check out, then we left. Von: "You ready to eat?" Me: "Yeah." He took me to a McDonald's and we ate in the parking lot. Von: "I found out bout dat place." Me: "Okay so wassup wit it?" Von: "My uncle been tryna rent it out to somebody but nobody was comin to see it. I told em we was lookin and he said he would let us stay there." Me: "Fr?" Von: "Yeah. I jus told em you wanted to move out of yo parents crib." Me: "When can we go look at it?" Von: "Right na if you want. Imma have to pick him up doe" Me: "Bet." We finished eating then went by his uncle's house to see if he was home. We got out and knocked then his lil cousin opened the door and said "Whatchu want?" Von: "Move nigga. Where yo dad at?" Boy: "Don't worry bout it." Von pushed him out the way and walked past him then I seen his aunt on the couch. Von: "Where unc at?" Aunt: "He out back." We walked in the back and his uncle said "Nephew!" Von: "Wassup?" Unc: "I ain't expect y'all to be over here." Von: "Yeah I told her bout da place you got and she wanted to see it." Unc: "Oh fr? Well ight lemme go find the keys then I can take y'all to see it." He walked in the house and disappeared in a room. Von's aunt seen him and said "Where you goin?" Unc: "I gotta go show dem dat house." Aunt: "Oh y'all plan on movin in there?" Von: "Yeah. Mama nem don't know yet cus I'm tryna wait til I'm 100% fasho." Aunt: "Issa nice house baby. It ain't the nicest thing you eva seen but it ain allat bad." His uncle came back out and said "Ight yall come on na." We got in the car and his uncle told us to follow his car to the house.

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