A Chicago Love Story (Part 42)

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I heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly downstairs at 2pm the next day so I got up and went downstairs. I looked thru the peephole and seen Nazir standing there. I opened the door and said "Uhnt uhn you gotta go. Like now" Nazir: "Laiya wait wait..." He held the door and I said "Nazir. You need to go. I'm not playing." Nazir: "Lemme talk to you." Me: "We don't need to talk. Please just go" He walked in and shut the door then he said "Can we please just sit and talk? It's something serious" Me: "Nazir I need you to leave" Nazir: "Please Lai? Just for 2 minutes" I looked upstairs and I said "Hurry tf up then go" Nazir: "Look.. I wanted to say sorry for last night" Me: "Every time you do something wrong, you come to me wit some bullshit ass apology expecting me to believe that it's sincere." Nazir: "You ain't let me finish. I'm sorry bout last night... I really am. I've been up all night thinkin bout it. You been on my mind a lot, ever since you moved fr. I realized that I had something good and I fucked it up. I been tryna getchu back forever" Me: "Nigga I would have NEVER EVERR gotten back with you anyways. You cheated, you lied, you lied about the cheating, and you put yo hands on me. Not once but twice" I smacked him in the face and said "And if you ever put yo mfn hands on me again I will chop dem mfs clean tf off" Nazir: "Lai I know you mad. But I still got a lot of love for you. I need you. You kept me out of a lot of trouble boo" Me: "I'm in a very very happy relationship with a nigga that knows what to do, unlike you, not only that, I'm pregnant with his son. Nothing you have to offer right now is gonna make me get rid of any of that" He handed me a bouquet of flowers that was behind his back and said "Lai I'm sorry" Me: "No." I threw it on the ground and said "Nope." Nazir: "Laiya I need you in my life. You made me so much happier then anybody else. I preciate Nique for gettin us together." Me: "Me and Nique both regret that mistake so much. He always tells me he's sorry for ever gettin us together. Oh if I was you, I'd stay away from him cus he's tryna whoop yo ass. He's prolly gon be hunting yo ass down" Nazir: "For what? Me and him cool." Me: "Not after you put yo hands on his pregnant cousin. He told you what was gon happen if you did it again" Nazir: "Lai I'm sorry for allat. Dat girl ain't mean nun to me. I shoulda neva fw her and I'm sorry that I put my hands on you. When I say you made me happy I mean it. We made each other happy" Me: "Why do you still continue to live in this fantasy that we had a good relationship? We were never good. You made me happy for a very short period then you started doing shit to make me hate you. There were so many times I'd sit at home and think about leaving you but I didn't wanna hurt yo feelings. If it was now, I woulda hurt you in the worst way possible." Nazir: "Lai I know you don't mean that" Me: "I mean everything I just said" I heard footsteps from upstairs and I said "Go. I'm serious you gotta leave" Nazir: "Wait I gotta-" Me: "No Nazir! Damn. Just leave" Nazir: "Why?" Me: "Oh my god, just fuckin go! Why are you being so complicated??" Von stood at the top of the steps and said "Da fuck" Me: "He's leaving..." Nazir: "Oh dis why you makin me leave?" Von came downstairs and pushed me behind him a lil bit then he got in Nazir's face. Me: "Von..." Nazir: "Look I came to apologize, dassit." Von: "Fuck you and dat sorry ass apology. Get da fuck out" Nazir: "Nigga youn own shit in here" Von: "Yea nigga you right. But I heard her tellin you to go, so you needa take yo punk ass on" He pulled his gun out and pointed it at him then he said "Get out" Me: "Von! No" He put up his arm and kept me behind him. Nazir tried pulling his gun out too but Von smacked it out his hands. Von: "Get tf out. Matter fact, gimme allat shit in yo pockets." Nazir started pulling his wallet out then Von said "Hurry up nigga." He handed him $350 and put his wallet back up. Von: "Don't you eva bring yo ass back up here. If I find out you in my city it's gon be a bag on yo head nigga." Nazir: "Ight..." Von: "I hope Nique whoop yo ass." There was a knock on the door and Von lowered the gun. Von: "Don't try nun nigga. Lai pick dat up. Who is it?" I heard keys jingling then Nique said "Dominique. Lemme in dawg" Me: "Shit.." Von: "Ight" He opened the door and Nique walked in. He seen Nazir and said "Man what da fuck" Nazir: "Dom, look man, I apologized. I really am sorry..." Nique: "Fuck dat. I told you what da fuck was gon happen." Me: "Nique please..." He turned around and looked at me then he said "Who tf gun you got?" I put it behind my back and Nazir said "Uh... mine" Nique: "Why?" Von: "Cus I took it from em. He a bitch" Nique threw his keys down then took his shirt off. Nazir: "Man come on we been friends since 10th grade." Nique: "You put yo mfn hands on my lil cousin twice. She pregnant too? Nah nigga fuck allat" He hit him in his jaw and Nazir went down. Nique was kicking him in his stomach and hitting him in the face. Me: "Nique!" Mani came downstairs and seen what was happening then she started pulling Nique off of Nazir. Nique stepped back and I seen his lip was bleeding a lil bit. He spit the blood on Nazir then he said "You bitch made nigga, real talk. Don't ever bring yo ass round da trap nigga" Nazir scooted up against the wall and wiped his mouth. Mani: "What da fuck happened!? Huh? Don't just fuckin stand there, da fuck is really wrong wit yall?" Nique: "Everybody is so tired of dis nigga Imani! He's like a fuckin fly thay won't go away" Mani sat down at the table and put her hand on her forehead. Mani: "What happened?" Me: "He came up here to apologize then he started saying a bunch of weird shit about how he needed me. I was telling him to leave but Von came down and started talking to him. Nique came in then they started fighting" Mani: "Nah dat was a beat down. Nazir why da fuck you always gotta bring yo ass round at the worst times? All of y'all are stressing Lai tf out and it ain't good for dat baby she got in there. Von you really gotta be thinkin smarter, yo gun? Really?" Von: "I wasn't gon shoot em." Mani shook her head and said "Nazir, imma getchu cleaned up then you gon take yo ass back to dat lil hotel and don't ever show yo face round here again. You prolly in a lot of danger rn. It was a LOT of niggas innat house last night that don't play bout Von or Lai." Nazir: "I said sorry" Nique: "Sorry ain't shit nigga!! Dat bruise is still on her fuckin face! Da black eye you gave her is still in her fuckin memories" Mani: "Nique sit down please" He plopped down and started bouncing his knee. Mani: "Lai is 5 months pregnant. She don't need none of the shit that ANY of you niggas is putting on her. Nazir, you know wtf you be doing. You're a manipulative person and you're trying to get her to show some typeof sympathy for you but she don't do that luv. Von, all imma say to you is play is safe. Lai can't raise a baby on her own. Nique, same with you. Be safe." Von: "I'm wonderin why tf dis nigga had flowers" He pointed in the floor and Nazir said "It was an apology gift" Me: "Don't lie 🤣" Nazir: "I'm not. I told I was sorry then I tried to hand you them and you ain't want em" Me: "You said you missed me and you was sorry for cheating. It's funny how you apologize a year later afrer denying it for so long" Mani: "Okay, you apologized. That shoulda been the end of it" Von: "Nigga you want her back so bad and I know it hurts yo fuckin feelings when you see her wit a nigga you hate. And she pregnant by him? Damn" He tapped my arm then pulled me closer to him and started kissing me. Nique: "Atp y'all bein petty 😂" Von kept kissin me then Mani started wiping the blood off Nazir's face. She gave him an ice pack and put a band-aid under his eye. Nazir: "Can I have my gun back?" Von stopped and said "Hell naw nigga. Get tf out" Nazir looked at me and said "Dat baby gon be ugly asf anyways" I picked up the gun and threw it at the back of his head. He dropped down and said "Aye!" I picked it back up and said "Get tf out rn. I will shoot you in yo face, ion give a fuck. Get out. Get out! Nigga are you dumb? GET OUT" I tried to hit him with it again but Mani pulled me back and he ran out the house. I slammed the door then I sat down and put my face in my hands and tried to hold all my tears back. Mani sat next to me and rubbed my back then she said "It's gon be ight pooh" I started crying then Von sat next to me and put his arm over me. Me: "I can't get rid of him.. I regret ever getting with him, I hate him" Mani: "I shoulda whooped his ass just for callin my cousin ugly." Nique: "He betta hope he don't get killed when he go back to Atlanta. They know he hit Lai and if they find out he hit her again while she pregnant, they gon have a bounty onnat nigga" Von: "They already got one up here. If he come back dats gon be his ass" I put my face in Von's chest and kept crying. He put his arms around me and rubbed my back. Von: "We gon be ight ma. Fuck dat nigga fr. Don't let him get in yo head" Mani: "Nique come on.." They walked upstairs and Von sat me on the couch. I laid on his chest and wiped my eyes. Me: "Thank you Von... You always been here and I preciate it." Von: "On good or bad terms imma be here witchu." He gave me a kiss then he said "Yo ass got aim 🤣. Hit dat nigga right inna back of his head" Me: "He had me fucked up talkin bout my kid. Issa unborn baby, why tf are you talkin shit bout it? Dat nigga is down bad if that's what he gotta do" Von: "Aye I got $350 off dat nigga doe. I could prolly sell dat gun for bout da same amount, if not more." Momma opened the front door and said "Laiya... why was Nazir here? And why do his face look like that?" Me: "Momma he been ugly" Mom: "Laiya he's beat up. What happened?" She sat in front of me and seen the bruise then she said "I know DAMN well he ain't put that there..." Me: "Momma it's over..." Mom: "Tell me what happened." Von: "He was drunk at our house and Lai was tryna get him to stop drinkin so she took his cup and he hit her. Me, Nique and my homeboys whooped his ass." Momma: "Some of dat blood look fresh" Me: "Nique beat him again a few minutes ago..." Mom: "For what?" Me: "What happened last night..." Mom: "He said you threw something at him" Me: "Uh... yeah I did. He was talking about my baby.. I was mad and-" Momma: "Hollup hollup. He was talking bout my grandbaby? Uhnt uhn see where tf he go." She took her shoes off and pulled her earrings out her ears the she tried to go outside. Von got up and stood in front of the door. Von: "Aye it's all good now." Mom: "Y'all shoulda lemme whoop his ass. Gon be talking shit bout my grandbaby and stressing my baby out. What he say?" Me: "Nothing Momma..." Mom: "It ain't nothing. Von what he say?" Von sat quiet then she said "Somebody betta tell me wtf was said" Me: "He said the baby was gon be ugly when it came out... I'm not worried bout it." Momma started hollering then she said "OH HELL NAW WHERE DF HE AT" Nique came downstairs and said "Who??" Momma: "Call up Nazir ass right now and tell him to come tf back!" Nique: "Auntie look we-" Mom: "Dominique!" Nique called him and said "Aye uh.. My aunt need to talk to you. Come back."

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