A Chicago Love Story (Part 2)

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After Momma told me I'd have to tell Daddy about me and Von, I got really nervous. I didn't know what to do. Daddy told me to stay away from Von because he thinks he's trouble but he don't understand how I feel. I don't even know what me and Von are... I want to see him again to talk about it but Momma told me I can't go nowhere for a few days and that he can't come over here. I had a plan. I texted Von and told him to come see me at 1:00am but to park his car a little bit down the street and sit on the porch. He was asking questions but I just told him we needed to talk.

I made sure Daddy had eaten and took his medicine for the night and waited on Momma to come home. I was lost in my thoughts thinking about Von. I couldn't stop thinking about him. That's why I told him to come see me tonight. I put on some music to try and forget about him but then I heard a car pull up. I seen Momma get out the car and open the trunk. She honked the horn a few times to let me know to come get groceries. I put on my slippers and walked out. Mom: "Girl go change yo clothes. I don't want you outside looking like that. You don't know who could be watching you." I ignored her and grabbed the bags.

Me: "Momma I'm taking a nap. Daddy ate and took some medicine for the night." Momma: "Uhnt uhn I gotta go somewhere tonight. I need you to stay up and listen for your Daddy." Me: "Why are you starting to go out more? You've never been out this much in years?" Momma turned around and gave me a look I've never gotten from her before. Momma: "Laiya I'm grown! If I wanna leave the house every night then that's what Imma do! What you need to do is finish putting these groceries up and get yo ass in yo room and don't come out unless yo daddy calls for you." Me: "Really Momma? I didn't even-" Momma: "LAIYA I'M NOT ARGUING WITH YOU TODAY! JUST DO WHAT I ASKED!" I ran upstairs and shut my door. Why was she so angry with me? I heard the front door slam and her car pulled off. A few seconds later Daddy walked in my room. I tried to hide my face but he already knew I was crying. Daddy: "It's okay pooh. Ya momma's just tired from work and needs a release." Me: "Daddy you're sick please get back in bed.." Daddy: "Laiya baby I'm fine. I took my temperature and it's normal again. Thank you for taking care of me. I have to go in to work late tonight because I missed a few days so I'll be gone for about 2 hours." Me: "What time are you leaving?" Daddy: "I'll be leaving in an hour. I have to take a shower and get ready. When I leave lock all the doors and windows, don't let nobody in. Your momma has a key so she'll be back whenever." Me: "Okay Daddy."

When Daddy left, it was about 10:30 so I told Von he could come early. He got there at about 11. He knocked on the front door and I came downstairs in a robe. Von: "Wassup? Youn look good. Did sum happen?" Me: "Me and my mom got into it, I'm good now. I wanna talk to you about something.." Von: "Ight." We went upstairs and he sat in a chair and I sat on the edge of my bed. Von: "So wassup? Whatchu needa talk about?" Me: "I wanna talk about us... like what are we if we are anything?" Von stared at me then licked his lips and smiled. Von: "Shorty that's up to you. If you think you ready for that Von treatment, all you gotta do is say that." I tried holding back a laugh and just said "I wanna take it slow.." Von: "Ight den. We in dat talking stage right na." I looked down at the floor and covered my face. Von got up and sat next to me. He picked up my chin and looked at me. Von: "It's gon be ok lil ma." He kissed my forehead and hugged me. Me: "Von, you know imma have to tell my daddy about us now right? Imma tell him we good friends now.." Von just started laughing at what I said. I got up and stared at him. Von: "Don't be mad ma. I'm coo wit it. I just hope he don't pull nothing." He laid back and put his hands behind his head. I sat in the chair and stared at him some more "He looks so good layin' there like that."

Von sat up and started laughing at me again. Me: "Yo what df is so funny? You always laughing at some shit when ain't nun funny." Von's smile faded away from his face. Von: "I told yo ass yesterday to quit talking to me like that. You seen wtf happened when you disrespected me😐" "Maybe I liked what happened yesterday tf. I'll do it again." Me: "I told you yesterday that I don't give a fuck." Von: "Don't test me Lai." Me: "Mane whatever Dayvon" Von jumped up and grabbed my arm. Von: "Don't fuckin call me that Laiya." Me: "It's your name. Imma call you by your name. Now move." He put his hand around my throat and licked his lips again. I was waiting to see what he was gonna do. Von: "Ion know why you being so disrespectful to me but I ain't the one. Keep on. Jus cus you mad at somebody else for pissin you off don't mean you gotta take it out on me." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but he kissed me and made me sit on the bed.

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