A Chicago Love Story (Part 20)

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I woke up the next day at 5pm. Von was still in my bed asleep so I got up and went downstairs. Niyah was sitting on the couch watching TV. Niyah: "Good morning!" Me: "Uh... good morning. Where's Nique?" Niyah: "He's in the bathroom. He'll be back down in a minute." I walked in the kitchen and Nique came around the corner. Me: "I thought you ain't like Niyah." Nique: "I don't. We just friends." Me: "Mhm." Nique: "Chill out wit dat. She jus a friend" I walked back into the living room and said "Sooo Niyah, did you know Dana was the one in my phone?" Niyah: "No... she never told me that. She just told me nd DaeDae that she wanted to talk to you and be friends." Me: "Oh." Somebody knocked on the door and Nique opened it. Nique: "Wassup dawg?" Me: "Who is it?" Quan: "Hey Tyson🤣" Nique: "Bro she got court tomorrow and everything 🤣🤣" Me: "Stop tellin my business Nique damn. You want me to go get Mani for you?"  Quan: "Uh yeah if she's up." Nique: "Yeah she's still asleep dawg." Quan: "Oh ight I'll see y'all later den." Me: "Youn gotta go, you can kick it wit Nique and Niyah down here. Mani should be up soon anyways. She don't sleep past 5:30pm." Quan: "You sure?" Nique: "Fashooo." Me: "Here come on." I walked upstairs and he came up behind me. We walked in Mani's room and it was dark and she had her fan on high so it was cold. Me: "Damn this girl be sleeping in antarctica." I turned the recliner in her room in front of the TV so he could watch it until Mani got up. Quan: "You sure she gon be ight wimme sitting up here?? Ion want her thinking I snuck in and watched her sleep or nun..." Me: "It's fine😭. Just tell her I let you in and she should be ight." Quan: "Okay..." I closed the door and walked into my room. Von was stretched out on my bed so I had to try and find a way to lay down. I pushed him over as gently as I could. Von rolled over and curled up on the other side. Me: "Finally." I cut my TV on and watched it for about an hour until I heard Mani start screaming. I got up and ran in her room. Quan was still sitting in the chair and Mani had her face in her pillow. Me: "What happened??" Mani: "Nothing... Quan scared me. Why'd you let him in here?" Me: "Cus Nique nd Niyah was downstairs nd I thought they'd want sum privacy... You and Quan is pretty close, him bein in the same room as you while you're asleep shouldn't be a problem." Mani: "And? You didn't go to sleep in the same room with Von when y'all was friends." Me: "Cus we didn't go to sleep til after-" Quan: "Yeah ion wanna hear that 🤣" Mani: "Anyways... Just lmk next time Lai." Me: "How imma let chu know if you sleep?" Mani: "Wake me up or sum." Me: "Girl whatever. He's here now so yall hang out or whatever. Imma go check on Nique and Niyah." I closed her door and stood at the top of the steps. I heard some noises that I knew a lil too well coming from downstairs so I didn't go down there 😭. After I went into my room I seen Von sitting on the side of the bed. I walked in front of him and said "What's wrong baby?" He looked up at me and his eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes. Von: "Nothing." Me: "You don't look good... Are you sure you feel okay?" Von: "Yes Lai." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. Me: "Go to sleep." Von: "I'm not tired shordy." Me: "Yes you is 😂" Von: "Man no tf I'm not." I pushed his forehead back then got in my bed. He turned back and tapped my face. Me: "Move bitch." Von: "Who you callin a bitch?" Me: "You nigga 🤣." He got up and picked me up, put me on his shoulder then said "Say you sorry" Me: "No 🤣" Von: "Imma drop yo ass." Me: "You won't." Von: "Word? Ight bet." He started acting like he was gonna drop me, so I was hitting him on his back then Nique walked in with Niyah behind him. Nique was zipping his pants and Niyah wiped her mouth off. Me: "What da hell yall been doing?" Nique: "Chillin. Da hell yall doin makin all dis noise?" Me: "Shut up hoe 😂" Von threw me on the bed and said "She think somebody supposed to be scared of her." I got up and hit him in his stomach as hard as I could but he didn't flinch. Von: "I told you that shit don't work on me ma 🤣" Nique: "Awe hell naw mane dem mfs be beating on each other." Niyah: "How did that not hurt? 😭" Von: "Me and my cousins used to hit each other worse than that all the time when we was kids." Me: "See naw, we ain't never had the chance to hit on each other." Nique: "Facts Gramma would be on our ass just for telling somebody to shut up." Mani's door opened across the hall and she walked out with Quan and in my room. Me: "Y'all leavin?" Mani: "No. Ion wanna go nowhere today." Me: "You feeling ight?" Mani: "Yes Lai Lai. You sound jus like Auntie Ro. I'm just tired." Quan: "Oh I can go then if you wanna go back to sleep." Mani: "No I wantchu here Quan." Me: "Just lay down wit her. Don't be doin nothin else tho." Mani: "Girl ion wanna hear nothing cus you be-" Me: "SHHH" Mani: "Anyways, Von you look sick or tired or something. You the one who needs to go to bed." Me: "Mhm see." Von: "I'm fine." Nique: "Ion kno bruh. Yo eyes look like you been smokin blunts wit satan." Me: "He ain't even smoked nothing today." Mani: "It's from him staying up all the time and not getting enough sleep." Von: "Cus ion need it like that 🤣. Yall too worried." Me: "Cus we care bout you. Get in the bed and go to sleep." Von: "Not right now. I'm not tired." Nique: "They sound like some kids my nigga 😂" Me: "Ight bet." Von: "Whateva you plotting, gon head and get the idea out yo head." Niyah's phone started ringing so everybody got quiet. Niyah: "Hello?.... Yes... Okay I'm omw home Mom... Yes ma'am... Love you too." Nique: "You gotta go home?" Niyah: "Yeah my momma need me to do a couple things." Nique: "Ight I'll walk you out to yo car." Niyah: "Bye yall." We waves at her as she left my room then I said "Von you seen what happened when they first walked in?" Von: "Yeah 🤣" Mani: "What happened?" Me: "Ask Nique 😭." Mani: "Girl just tell me🙄" Nique came back upstairs and said "A nigga got some neck dawg 😏" Mani: "Ew." Nique: "Mane stfu Imani cus I coulda swore you was just talking bout you getting-" Mani: "Nique." Me: "I already knew wtf yall was doin ole nasty asses. I heard it, then I seen you zippin ya pants and she was wipin her mouth." Nique: "She got sum good head tho." Quan: "Aye dawg watch out fa dat one 🤣. I heard she be all around the block." Von: "We told him that 😂" I went and sat on his lap while he was sitting in my chair and Nique said "Man fuck yall. Imma dub dat hoe now. I jus wanted some head." Me: "Dats fucked up." Nique: "Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game shordy. I told dat lil hoe I'm not the nigga to fall in love wit. Imma be back in Atlanta soon anyways." Mani: "So why keep hanging out with her and building a relationship?" Nique: "I just told you why. I wanted dem jaws, I got em, Im gone." Mani: "Ew you one of them niggas." Nique: "Yup and don't give no fuck bout it. It's levels to this shit tho." Me: "Yeah yall can dicuss em elsewhere." Mani: "I'm going back to sleep." Me: "Yea me too." Nique: "Man yall mfs lame asffff. All you kno how to do is sleep. Y'all always takin naps and shit." Mani: "And?" Nique: "Yall just lame." Me: "I'd rather be sleepin all the time than be out being a hoe 🤣" Nique: "Ian no hoe, I'm a playa. Issa difference boo." Me: "Man whatever. Go find somewhere to go." Nique: "Man Von come wit me to da store." Von: "Nah cuz. Imma stay back" Nique looked at Quan and he shook his head. Nique: "Fuck yall dawg. Imma call up DaeDae." Me: "Okay... bye? If you go out be safe." They all walked out my room and Von shut my door. Von: "He sum else dawg 😂" Me: "I know. He a lil whore." I plopped down on my bed and laid on my back. Von sat back down in the chair and stared at me. I looked up at him and started laughing. Von: "What?" Me: "I'm wondering the same thing." Von: "You tweakin." Me: "No I'm not. If anybody is it's you." Von: "Cap." I rolled my eyes and he got up and got on my chest. Me: "I know you tired." Von: "Maybe a lil bit." Me: "Mhm." Von: "Shut up 🤣." Me: "You shut up bitch." Von: "Chill out wit allat." Me: "No." He started pinching my arm so I smacked him in his face and he said "Oh fr?" Me: "My bad😭" Von: "Nahh it's coo. You love beatin on me." Me: "Stfu." I grabbed his chin and gave him 3 kisses. He put his head back down and I rubbed his head.

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