A Chicago Love Story (Part 48)

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I woke up the next day and I still didn't feel right about the whole situation with Von. I didn't wanna keep nun goin but I felt like we still needed time. I stayed in bed staring at the ceiling for an hour then Von put his arm over me and said "Good morning ma." Me: "Um... Can we talk?" He sat up and started rubbing his eyes then he said "Wassup?" Me: "I'm still not comfortable with what happened the other night." He sucked his teeth and said "You still onnat?" Me: "Yeah... Why is it a problem?" Von: "Cus you say dat you over it, den here you come bringing it right back up." Me: "Cus I feel like if I got a problem witchu I should talk it out wit you." Von: "You know we ain't do nun so why is it still a problem for you?" Me: "Cus I'm starting to question a lot of shit. I feel like you would've let her go dat far if I didn't walk in. It makes me wonder if you would have told me if you did fuck her." Von: "I wouldn't have fucked her." Me: "Okay but how do I know dat? You could just be sayin dat so ion get mad." Von: "I already told you last night dat I'm gon pick a girl like you over some hoe, ion give a fuck how bad she is." Me: "It's hard for me to believe it... something bout y'all's story don't add up to me." Von: "Lai, ion know whatchu want me to tell you. Dats what happened dat night and I ain't got no reason to lie to you bout it. I'm not gon do you dirty ma." Me: "Man ight.." Von: "You said you wasn't mad no mo either." Me: "I'm having mixed emotions. I'm angry, sad, my feelings is hurt and ion know what to do. I just keep comin back and it ain't good" Von: "Whats dat posed to mean?" Me: "Dat I shoulda just took the time I said I needed and came back when I felt like it was okay." Von: "You still gon have to talk to me. We got a kid" Me: "I know. If I were to talk to you, it'd be only about that and nothing else." He rolled his eyes and said "Whatchu bein so petty for?" Me: "Petty? So me telling you that I don't feel comfortable with something that you're doing is petty? Yeah no... Why are you so insensitive?" Von: "I ain't say dat was petty I'm sayin you bein petty by bringin some old shit up. I ain't being insensitive either I'm just wondering why tf you bringing shit from the past to the present." Me: "How tf is it old if it just happened a few days ago?" Von: "It's in da past. Just keep it there." Me: "So I'm not supposed to talk bout my feelings?" Von: "I ain't say dat." Me: "You know what? Nevermind. Just forget I said anything." Von: "Nah you done brought it up, you wanna talk about yo feelings and shit so come on." Me: "You a fuckin asshole." Von: "Mhm. What else?" Me: "There you go wit dat insensitivity. Why you always gotta act so nonchalant about everything?" Von: "I'm not. I'm tryna make sure you get to talk about yo feelings" Me: "But you doin it in the most sarcastic way and it makes me think youn care." Von: "Dats on you." I felt my eyes getting hot and tears were starting to roll down my face. Me: "Fine. Let's talk about how you feel onna situation." Von: "I think it should be kept inna past. Ion want it being brought up. I know you hurt and shit and we can talk thru dat but you makin dem lil petty ass remarks bout Rayna and shit, ain't gon fly. You knew you was gon be comin back to me anyways so why you even tryna do allis?" Me: "What? Ouu you make me sick. You know what... I'm gone. I can't do dis." Von: "Where you goin?" Me: "Away from you." Von: "For how long?" Me: "Don't worry bout it, I'm grown. Imma go pick up my son then imma be at my momma's house. If you wanna come pick him up, not see him, then you can let me know dat." Von: "Fuck you mean not see him?" Me: "You not finna stay in my momma house to see him. You need to take him." Von: "Ight whateva. Y'all gon be back soon." Me: "Stfu wit dat shit man. You just a nonchalant, insensitive ass nigga." Von: "No tf I'm not." Me: "You are." Von: "How?" Me: "Yo whole attitude towards the situation. You just addressing it like youn care bout it. Right now, I feel like youn care bout me" Von: "You know I do." Me: "Just cus you say it don't mean you do." Von: "Den how else imma do it? If you don't believe it, ion know whatchu want me to do." Me: "Show it! You just- Ugh nvm. It's in one ear and out da other wit you." I got up and picked up the bags of stuff I packed last night then I went in Dayvon's room and started grabbing stuff for him. I called Q and he picked up instantly and said "Sooo? What happened?" Me: "I'm takin the time I said I needed. Ion care how nobody feel bout it cus I'm tired of lookin out for other people dat don't give a fuck bout me." Von came in behind me and said "Don't be in here lying to yo lil friends. You know damn well I care bout chu." Me: "Can you get out? You ain't even know if I was talkin bout you. Just makin assumptions." Von: "Like you did bout how Rayna was tryna fuck?" Me: "I'm not finna fuckin argue witchu! Just get out damn." Von: "Nah fuck dat. You tryna make it seem like ion care bout you and allat shit when I do. Everybody know dat." Me: "Cus you act like you don't!" Von: "That's just how I am! Get tf over it!" Me: "Get tf out cus I'm bout to hit you." Von: "Gon head den." I pushed him out and slammed the door then Q said "Uh..." Me: "Anyways, imma be comin to pick my son up inna lil bit so can you just get all his stuff together for me?" Q: "Um... Yeah. You good?" I wiped my eyes and said "Yeah.. I just... need some time I guess. Imma be there in about an hour" Q: "Okay. Be safe, bye" I opened the door and Von was still standing there. Me: "Still an ear hustla I see." Von: "You be sayin "my son" like he ain't mine or sum." Me: "Nigga don't pull dis fuckin card wit me." Von: "It's just always my son, my son, like he ain't mine too. Both of us put in work fa dat." Me: "Yeen deal wit nunna da shit I did. Stop bringin him into dis! He ain't got shit to do wit it. Dis is between me and you." Von: "Den stop bringing Rayna into it." Me: "Why you always takin up for her?" Von: "What?" Me: "Everytime I say something bad bout dat bitch you always defend her. See I know some shit goin on" Von: "I ain't defending her. I'm sayin if it's between Laiya and Von, why are we bringing Rayna into da mix?" Me: "Ion care. I'm just gon start havin da same attitude you got. I'm gon stop caring." Von: "Dis is da petty bs I'm talking bout Lai." Me: "All I'm doin is acting exactly like you. So if what I'm doin is petty, den it's all you boo. Move I gotta go." I stuffed Dayvon's stuff in one of the bags then I walked downstairs and Von came down with me. He started pulling his keys out his pocket and I said "Uhnt uhn. Ion need no ride from you." Von: "What?" Me: "You can come get yo son at my momma's house." Von: "Who finna take you?" Me: "Not you." Von: "You doin the most." I ignored him then I called Mani and she picked up after a few rings. Mani: "Hello?" Me: "Hey can you take me to Q's house? I gotta pick Dayvon up." Mani: "Why can't Von take you?" Me: "Cus he bein a lil asshole." Von: "I know you talkin shit bout me." Me: "And is love, what about it?" Von: "Quit wit dat shit. I ain't do shit to you." Me: "You think you ain't do shit but you not innocent sweetheart." Von: "Tell me what I did den." Me: "Anyways Mani I'm at the house, just text me whenever you get here." Mani: "Okay... You good?" Me: "Yup." Mani: "You sure?" Me: "Yes Mani. Just hurry up" I hung up and Von said "Tell me what I did." Me: "You don't care so there's no point in me wasting my breath to tell you." Von: "I neva said I ain't care." Me: "You're showing it" He sat on the couch and shook his head. Von: "Whateva. Do you. You wanna be grown? Ight gon head and do dat." Me: "Whatchu mean by bein grown?" Von: "If you wanna be like da rest of dese hoes out here, ran thru, burnin, slutted out, den gon head." Me: "You think I'm finna do some grimy shit back?" Von: "Shit ion know. You grown" Me: "You really pissin me off cus you tryna play da victim in all dis and you not." Von: "I ain't tryna do nun. I'm chilling." Me: "Ight Von whatever. I'm done talking to you." Von: "Den get tf out." Me: "I will whenever my cousin get here." Von: "Nah you finna get out right na. Go" Me: "What?" He got up and opened the front door then he said "Bye." Me: "Really?" Von: "Mhm." Me: "Ight." I picked up everything and walked out on the porch. He started cussing under his breath then he slammed the door. I sat down and started crying cus I didn't know what to do about us anymore. I thought we woulda been good but I guess not. Mani pulled up then she rolled the window down and said "Aye!" I looked up then I wiped my face and got in the car. Mani: "Fuck happened to you?" Me: "Nothing... We just got into it." Mani: "You wanna talk about it?" Me: "No." Mani: "You sure?" I sat quiet then I said "Mani ion know what to do... I can't lose him. I'm attached to him and I can't just drop him after everything we been thru." Mani: "Lai dis is most likely just another rough patch." Me: "He's being distant tho... I'm worried. I don't wanna lose him, I can't deal wit dat typa pain." Mani: "You not gon lose him. Look, imma get Durk to try and talk to him." Me: "I doubt it's gon work. Von just don't care." I wiped my face then she said "He do care he might not know how to show it." Me: "I just feel like him and dat girl is lying.. It don't make sense to me" Mani: "Well we gon try and work thru it and see if he is lyin." Me: "I hope not..."

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