A Chicago Love Story (Part 38)

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I woke up with my alarm going off and Von standing in front of me. I reached over on my table and cut the alarm off then I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. Von: "Imma go home here inna lil bit." Me: "Okay.." Von: "You betta get up and get ready." I sat up and felt my head pounding. I stood up and picked out an outfit then put my name tag on. Von: "You sure you feelin ight?" Me: "I'm tired... I was up all night." Von: "Why?" Me: "I just couldn't sleep... Mani took me to the store so she prolly still sleep." Von: "Well imma take you to work den." Me: "Ight ." I finished getting ready then I went downstairs and seen Momma standing in the kitchen handing a plate of food to Daddy. Mom: "Hey sweetheart, you want something to eat?" The smell of eggs was making me sick to my stomach so I said "No.. I'm not hungry rn." Daddy: "You sure?" Me: "Yeah. Thank you tho." Mom: "Von?" He shook his head and said "Yeah no thank you." Me: "Can one of y'all pick me up today?" Mom: "Dennis can do it." Daddy looked up and said "Why I gotta do it?" Mom: "Cus I always do it." Daddy: "And? One mo time won't hurt." Mom: "Nigga you gon do it." Daddy: "No I'm not." Mom: "Imma flip a coin." Daddy: "Ion give a damn whatchu do, I ain't goin all da way out there." Me: "Ion care who pick me up, I just don't wanna be left at dat mall all day 😂" Mom: "Expect yo daddy to be pickin you up." Daddy: "You gon see Ro." Me: "Bye y'all." They waved and I walked out and got in Von's car. Von: "They always argue like dat? 🤣" Me: "Mhm. It's been worse 😭"

We got to the mall and I got out and walked to the driver's side to tell Von bye. He rolled the window down and said "Call me if you needa go home or whatever" Me: "Okay. I'll see you at 4." I gave him a kiss then I went in the mall. When I walked in the store, I didn't see Q there like I usually do when I walk in. I seen Kim so I walked over to her and said "You here early today 😂" Kim: "I ain't got shit else to do. Teresa keep buggin me bout it anyways." Me: "You seen Q?" Kim: "Yeah he inna back wit Maurice." I went back in the break room and seen Q and Maurice sitting across from each other at the table. They seen me and said "Heyyy." Me: "Hey." Q: "You good?" Me: "Yeah just a lil tired." Maurice: "Girl me too." I put my stuff in the locker then sat down with them. Lena came in a few minutes later and said "Reesie, Teresa wanna see you." Maurice got up and said "Imma be back." He walked out and I said "Sooo. What's been goin on wit y'all?" Q: "We wanted to go slow wit stuff and see if we was comfortable being with each other like dat. If we don't like it, we jus gon continue on as best friends" Me: "Aww" Q: "Now you tell me bout yo situation." Me: "Whatchu mean 😭" Q: "Bitch you know what I'm tammat!!" Me: "Yeah... The doctor called me back anddd..." Q: "Ouuu tell me!!" I started laughing and said "I'm pregnant." He started screaming and laughing then he got up and gave me a hug. Q: "Oh my gawddd congratulationsss!! Ouuu imma be an uncle" Me: "I haven't told Von yet..." He stopped and said "Bitch what?" Me: "I'm too scared." Q: "Of what? He gon be a good daddy." Me: "I'm just really scared.." Q: "Who all knows?" Me: "You and my cousin." Q: "Okay bitch first of all lemme jus say I'm honored asf." I started laughing again then he said "How far along are you?" Me: "About 3 to 4 months..." Q: "GIRL. You need to tell dat boy." Me: "I didn't know I was that far into it.." Q: "Aww Laiyaaa" He started shaking my shoulder then he said "It betta be a girl cus imma make dat hoe boujee." Me: "Don't call it a hoe 🤣" Q: "Oh shit bitch my bad. I just be cussin" Teresa walked in and said "Y'all need to come out of here. Quincy you been in here for 20 minutes." Q: "Gurl not da government name... Just say Q like damn." Teresa: "Just come out." We walked back out and went to our registers.

It was 12:45pm and time for my lunch break. Q was waiting on me outside of the store cus his break always started 5 minutes before mine. I cut my register light off then walked out with him. Q: "Where we finna eat as miss mama?" Me: "Ion know.. I want some chicken." Q: "Like Chick-fil-A?" Me: "No like fried chicken. They ain't got nun of dat in here doe." Q: "How about we go to da lil Chinese food place?" Me: "Ight bet." We walked down to the restaurant and it was busy. We eventually got our food and went back up to the store since it was crowded in the restaurant. We ate in the break room and talked a lil bit then about 20 minutes after I ate, I was in the bathroom throwing up. Teresa was in there when I was throwing up so she stopped me on my way out. Teresa: "Laiya are you sure you should be at work today if you're sick?" Me: "I'm fine... I think it was what I ate.." Teresa: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yeah." I smiled then she dried her hands and walked out. I went out a little after her and went back to the register. Maurice came behind me and said "Come inna back when you get a chance please." Me: "Okay.." I finished up with the last customer then I went in the backroom to look for Maurice. Kim was in there on break so I asked her if she knew where Maurice went. Kim: "He's in da shoe room." I walked out and went in the other back room. Maurice was standing in there cutting open some boxes then he said "Hey girl." Me: "Hey wassup?" Maurice: "So Q told me about y'all's lil talk." I started getting nervous then I said "Um... Okay.." Maurice: "Do you think I should do it?" I realized that he was talking about the relationship thing between them then I said "Oh! Well that's up to you boo. I can't tell y'all to be together just cus I want to." Maurice: "I know but I'm just stuck in a rock and a hard place cus... dis been my best friend for like 2 years and ion wanna mess up what we got.." Me: "Y'all got a good bounce back typa friendship. Y'all can't be focused on the bad frenn! I'm not tryna tell you to go all in wit da lovey shit but you know don't be afraid to hold back. Don't let it get awkward either" Maurice: "Bitch you need to quit dis job and get a therapist license cus girl." I started laughing and said "I'm just tryna be here for y'all 😭. Y'all like family to me." Maurice: "Period. You my lil sister now. If anybody fuckin witchu, best believe Reecie finna come whoop some ass, male and female." I pushed his shoulder and we kept cutting open the boxes.

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