A Chicago Love Story (Part 4)

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Momma and Daddy was calling me all night and all day. I went to stay with Myra because I was too scared to stay at Von's. I told her everything that happened and she said that if I needed somewhere to stay I was always welcome at her house.

*2 Days Later the pregnancy tests at the clinic were ready.*

Von came to pick me up and took me to the clinic. We sat in the car and hugged for a while until I was ready to go in. It felt like forever waiting to be called back to the doctor. I finally heard "Anderson-Bennett" Me and Von jumped up and followed the nurse. We had to sit in one of the rooms and wait for the doctor. At this point I was shaking. Von: "Calm down ma. You gon be ok whether we having a kid or not." He kissed me on my forehead and that made me feel better.

15 minutes later the doctor finally came in. Doctor: "The pregnancy tests came back negative!" I couldn't believe what I just heard. I looked at Von and we hugged and started laughing. Me: "Wait... I took 2 'At home' pregnancy tests and they both came out positive..." Doctor: "What brand were they?" Me: "Um idk... My parents brought them home and I didn't look at the box. Wait. I put one of them in my purse because I was in a rush." I showed the doctor and she said that those brands were known for having errors. Doctor: "Thank you for coming in to the clinic. We wouldn't want you to plan out a bunch of stuff for a child and then find out that you're not pregnant. From now on, avoid buying this brand of tests." The doctor walked out and I gave Von the biggest kiss I could. Von: "See lil mama I told you we was gon be straight." Me: "Thank you Von.."

He drove me home and we stood on the porch. Me: "Von, my daddy is probably gon try coming at you.. please please please don't pull out your gun or nothing. Please..." Von: "I can't promise you that but I'll try shawty." I walked in and Momma and Daddy was at the table praying. Momma ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug. Momma: "Laiya!! Don't you EVER run off like that again!" Daddy: "I bet you it was Dayvon's idea!" Von put his arm around me and stared at my daddy. Me: "DADDY STOP! I'm tired of you accusing Von for everything! We might be together but he doesn't own me nor does he act like it! If anybody does that it's you! He don't tell or make me do anything ion want to and even if he tried, you kno for a fact I'd shut it down!" Daddy: "He's the one that got you pregnant!!" Von: "She ain't pregnant." Everybody got silent. Momma: "What?" Von: "She ain't pregnant. I took her to the clinic. The doctor said the brand of tests you got her aren't a good brand and give women false results." Momma and Daddy looked at us. Von: "Imma see you later Lai." He hugged me then put his hand around my throat and kissed me for a good 30 seconds. I backed away and he kissed me softly then said "Bye yall." I know he was just trying to make Daddy mad but he just made me want more.

After Von left, Momma said "Ion like the way yall be kissing. It's jus nasty." Daddy said "Yea. Tell him to stop putting his hands around yo throat like that too." Me: "Don't worry about what we do. You still ain't apologize to me or him for allat you was saying Daddy." Daddy: "Ain't nothing to apologize for. If he had gotten you pregnant, that would've been the end of your life." Momma: "DENNIS! Don't say that." Me: "I'm going upstairs. Don't come in my room please." I threw the pregnancy papers on the table and slammed my door when I got upstairs. I got ready for bed and laid down and cried into my pillow. "Why tf would Daddy say that insensitive ass shit? Just because I might've been having a baby by a boy he doesn't like?" I actually wanted the test to be positive after what Daddy said to me. "What would he have done?" I went in my closet and grabbed the hoodie Von told me to keep. I hugged it and cried some more.

I heard a knock on my door an hour later. Me: "Go away please." Momma: "Laiya please.." She walked in anyways. Me: "I just want to be by myself! " Daddy walked in behind her and said "Don't be yelling at ya momma." Me: "I don't want to see you nor do I want to talk to you right now Mr. Anderson." Momma reached across and popped me in my mouth. Momma: "I'm tired of you being disrespectful to us! Ever since you found out we was moving you been saying slick shit and we been letting it slide! It only got worse once you started hanging out with that boy!" Me: "Well maybe I didn't want to move! Maybe I was happy where I was at! I'm tired of Daddy saying all these bad things about Von when he didn't do ANYTHING! If anything, Von been looking out for me telling me to stop doing certain things that may be disrespectful to yall! But yall jus wanna go by looks. You don't see how good of a person he is!" Daddy: "So you gon pick some lil thug off the streets of Chicago over me?? Your own father?" Me: "No. See Momma's right. You always make some crazy assumption and end up being wrong. I'm not picking anybody over anybody. I'm defending Von because yall talking about him when he ain't here to defend himself. Yall always saying not to talk about somebody unless they here to defend themselves but yet here we are. He ain't did nothing that's been disrespectful to either one of yall or me since we met."

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