A Chicago Love Story (Part 44)

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*Lai's POV*

The doctors kept me in the hospital for another week and a half then they released me. I had a bag of clothes that Momma had brought me to change into whenever I left so I went in the bathroom and changed into them. Dayvon's eyes was starting to open up more and he was moving a lot more. I came back out and seen him chewing on his finger in his crib. I took his hands out his mouth and gave him his pacifier. I picked him up and laid him on the changing table then I put him in a onsie and a jacket that Yvette and Silk bought him. I put him back in the crib then I grabbed his diaper bag and stuffed everything in there. Mani called me and told me she was on the way to pick me up. Me: "Do you got the car seat?" Mani: "Yes. I'm pulling in the parking lot now so imma see you inna minute" Me: "Ight." I hung up and picked him up. Amy came in with a folder full of all his information and said "This has everything about when he needs shots, allergies, and his birth certificate." Me: "Allergies?" Amy: "Yes, sometimes newborns can develop a few allergies but they should go away after a few months or about a year." She walked out and I picked the diaper bag up then I sat on the bed. Mani came in about 10 minutes later and said "Heyyy" Me: "Hii." She bent down and smooched Dayvon's face then she said "Hi lil man. Whatchu doinn? Look at youuuu" I picked him up and put him in the car seat then I buckled him up. Mani: "Are we goin to yo house or your parents?" Me: "Imma stop by Momma's house then imma take him home." I covered him up in a blanket then I pulled his hood up over his head and walked out.

We walked out to the car and I put him in the backseat. I kissed his nose then I got in the front seat. Mani took me back to my parents house then I got out and pulled Dayvon out the backseat. I knocked on the door and Daddy opened it then he said "Hey baby girl!" He gave me a hug then took the car seat out my hands and sat it in the floor. Momma came downstairs and said "They released you?" Me: "Yeah. I'm not gon stay long cus I need to take him home and give him a bath. I just wanted to bring him by so y'all could see him" Mom: "Lemme see him." She unbuckled him and took him out his seat then she said "Look at dat precious boy. You just so cute baby." Mani: "Ain't Gramma and allem comin up here?" Me: "When?" Daddy: "Tomorrow. Gramma said she wanna see Dayvon so you gon have to bring him back." Me: "I will 😭. I can't wait to see her reaction" Momma handed him to Mani and she said "Yayy. Yo cousin gotchu now stink. His hair is so pretty" Me: "I know it's so curly and soft" Mani started baby talkin him then he started crying. Mani: "He don't like me." Me: "Just give em some time 🤣. He's just a lil tiddy like his daddy." She handed him to me then I felt his diaper and said "Damn... Mani can you go get me a diaper and some wipes out the car?" She walked out and I said "Mama gon getchu cleaned up baby. You a lil stinky right now" I kissed his forehead and he started screaming louder. His face was turning red and Momma said "Oh my goodness... I can't stand to see babies like that. Aww baby you gon be okay." She picked him up and started shushing him then Mani came back with the stuff. Mani: "When you go back to work?" Me: "In 2 days. Imma prolly bring him here since Gramma ain't seen him yet then imma just pick em up." Daddy: "Where Von at?" Me: "Prolly his parents house, I ain't called yet." I changed Dayvon and tried getting him to calm down. I gave him his pacifier then he got a lil quieter. Me: "I ain't gon be able to give him a bath. He's tired" Mani: "Stinky man. Mwah" She kissed his cheek and I said "Well lemme get home and get him to bed. I'll see y'all tomorrow" I gave them a hug and Daddy said "Imma call you tomorrow when they get here." Me: "Okay." I put Dayvon back in his seat then I left and got back in the car. Mani took me back to my house and said "Bye I'll see you tomorrow morning." Me: "Okay byee" I waved at her and she pulled off the I went on the porch and unlocked the door. There were boxes in the living room from where we was moving stuff in but then I seen something new. I read the sticker on it and it said "FRAGILE" Me: "Oh dis prolly the dishes." I took the baby upstairs and seen he was asleep. I put him in his crib as gentle as I could then I shut the door. I went in the bedroom and seen Von laying on his stomach asleep then I laid next to him. He opened one of his eyes then he closed it again and then he opened both of em and said "When tf did you get here? Who brought you home?" Me: "Okay well, hi baby I'm doing fine thanks for asking. Mani took me home." Von: "Come here." I scooted closer and he gave me a kiss. Von: "I missed you ma. Where my twin at?" Me: "Sleep." Von: "Damn I wanted to see him." I gave him another kiss and he said "Keep on and we gon be havin a girl this time" I pushed his forehead back and he started smiling at me. He stretched then I sat up and went downstairs. I opened the package and seen a bunch of plates and bowls. I dragged the box to the kitchen and Von came downstairs and said "Aye stop" Me: "Huh?" Von: "Yeen posed to be movin nun heavy." Me: "Imma be ight." He picked it up and sat it on the counter. Me: "I preciate it." He helped me put all the dishes up then we heard Dayvon start screaming. Von: "I got em." He ran upstairs and I finished putting the last of the dishes up. I heard a thump on the floor and the baby was still screaming. I ran upstairs and Von was bent over pickin up his phone. Me: "What was that??" Von: "My phone? You thought I dropped him huh? 😂" Me: "Stop playin" The baby stopped crying and stared at us then I said "He needs a bath." Von: "Ion know how to do dat." Me: "Get him his lil towel and take his jacket off." Von started to unzip his jacket and unbutton his onesie then I walked in the bathroom and filled the tub up with warm water. I went in the diaper bag and got his soap out then I put some in the tub and grabbed a rag. Von brought the baby in and he was sitting in his arms in his diaper. Me: "You gotta take bis diaper off 😭" Von: "He can't take a bath wit it on?" Me: "Do you take yo showers wit yo underwear on?" I took his diaper off and put him in the baby tub. Me: "Can you get his shampoo?" Von: "Where is it?" Me: "Look inna diaper bag." He left and I wiped Dayvon's face with the rag. Von came back and handed me the bottle then I said "Don't use a lot of this." I squeezed out a little bit and started massaging it into his scalp. He was just sitting there chewing his fingers and staring at Von. I cut on the shower head on then I rinsed his hair out and covered his eyes. I finished wiping him off then I picked him up out the tub and wrapped him in the towel. I handed him to Von and said "Hold him for a minute." I dumped the baby tub out then I said "You needa put his diaper on him." Von: "Ight." He walked out and took him in our bedroom then laid him on the bed. I handed him a diaper and he put it on and said "I gotchu lil folks. Boom" Me: "It's on backwards 😂" Von: "Man what?" I took it off and fixed it then Von said "What da fuck" He picked him up and laid on the bed. He sat Dayvon on his chest and said "Damn lil boy. You gettin heavy" He started messing with his arms and sayin "Boom, boom, boom. Say I'll whoop yo ass" Me: "If his first word is a cuss word imma smack the shit outta you 😭" Von: "It's gon be dada, I keep tellin you dis." I laid next to him and Von sat him in between us. I pulled Dayvon's fingers out his mouth and said "Nope." His lip started quivering then I seen a tear come out his eye. Me: "Aww I'm sorry" I picked him up and started kissing his face. Von: "Man you gon make him spoiled. He finna be a big ole baby jus like you." Me: "Shut up." Von: "Did he eat?" Me: "He ate a few hours ago. He ain't been whining so ion think he hungry." Von: "He got a lot of hair." He started rubbing his head and I said "Fr." His phone started ringing and he said "What dis nigga want... Hello?... Nah I'm at home wit Lai and da baby... Ion know... You gotta ask her..." He handed me the phone and I said "Uh... hello?" Doodie: "Hey shawty. Is it ight if y'all bring Jr. over here?" Me: "Where?" Doodie: "Loc's crib." Me: "I guess so, ion think y'all seen him yet." Doodie: "Nah only in a picture." Me: "Ight well just gimme a lil bit of time to get him dressed." Doodie: "Ight y'all be careful." I hung up and Von said "We ain't gotta go if youn wanna." Me: "Ion wanna be inna house all the time.. Imma try and take him out as much as I can." Von got up and we went in the baby's room. I grabbed a pair of pajama pants for him and a long sleeve shirt then I handed him to Von. Me: "Can you dress him for me? I gotta get his bottle and stuff." Von grabbed a blanket and sat it on the floor then he started putting his clothes on. I went downstairs and grabbed his bottle and put some formula in it. I made him a bottle then stuffed a few diapers in the bag. Von came downstairs and said "He's ready." I grabbed the seat and took him out his hands. Me: "Look at Mama's chunky monkey. Him so handsome" I put him in the car seat and buckled him up then Von picked it up and grabbed the bag. Me: "I can carry something." Von: "I got it." I opened the door for him then he walked out and unlocked the car. I put Dayvon in the backseat and got in the front. We got to Loc's house about 20 minutes later and got all the baby stuff out. We knocked on the door and Loc opened it and said "Heyy." Von: "Wassup." He let us in and I sat down on the couch. Doodie: "Damn. Look at em." DaeDae got up and looked in the car seat and said "Well sheit." I took him out his seat and sat him in my lap. He was looking at everybody with a straight face and Loc said "What y'all do to dat lil boy? He look pissed off 😂" DaeDae: "Bro he makin da face dat Von ole ugglass be makin" Von: "Cus nigga dats my twin on foenem grave." Me: "I went thru allat hell jus for him to plop out lookin like dat." Von: "You was all over dis while you was pregnant" Me: "Shh." Dayvon was looking around at everybody then he stared at Doodie for a good 10 minutes. Doodie: "Ight somebody get him... ion like da way he lookin." Me: "How we posed to make him stop staring? 😭" Doodie: "Turn his lil ass around or sum." Von: "Nigga he only like 2 weeks old." Loc: "Doodie jus a bitch 🤣" Doodie: "Hoe fuck you." DaeDae: "Aye nigga issa kid in here watch yo fuckin mouth." Loc: "Nigga you just cussed." They started arguing and cussing at each other then Dayvon started getting fussy. Loc: "Look at what y'all bitch niggas did." Me: "Nah he prolly jus hungry 😂. Can I use yo microwave?" He nodded and I handed the baby to Von then grabbed his bottle. I put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds then I let Von feed him. Doodie: "Y'all gon be some tired mfs." Me: "I think my momma gon take him dis weekend." Von: "Fr?" Me: "I think. My granny and nem posed to be comin tomorrow and they wanna see him" Von: "Damn it's gon be his first Christmas already?" Me: "Yeah.." DaeDae: "Mane he gettin bigger." Doodie: "Dawg he still staring at me." Loc: "Nigga issa baby. He don't know wdf goin on rn." Von got done feeding him and handed him back to me. I put his blanket over my shoulder and started patting his back. DaeDae: "He gon throw up?" Me: "Maybe, ion know."  Loc: "Lemme hold em." Me: "You sure?" Loc: "Yea. I'm good wit babies." I handed him the blanket and the baby then he sat Dayvon over his shoulder and started rubbing his back. DaeDae: "Bruh are you sure yeen got no kids?" Loc: "Shiiidd not nun dat I know of" Doodie: "Dawg what 🤣" Loc: "Sheit I was on sum shit back inna day. If a hoe try sayin dat it's my baby imma get dat DNA test fasho." Von: "I used to say da same shit." DaeDae: "Ain't no denying dat lil boy." Von: "I know dis mine. Plus Lai wouldn't leave me alone the whole time" Me: "Shut up.." Dayvon spit up on the part of Loc's shirt where he didn't have the blanket and he said "Aw shit lil man. I thought we was coo. Missed da whole damn blanket." I took him back and started rocking him so he would go to sleep. Von: "He like spittin up on folks 😂" Loc: "Imma be right back" Dayvon went to sleep about an hour later and I laid back and let him sleep on my chest. I kept kissing his head and Von said "Bruh jus put him back in his seat" Me: "No. Dis my lil bookie boo." Von started laughing and shook his head. DaeDae: "Mane it's surprising asf to see Von wit a kid." Von: "I wasn't expecting one dis early but I'm happy he here. I was waiting on his lil ass." Loc came back down and seen Dayvon asleep on me then he said "Damn he went to sleep quick"

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