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Sunlight was shining through the glass window, birds were chirping. People were enjoying the summer season, the couples were spending their time with each other, families were enjoying with themselves.

There was a big commotion in Fornax Corp's CEO's office. "Is this the way to do your work" she yelled at her employees. They were standing in fear & shivering, "How many time should I tell you that I want the best. Now get lost before I do something outrageous" she ordered & sat on her chair. They immediately left the office not wanting to face her wrath again. She was angry, very angry suddenly her phone ranged. She was frustrated & picked the phone but noticing the caller name she smiled & her anger vanished in no time. "Hello...yes....okay you can go but be careful" she disconnected the call. Again her phone ranged but this time it was a video call, she composed herself & picked up the call. In no time she was greeted with lots of curse words "ADHIRA LUTHRA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU HUH AND WHERE ARE YOUR DEVILS" the person in the call shouted " Atharva  calm down" she tried to control but all in vain "To hell with your calmness. Take your stuff & leave to your house with your two devils .I want everyone ... I mean everyone, your two sisters with their devils. I want to discuss something serious. And if you dont call me in an hour I swear Adhira Luthra you will see the monster Atharva Luthra after that" Atharva yells at her. He disconnected the call, she immediately drove to her house after informing others to return back immediately.

She was sitting in the couch sipping her coffee waiting for everyone. "Di" she heard a voice from the entrance & turned around. "Adi" Adhira called. "Di why did you call us urgently" she was breathing heavily as she was driving fastly. Adhira smiled & said "Adya Luthra first of all, calm down.I will tell the reason, let everyone arrive. Come one have this Tea" she calmed her sister. Both sisters were sipping their coffee calmly

Suddenly they heard a commotion in entrance, they both ran towards the voice "I told you not to trust her right then why did you do that" a 18 year old yelled at a boy who is looking like her. "But I thought she will give that book back to me" the boy replied. "Didnt our moms told us not to trust anyone Nirvan Luthra??"  two boys entered the scene walking towards themselves "FYI it was just about a book. And it doesn't connect with any trust issues. I still dont trust anyone except our family....and Am I right or Am I right" he smirked "NIRVAN LUTHRA AM WARNING YOU NOT TO TRUST ANYONE I MEAN NO ONE" the girl warned "Calm down Nirvi" the boys said "Ayaan Rayaan am tired of him" she replied. "Kids" Adhira & Adya turned their attention "We called you to tell something serious. Now I dont want anyone to fight so you both set of twins go & wash your hands. Am waiting for everyone at hall" Adhira said in a stern voice. "Okay Mom/ Iera mom" they all replied obediently. Hearing her stern voice they scared. Noticing their scared faces Adya smiled & instructed them to go inside, they all left. Adya turned to her elder sister " Di why do scare them, they are kids" "Am always like this Adya & I dont want scare them"Adhira replied. Adya sighed & shook her head in disbelief. "Adya / Mom" she turned her head towards the voice. "Ruhi Di, Yashvi come inside they all are waiting" Adya said "Okay lets go, but Mom...Is Iera mom is in her stern mode??" Yashvi asked "Yes" Adya & Arohi chuckled.

They all sat in the couch, Adhira called Armaan "So I wanted all of you to invite you all for my wedding with Tara Tagore. The engagement is next week & Wedding will conducted after that.So I cordially invite you with your family for this wedding" he completed. They all got a shock "Maan Uncle is this the way to tell this happy news to your own sisters & nephews- nieces huh ??? When did you became formal" Ayaan asked "Ayaan Luthra, this is becaz of my so called sisters.10 years...its been 10 damn long years you guys have left India.I know we visit you often but this time I want you here in India forhis wedding" Atharva explained "But Bhai" Adya was cut by Atharva "This time I wont take an answer as NO.I want my entire family to attend my wedding." 

Luthra kids were at Ayaan's room, they were discussing about their trip to India while their mothers at hall. "Di, this time we have to go.Its Maan Bhai's wedding but" Adya was interrupted by Adhira "No buts & ifs Adi.This time we will go to India & dont worry about kids, am there to protect them as well you both".Adya & Arohi ooked at each other "Iera di I know that but who will protect you..I know Mom Dad Bhais & Bhabis & you are there for us but what about you Di" Arohi asked with concern. "Nothing will happen to me, I can handle myself" Adhira replied sternly.

Adhira was sitting beside Ayaan & Rayaan who were sleeping peacefully. She looked outside the window, the moon was looking beautiful "You look more beautiful in moonlight " " Stop your Cheesy lines". A lone tear escaped from her eyes which was not unnoticed by her twins who saw their mother crying.

Adya sitting in Yashvi's room. She looked at her daughter "you want a girl or boy" "I want a naughty girl who will change me & teach me a lesson" . Pranati clenched her fist in anger. Yashvi noticed her mother getting angry.

Arohi was adoring her kids while leaning towards their room's door. " I want a girl like me & a boy like you" . She turned clenching her fist & wiped her tears. Nirvan & Nirvi got up & saw their mother's condition.

"India we are coming" Luthras whispered

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