Ridhima Vansh Rai Singhanai / Adya Luthra

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Nirvan & Nirvi looked at their mother who also wanted to ask about her past with their-so-called sperm donor. But looking at their Iera Mom who was their pillar is broken now, seeing her in that state they cant imagine that how will their mother do. Adya looked at them & understood they wanted to know every detail so she said "I will tell you everything"


Adya Luthra was born after Adhira Luthra. The family were happy, she was very beautiful. But fate was not with them. Once their rival companies attacked Raj & Nayantara who were coming out from hospital with little Adya. They injured & kidnapped Adya. Luthras tried to search their daughter but failed to do so. They even caught the kidnappers but they told that they killed her. Nayantara was devastated from this, she went to depression for 3 years. Watching Nayantara in that condition shattered their entire family, Raj then lied to Nayantara that they got to know that Adya is alive & he will find her. This news gave some hope to Nayantara as well as to their family.

The kidnappers dumped Adya in the orphanage. She grew their with the name Ridhima. She had a friend called Sejal. They both grew together & loved each other. Ridhima completed her education & became Physiotherapist. She met a boy named Kabir & fell in love with him. 

Kabir told Ridhima that he is a PT teacher but actually he was a cop, who was obsessed in catching a criminal called Vansh Rai Singhania. He planned many things to catch Vans bit all in vain. At last he reveled his true identity to Ridhima about being cop. He proposed her a weird & bizarre idea, he asked her to go to Vansh & help him to find any evidence against Vansh. And Ridhima was head over heels in love with Kabir. She was a orphan, in her entire life she got love only from Sejal & Kabir thatsy for her love, for her life, for Kabir she agreed.

Ridhima met Vansh at cruise, she was a party planner. Sejal & Ridhima used to plan parties. Vansh came to know that she is a physiotherapist also so he hired Ridhima to cure his sister Siya whose legs were paralyzed due to an accident. She refused first but then due to Siya she agreed.

Ridhima entered VR mansion & started to find evidence against Vansh but she failed to find any. She came to know about a girl named Ragini who was Vansh's ex-fiancé, she saw a statue of Ragini in the mansion. She tried to find about her but Vansh's family used to hint her that Vansh killed Ragini. 

Vansh was highly suspicious of Ridhima from the starting. His suspicions was increasing day by day. Vansh forced her to marry him, Ridhima didnt had any options & married him as Kabir threaten her to marry Vansh, Kabir said he will kill himself if he didn't find anything against Vansh.

Though Vansh was told Ridhima that he didnt kill Ragini still she was suspicious. Once Ridhima & Vansh were at home alone, she thought that he is going to kill her. Kabir entered the VR mansion & shot Vansh but Ridhima saw that & took the bullet for herself. Vansh took her to hospital & saved her.

Later it is revealed that Kabir never loved Ridhima, he was just using her as Pawn in his game. He wanted Vansh to go behind the bars of jail & took over his empire. And the onw who was helping was Anupriya Rai Singhania who was Vansh's step-mother & Kabir's biological mother. She hated Vansh to the core. 

Slowly Vansh & Ridhima grew close & some new feelings started to arise for each other. Ridhima saw a video where Vansh was pointing a gun towards Ragini but she didnt believ that video. Once Aryan & his mother Chanchal hit Ridhima & put her in the Vansh's car dickey. Vansh took that car & went to some stirage house, Ridhima followed him & came to know that Ragini was alive. She was happy. 

Ridhima went to Kabir & broke all the relation between them as she wanted to started a new life with Vansh. Some misunderstandings make Riddhima believe that Vansh wants to harm Ragini, thus she joins Kabir to remove Ragini from the clutches of Vansh and handing her to Kabir. Losing Ragini, Vansh breakdowns and reveals to Riddhima that his mother was actually murdered and Ragini knew the killer. A flashback showing Anupriya was the killer. Some events lead Siya into knowing Riddhima's truth and thus blackmailing her to bring Ragini back to Vansh. Siya soon learns of Anupriya's crime but is injured and now in coma because of the same. Ragini is shot by Kabir, and Vansh is falsely framed and arrested for the murder. Kabir and Anupriya make Vansh into believing that Riddhima betrayed him and he jumps off a cliff thus dying in front of both Riddhima and Kabir.

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