You and Our Daughter

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Adya Luthra was standing in front of Reyansh Khurana's room. She was very nervous & dint know what to say. She took one entire week to think about what her sister said. She concluded that she will give a second chance to Reyansh, after all everyone deserves a second chance in their life in some cases. And Reyansh & her relationship was completely different from Adhira & Arohi's. It was true that both she & Reyansh were very young when she conceived Yashvi who needed a father. She know her child needs a father & misses her father. 

Its also true that their children have never spoke about their respective fathers but their mother have seen how they look at other kids who have their father with them. And Yashvi was the most emotional kid in their gang.

Adya presses the door bell, she waits for Reyansh to open. Moments later Reyansh opens the door. Her breath hitched when she saw him after many years, after all she still loves him. She tried many times to forget about him but couldnt do that. She never thought that she will be standing in front of him for reconciliation, she never wanted to even see his face. 

Reyansh was shocked to see Adya there, last time he saw her was in party. He knew that the girl with red mask was Adya. He loved those warm, bright & beautiful brown orbs of hers. He could recognize those eyes anywhere. He immediately hugged her.

Adya was startled from the sudden hug, eventually she also hugged him. Reyansh broke the hug & asked "How are you?? Where have you mean??? Look at you" he bombarded her with questions. She smiled at him, he was the same Reyansh she knew back then.

But Adya's smile faltered when she remembered what Reyansh did in the past. If he was the same childish & immature Reyansh then he will again reject her & her daughter.

Reyansh called her out making her come out from her trance. "What happened?? I am asking something and you are not answering. Are you fine?" he asked with a frown. She smiled and replied that she is fine.

Next few minutes they talked about each other but Adya's answered very vaguely. At last Adya looked into his eyes and said "Rey, I want to talk to you. And its very serious matter".

Reyansh stopped talking and looked at her, she looked nervous and very serious. He nodded and signed to go on. Adya took a deep breath and asked "Are you in a relationship or engaged?" she asked not sure about his relationship status. If he was committed, though she already knew that Reyansh was never a kind of guy who will be in a serious relationship but she haven't spoken to him for many years.

Reyansh was taken back from her blunt question. He frowned at her, she knew him very well still she asked that question. He never wanted a serious relationship, he never believed in love and happily ever after concept. He only had one-night stands & passing flings. Though his grandmother Daljeet Khurana was adamant to get him married with some businessman's daughter for their profit.

"You know me Adi. Neither am in any relationship nor am engaged" Reyansh answered truthfully. Adya was little relieved that he was still single. She never wanted to break anyone's marriage or engagement, she know how it feel when someone else breaks their marriage. She don't want any woman to grow through the same pain what her sisters went through.

"Rey, now listen to me carefully. I am here to tell you something. You listen it very carefully and calmly" Adya warned. Reyansh just frowned and nodded his head in acceptance. "Do you remember when were together in college and I told I was pregnant" she started carefully. He just looked at her with blank expression saying "Yes. I remember. And I also remember that I said to abort it". Adya stamped her rising temper inside her and continued "Yes but I never aborted the baby"

Reyansh stared at her blankly with wide eyes. This piece of information hit him like a tornado, he was not able to say anything. Adya noticed that he was not able to say anything so continued. "I never wanted to abort the baby. I couldn't kill the life which was growing inside me. Though you rejected the baby, I still wanted my baby to live. So I decided to give birth to my baby. My family stood by me when I broke the news. My sisters were also with me to nurture my child. I gave birth to a baby girl who is 12 years old now".

Adya took out her phone and showed Yashvi's picture. Reyansh slowly looked at the picture. A small smile crept on his face. He remembered his encounter with a feisty girl on Luthra's engagement party.

Reyansh looked at Adya and smiled but dint say anything. He sat there for a minute without uttering anything while Adya waits for his reply. Moments later he runs his fingers through his hair and says "Adi, I..I...I" he pours a glass of water for himself and quickly drinks it. "I am shocked....actually shocked is an understatement. Moments before I was just strolling around and now I got to know about a daughter I have never known"

Reyansh notices Adya's hope vanishing when he said those, he quickly apologizes "I mean..its not like am happy. I just need time to digest everything Adi. I.." Reyansh sits on the bed while Adya nods her head understanding the situation. "Just give me 5 days Adi, just 5 days. I want to sort my head" he said looking at Adya.

Adya smiles at him. She was going to leave when he stops her cups her face with his hands and says "Just remember that I am not that old childish Reyansh, Adi. I have changed a lot. And I dont think so after sorting everything in my head I will leave you and our daughter alone Adi". He kisses her head and bids farewell saying he will meet her in her room after 5 days.

Adya leaves his room. She was smiling throughout her journey to her room. She was happy that Reyansh at least acknowledged Yashvi as their daughter. She has to thank her elder sister who gave courage and made her understand the situation because she still had Hope.

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