I will do anything

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Next day Luthras went to their respective jobs. Kids were with  Raj & Nayantara. Adhira went to her office. Arohi & Armaan went to hospital while Adya went to her office. Adhira was managing their ancestry business along with Adya. Adya manages the IT companies of their business.

Adhira was sitting in her cabin when her PA entered & informed about their meeting. Adhira smirked & went towards the conference hall. She entered the hall & stood in front of them "Good Morning everyone, as you all know am Adhira Luthra daughter of Raj & Nayanatara Luthra, from now onwards I will take over the company after my father. The official announcement will be done few days later, so I assume you will co-operate with me as you did with Dad" she completed with a smile. They all clapped & welcomed her. After the meeting she directly went to her cabin. She was reading the files when she was informed about the arrival of Singhanias. She smirked & told her PA to let them inn. 

Vansh entered , Adhira stood up & shook hands with him "Hello Mr. Singhania nice to meet you. Please have a seat" she greeted & both of them sat down. "Am happy that you agreed to my proposal" Vansh said "Mr. Singhania, I agreed to this proposal becaz I have seen your work. I should let you know that I am a perfectionist & I want every thing , every material you use must be the best. This is my sister's dream project & I dont want to disappoint my sister" she instructed in serious tone. Vansh smirked at this & replied "Dont worry Mrs." he was interrupted by her "Its Miss Luthra" he frowned "Okay Miss Luthra, dont worry we will do our best & I will not disappoint you. So its a deal" he forwarded his hands, she smirked "Its a deal Mr. Singhania" she shook hand with him.

Arohi & Armaan were in their cabin when Adhira barged inside the cabin. "Hey Iera / Di" they greeted in unison. "Ruhi do you have any important surgeries " Adhira asked sternly "No di I dont have any surgeries for today as far as its an emergency" she informed her elder sister "Okay so you can go home & dont forget to pick Adya from her office. I have told V to take you all for outing, you have came India after so many years so go & enjoy. Even V was also free, you all go with Dad & Mom & enjoy" she smiled a lil bit. 

Armaan & Arohi was shocked to hear this. Adhira was a workaholic person & she also tells or orders people that they should work during week days & rest on weekends but today for the first time she have said something different. "Then what about me" Armaan asked "Maan I can handle our business & you can candle the hospitals. If I was a doctor I would have stayed back to manage. And moreover you should work as after few weeks you marriage rituals & preparations will start, then you will have to take a leave" she replied & signaled Arohi to go.  Arohi immediately hugged her siblings & left in  excitement.

After Arohi left Adhira turned to Armaan who was standing with a frown on his face with his arms crossed over his chest, she raised her eyebrows "What?? Why are staring at me like that" "Waiting for you to spill the beans" "she rolled her eyes & said "There is nothing to spill" "Miss Adhira Luthra stop lying I know since you were born understand . Now come spill it" he said sternly. She sighed "I want both my sisters as well as my children to stay away from these mess for few days. I dont want neither Arohi nor Adya to face Vansh & Reyansh. I have heard that Vansh's grandmother will be coming to our hospital for her surgery & Khuranas are very eager to join hands with our IT companies. I will do anything to keep them away from my sisters especially Raisinghanias, if they get to know that she is alive, then they again harm her or do something else" she said in nervous tone. Armaan nodded understanding the things "But what about the Mittals, if they come to know about" he was cut by her "No never. They will never reach the truth. I will go to any extent to protect my family Maan" she saw him in determined face. Suddenly Armaan's phone ran, he picked it up & answered. The call ended & he informed with a smirk "He is here". She nodded her head & left the place.

Vansh RaiSinghania entered his mansion with Angre "Guys I have bagged a big deal today" he announced. His family became very happy "Thats like my Brother" Ishani his sister said "Congrats Vansh . May God be with you always" his grandmother Chandrika Raishinghania blessed him "Congrats Vansh" His Uncle Rudra & Aunt Chanchal wished. "Congrats Baby" his wife Ahana came & hugged him. He smiled at everyone & went to his secret room. He stood in front of two portraits "Mom I have bagged a new deal which will lead to many more heights. I wished you were there with me" he said looking  at his late mother Uma Raisinghania's portrait. He then stood before another portrait "Look sweetheart, I won another deal. You also left me like Mom. I love you both a lot. But what you did was unbearable but I didnt wanted you to leave me" he sobbed.

Reyansh sneaked inside his house. He was late after partying. He went to his room, he was shocked to see the condition of his room. "What the hell happened here" he asked himself "Ohh sorry Bro we were searching for something" his brother Maan said while searching his thing "Ahh finally got it" he said & left Reyansh's room "Now who will clean my room, your father-in-law" he shouted at his brother & started to clean the mess. Suddenly he saw a bracelet, he took the bracelet & caressed it. A small smile crept on his face "I miss you".

Ved was searching for his hard disk. Finally he got it & attached it to his laptop "Where are those files". He was searching his files when one file got his attention, he clicked on that & some pictures appeared on the screen. A small smile crept on his face "Ved I will do anything for you; Ved I love you". These two statements rang in his mind "I am sorry"

Somewhere else in a closed room. A person was sitting in black hoodie, that person eyes only showed hatred "I will show you the hell. Be ready to face me"

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