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Luthras were sitting in their hall planning for their Golden Jubilee of Fornax Corp. They were planning how to celebrate it so. Adhira got an idea "Can we all go for Cruise Trip". All agreed for this idea & started to prepare for that. "Dad forget to call everyone, including our business partners & their family." Adhira said & was going to leave when she reminded "Ahh dont forget to call PremShankar Uncle also" saying this she left the hall for attending a call leaving everyone shocked.

"Did she just tell that call PremShankar also or I am hearing something wrong?" Atharva asked "No even we heard that" Nayantara replied. "Ok so Tara, Anika & Sara call & send the invitation to our Business partners. And boys invite our employees okay. Tell Adhira to book the Cruise & everything. Ruhi & Adi start packing all of the things for the cruise" Raj ordered & all started to do their work.

Next day Adhira saw a commotion downstairs. She climbed down & froze at her place. Rajveer Luthra & Sakshi Luthra was standing their with their family. The kids mingled with each other & went upstairs, they all were hugging each other. Hira's gaze fell upon Adhira who was standing like a statue. "Iera" she whispered gaining everyone's attention. Hira & Myra ran & hugged her, Adhira also hugged her back. She had a small smile plastered on her face which wasnt noticed by everyone. Soon Ayansh & Advay aslo hugged her followed by Rajveer who had tears in his eyes "How are you Iera" she wiped her tears & replied "Am fine Papa". Sakshi was walking towards her to hug her but she said "I will just freshen up & come" she ran towards her bedroom. Sakshi smiled sadly, Nayantara rubbed her sister's back "Sakshi" "Am fine Tara, am fine"  Sakshi replied. "By the way where is our Abhir" Raj asked breaking the awkwardness "He will be coming in minutes" Sakshi replied. 

Adhira got ready for her office & went downstairs. Everyone was sitting for breakfast "Mom, Dad, Papa am going to office. Ayu, Rayu, Nirvan & Nirvi dont play your dirty pranks over the kids otherwise you know me" she warned & left without waiting for their reply. "She didnt have her breakfast" Sakshi said "She is like this now for past few years. She barely eats anything & whenever we say anything she lies that she have already ate" Adya sighed. 

Adhira was walking towards her car when she bumped into someone "What the" she stopped in her track seeing Abir "Abi" "Iera" they both hugged each other "How are you siso, do you know how much I missed you" he cupped her face "Am fine & Am sorry Abhi I co" she was cut by Abir "Shussh its fine. Let the past be past okay. Now we are together am so happy" he again hugged her. "Did you meet everyone" Abhir asked, though her face changed but she covered it "Yes I met everyone". Abhir frowned "Even Mom??", she didnt chose to reply him this time "Oh God Iera, its been years Iera forget it" he said. Adhira looked at him "NO, how can you say to forget everything Abhir. Whatever was the reason Mrs. Sakshi Luthra should have done that" she shouted furiously "I know Iera but that she thought it was for your benefit". Adhira looked away & said "Lets drop this topic now. Go inside everyone is waiting for you, I will see you in the evening" she kissed his cheek & left for office.

Few days later, the invitations were send. Raisinghanias & Khuranas also got an invitation. Vansh who was searching for an opportunity to talk to Arohi was more than happy when he got the invitation card. He summoned everyone in the hall "We have got an invitation from Luthras for celebrating their 50 years of their company, they have invited all their partners with their family. Its a 2 week cruise to Turkey & Greece, so pack your bags" he smiled. All were excited to hear that before they could go to their rooms he warned "Before you leave I am warning you if anyone of you speak rubbish or do anything outrageous, then I myself will chuck you out of the house. I hope you all didnt forget the visit done by the Luthras few weeks back, then it was Adhira Luthra now this time their whole family will present their so dare you do anything stupid & embarrass me, specially you both Ishani & Ahana." he warned them in his VRS tone. Everyone nodded like obedient children & left.

 Raj, Rajveer, Nayantara & Sakshi were resting & spending time with their grandchildren while their kids were busy with preparations. They were making everything perfect. 

Adhira was sitting  & completing her work so that she can rest for next week, Abhir came their "Iera she informed that they both will directly come to cruise" he told. She nodded "He also told that they both will meet us in ship". "Ya I forgot, Oberois have confirmed that they will come" he told while sipping her coffee "Ohkay tell Aty he is handling with booking of rooms, I am surprised that Shivaay Singh Oberoi agreed to come leaving his work" she chuckled. "What do you mean by that??" he handed the cup to her "Shivaay Singh Oberoi never leaves his first wife which his work & take a break" she explained while taking the cup from him & drinking the coffee. 

Azaan was pacing around his room when Sakshi came there "Azaan, am watching you since afternoon. What happen why you seemed to be tensed". He looked at her "I was just thinking about Iera, she told us to invite PS uncle for the cruise & I know my sister very well" he explained "Its becaz Shankar is Raj's friends, she must be wanting that her father's friends also celebrate with us" Sakshi smiled. Azaan shook his head & replied "Adhira Luthara is up to something"

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