Emerald Green

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"Adya" the man whispered. He removed his mask , Adya gasped seeing him. He slowly removed her mask, she was shocked & couldn't move  "Reyansh" she could only say that. He smiled when his guess got right "Adya" he said. Suddenly the light switched on, the DJ  told to stop where they were standing,  Adya & Reyansh covered their faces with masks immediately.

"Now you will dance with the person who standing opposite to you, its a competition. You cant change your partners now. lets start" DJ announced. Everyone cheered except Luthra sisters.

(Just hear this song while reading)

They all started to dance. "Looks like the destiny wants us to be together" he winked "Destiny my foot!! I know its just another play of yours Mr. Ved Mittal" she spat "Oh come on Adhira!! accept it, we are made for each other" he said while twirling.

"Looks like even the Gods are with me" he muttered "Excuse me?" she snapped "Nothing Miss Luthra" he smiled "Mr. Raisinghania, if you wanna say anything just say it clearly other than muttering" Arohi said. Vansh lifted her, he noticed a mole on her shoulder "Even Ridhima had it, now am sure she is Ridhima" he thought. He grinned like a teenager which irritated Arohi more.

"Hello Adya" he said "Hello Reyansh" she replied. He twirled her "What are you doing here?" he asked while pulling her close. "None of your business!!" she replied attaining a distance between them. "You know we have been more close than this" he smirked, twirled her making her back collide his chest. He nuzzled her neck "Thats my biggest mistake" she faced him. "You will come back if you are single becaz Reyansh Khuranna is irresistible" he lifted her "You might be irresistible but Adya Luthra isnt someone who loves to do mistakes again & again" she looked straight into his eyes "Luthra but you were" he was cut by her "Bose thats my mom's maiden name. I am Adya Luthra, daughter of Raj & Nayantara Luthra" she smirked.

Azaan had enough so he went tp DJ & stopped the dance as it was time for cake cutting. He saw how uncomfortable were his sisters with other men. 

Luthra Sisters dispersed to bring the cakes for Raj-Nayantara & Rajveer-Sakshi. They brought the cake, they smiled & handed the knives. "Happy Anniversary" the crowd cheered. The couple smiled & started to feed cake to their children & grandchildren. Sakshi was fed Abhir, then turned to Adhira, her smile faded. Abhir looked at his mother & sister "Iera", Sakshi looked at Adhira with teary eyes, Adhira hesitated but ate  the cake with Sakshi's hand "Happy Anniversary" she smiled a little bit. Sakshi was happy atleast she ate the cake, suddenly she hugged Adhira, she was shocked but hugged her awkwardly. Abhir smiled at this. Adhira went to her parents & Rajveer, she hugged them & wished them. Sakshi saw this & smiled sadly "Mom give her time" Abhir consoled her "I know Son" she hugged him. Then they announced everyone to remove their masks.

Vansh was standing there looking at Arohi, Nirvan & Nirvi. He was sipping his wine when a waiter came & handed a chit to him. He opened the paper

"Vansh Raisinghania, this name is going to drown in few months, you have messed with wrong person. You have something of mine, I will take it back soon" -- unknown

He widen his eyes, he tried to search the waiter who gave him but caught a person looking at him. The person was still wearing a mask, a emerald green mask. Vansh looked at him straightly, the person smirked at him. Vansh moved towards the person, when he reached where the green mask was standing, he could find the person. Unknown to Vansh, the person was standing a step behind him & smirked. Vansh again tried to search the green mask, everyone have removed their masks, so it wasnt difficult to find the person. He again caught the green mask, the person was wearing emerald green cloak. He tried  to catch but again he failed.

Indrani Raisinghania entered the party. Vansh wanted his family to meet the Luthra's. Raisinghanias went towards Luthras. Raj,Nayantara, Rajveer, Sakshi, Abhir, Arohi & Adhira were talking with each other. "Mr. Luthra" Vansh called, they turned towards them except Abhir & Sakshi. "Happy Anniversary " he wished. Luthras just smiled, hiding the anger which raised seeing the culprits of their daughter's pain & misery. "I wanted you to meet my family, this is Grandma Indrani Raisinghania, my sister Ishani, her husband Angre & their kids Ishaan & Reni" Raisinghanias smiled at Luthra's. "And myself Mrs. Ahana Vansh Raisinghania" Ahana introduced herself ignoring Vansh & Indrani's glares. "Nice to meet you all" Rajveer said. They were talking when Abhir & Sakshi turned & came towards them. "Who are they?" Abhir asked. Raisinghanias tilted their head & sae Abhir & Sakshi. Indrani froze at her place seeing them. "This is my youngest son Abhir & my dear wife Sakshi Bose Luthra" Rajveer introduced. Sakshi folded her hands & greeted them. She looked at Indrani & smirked. "Hello Raisinghanias, I hope you all are having fun" Sakshi looked straight into Indrani. "Ohh its a lovely party, Mrs. Luthra" Vansh complimented. Ishani was in awe looking at Sakshi, she was elegantly draped in light red saree with less make-up. "Aunty you are so beautiful" Ishani blurted out. Sakshi widen her eyes but still smiled "Thank you but call me Mrs. Luthra" Sakshi calmly said. 

Indrani was sweating all the time. Sakshi kept catching a glance of Indrani & smirked "Mom why are you smiling" Abhir asked, she looked at him "She is not smiling Bir, she is smirking & that to an evil Sakshi Luthra's smirk" Adhira came from behind. Sakshi looked at her with surprise smile "Dont you know her way too much Sis" Abhir frowned "Come on! I am a good observer Bir. And plus at last you know which Blood runs on my veins" she looked at Abhir & smirked "Now why are you smirking mom?". Sakshi turned to Indrani, who was calming herself down "Just thinking that my effect on my closed ones are still very brilliant. Sakshi Luthra's effect" she looked at both of them. Adhira looked at the direction which made Sakshi smirk. "Ohh Indrani Raisnghania. Hmm I have always known that this old lady is very mysterious & secretive" Adhira said "She is not that sweet-sugar Grandmother of Vansh about whom Ruhi know. She is the very cunning & useless Indrani Raisinghanaia who thinks that she can manipulate & deceive anyone with her sugar coated words" Abhir completed. "Impressed..am very impressed with both of you" Sakshi patted their back which made Abhir smirk & Adhira rolled her eyes. 

Suddenly the light goes off "Happy Anniversary to the two of my favorite couples" a deep baritone voice said. They all turned to the entrance where there was a spotlight. Luthras smiled looking the person. Indrani froze seeing the man & Raisinghanias were shocked to core. The kids ran towards the person "Buddy"

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