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"What?? Di after all" Adya was cut by her elder sister. "Adi, Reyansh & you were young. And like you have said about Reyansh, I think he was scared & nervous after all you were just 20. I know what you have gone through but like you said Reyansh is a child like, playful & careless boy. A boy like him would have reacted like that at that point of time & you being matured one, you took the decision & brought up your child. But baby, Yash needs a father. A child needs a mother the most but he also needs a father. Speak to him, tell him about Yash. Sort it out." Adhira caressed her head. 

Adya looked at her sister "If it was about Ved or Vansh" she was again cut by Adhira. "Adi, Reyansh is different from Ved & Vansh's case, because they both did it for their benefit & they were fully grown & matured men who did that. Reyansh was just 20 when he got to know about your pregnancy. In case of Vansh, he have announced Ahana as his wife once to take revenge on Ridhima, then he punished a pregnant Ridhima for protecting him & his family with his ignorance. He didnt even took care of her, he just insulted her even more. And Ved, you know he did everything for revenge. Thats where the problem lies, they both did in their fully conscious mind, they were matured & grown man but Reyansh was just a kid. We woman gets matured early & cares about our child thatsy you brought Yash to this world." Adhira explained

Adhira took Adya's hands "Think about it, give him a chance. Talk to him but if he still makes ruckus like last time then leave it & you will move on!" she kissed her forehead & left the room. 

Now Adya was in deep thoughts, she never contemplated of giving chance to Reyansh, she was in love with him but what her sister said was right. Yashvi needed a father & she needed a companion as she cant say single for long time, even she craved for someone's love other than her family. It was true that a boy like Reyansh who dont care about his surrounding, careless & was always playful would surely react like that how he reacted. He was a kid even she was but she was mature than Reyansh. She started thinking deep about it.

Arohi & Armaan always kept a check on the hospital, so that they could be there if they were needed. Arohi was talking to a hospital staff through phone when she collided with Ishaani, she just said a 'Sorry' & was going to pass through her when Ishaani caught her wrist. "What the hell!!" Arohi snapped. Ishaani just stared at her with disgust, Arohi noticed her demeanor  & cuts her call telling she will call later then crosses her hand over chest then asks "Why the hell did you dragged me Mrs. Ishani?" she asked coldly.

Ishaani looked at her "How did you trap the Luthras you bloody gold digger?? How did you even trapped a man like Samrat??" she taunted. Arohi dint reply & just rolled her eyes "Done now can I go??" she asked casually which irritated Ishaani "How dare you talk like with me, to Ishaani Raisinghania. Look at you, you bloody gold digger bitch who just sleeps with mans other than your husband & pops up kids. God knows who's kids you are burdening on Samrat Arya. Those bloody " she could complete as she felt a sharp pain on her face.

Ishaani touched her face, she looked at hands & saw blood. Arohi was standing with a knife in her hand with blood shot eyes. Arohi slashed Ishaani's cheeks causing it to bleed. Then she brought that knife near Ishaani's neck  "How dare YOU bloody S**t to question about my character huh?  Did you forget that you became pregnant before marriage with your bastard Sunny, do you want to remind me that who is Ishaan's actual father, yoiu bitch" Arohi brought the knife more closer to Ishaani's neck causing to bleed "You are very proud of the name Raisinghania right but without that you are nothing. You are Zero without thar surname you bloody woman. And for you kind information I am not spending my brother or husband's money lavishly, I am a certified & licensed Doctor. I am Dr. Arohi Luthra. Even housewives have some work at their home like bringing up their child into good people & they teaches their own children but you couldnt even do that. Neither you nor your children could brought up properly huh What a pity"  she chuckled darkly which infuriated Ishaani. She tried to release from her grip couldnt "Nah, dont even try you bitch. Now listen carefully, from now onwards you dare to say or do against  my kids, my family & me you will face the devil herself." she then pushed her away.

"You will not do that Ridhima" Ishani clutched her neck to prevent bleeding. Arohi laughed evilly "Oh darling, Ridhima is dead long ago. The woman standing in front of you is Arohi Luthra who can unleash her demon at anytime" she smirked. "I will tell Vansh Bhai" Ishaani cried "Like I care, go run Ishaani go to your precious Vansh bhai for rescue go baby" Arohi told like a master instruct her pet to go away. Arohi just smirked at her retreating figure.

"Tick-tok, tick -tok. In few days you will lose something very precious"---unknown with a star

Vansh got another note from the unknown person. He was worried after reading this. He instructed everyone of his family to be safe & careful

Vansh & Ved were planning to find out the real identities & real father of Nirvan- Nirvi & Ayaan-Rayyan respectively. Unknown to them someone was always watching their every steps & moves. Earlier they were the onw who were playing with their pawns but now they were the pawns in a very big & dangerous game which could cause both of them a great loss. Both Vansh Raisinghania & Ved Mittal were pompous & arrogant gits who dint care about anyone other their blood-family. 

Indrani Raisinghanaia & Prem Kishan Mittal were also like Vansh & Ved but they were more treacherous & evil than their sons. They always put a façade of kindness & goodness on their face but they were the real bastards. They have taken things lightly for past few years but now its time to show their place. They have always punished other for their mistakes but this time both were going to get punished & whipped badly.  Because their deal with the Devil

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