Fights & Fights

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Adhira entered her cabin & sat on her chair. Someone knocked her door which made her confuse, she didn't had any appointments at this hour. She ordered to enter. Adhira stood up from the chair seeing the person, she was shocked but masked her expressions with a stern voice. "Yes Mr. Mittal you want something" she asked. Ved just smirked "Yes You" "WHAT" she shouted. "I mean I want you to attend my wedding Miss Luthra" he smirked & kept the wedding invitation card on the table. Adhira took the card & opened it "Am sorry Mr. Mittal, I will not be able to the your wedding as my brother Armaan's Mehndi is on the same date" she smiled politely. Ved didn't say anything & sat on the chair & Adhira also sat back on her chair. "Now what you need" she asked "Actually I want to join hands with you" he smirked. Adhira laughed sarcastically "Seriously!!! Mittals wants to collaborate with Luthras" she again laughed. "Come on Adhira, am just talking about business otherwise we both had collaborated way long before" he kept his hands on hers. Adhira immediately jerked off her hand "Even I am speaking of business Mr. Mittal. And we both never collaborated" she smiled. He sat back on chair "It will be profitable if Luthras & Mittals become one" he said.

Adhira laughed again making him frown "Mittals & Luthras together.....Before asking you could have just remembered your status. You are Mittals, betrayal & deceit is in your blood. And WE ARE THE LUTHRAS. We have Royal blood, not like yours backstabbers." She completed with a smirk. This made Ved furious, he stood up & grabbed her neck, she struggled but still maintained her smirk & said "What happen Truth is bitter right Ved Mittal". Adhira kicked on his leg making him lose his hold, she relaxed & took a breath. Ved was again going to attack but she caught his hand "Nahh don't dare you make that mistake. Am not that old Adhira, Am ADHIRA LUTHRA" she smiled & pushed him.

Ved again marched towards her grabbed her neck but this time she also grabbed her neck. They were glaring each other, they both were having one emotion anger & hatred. Suddenly Ayyan & Rayyan barged inside her cabin "Mom we.." they stopped in their track when they saw Ved & Adhira like that. They both immediately went towards Ved & separated him from their mom. Finally when they were separated, the twins went towards their mom "Mom are you fine" they asked worriedly. She struggling to inhale. Rayyan saw finger marks on Adhira's neck, his blood started to boil. He marched towards Ved "How dare you...How dare you to hands against my mom" Rayyan grabbed Ved's collar. Adhira & Ayyan separated him from Ved "Rayu is this the way to behave" Adhira shouted. "YES this is the way to behave with the man who have hurt my mother. Whosoever it is!! I will not leave the person will hurt my mother" Rayyan replied. Ved was shocked to see his reaction, a kid has the audacity to raise his hands on him, on Ved Mittal, still he was curious. But Adhira knows how her sons are possessive about his family especially for her & her sisters who are like their mother. Ayyan spotted marks on his mother's neck, now he understood the reason for Rayyan's outburst. He went towards Ved & stood in front of him "Listen Mister, I don't know what you want & why you attacked my mom. But this should be the last time you raise hands on my mother or any other woman, otherwise you will face the real wrath of the Luthras. You are a Mittal right, then you must be knowing our capabilities & what we can do. So keep this in your head, don't dare you pull this stunt again okay" he warned calmly surprising Ved. He looked at Adhira & then at the twins. Now he wanted to know the truth. He silently went outside & called his PA "Hello.. Yes....I want each & every information about Adhira Luthra & her kids" he ordered & disconnected the call.


Nirvan & Nirvi entered their new college. It was their first time in India. Since their birth they have studied in abroad. Now it's a total new environment. They both entered the college & saw some students of their age ragging their juniors. They walked past towards them when one of the seniors called them "Hey you both come here" he called & they went towards them "Yes why did you call us" Nirvi asked in her British accent. The seniors frowned listening to their accent "Not from here?" one of them asked "No" twins replied. "Which year" "2nd year". "So our batch still we have a task for you, you girl kiss me come on" the boy ordered to Nirvi. The twins widen their eyes "No" Nirvi replied making them shocked. "What" the gang asked in shock as for the first time they were hearin a voice against them "I said No. I will not" Nirvi replied with smirk. The boy got angry "How dare you say NO to Ishaan Rai Singhania" he shouted & was going to slap her when she caught his hand. "Don't you dare lay hands on me. And Rai Singhania....hmmm... interesting very interesting" she kicked him. Ishaan stood up & was going to slap her again but this time he was received by a punch on his face by Nirvan "She told to stay away" he shouted. After that twins had a fight between Ishan & his gang. At last the Principal called all their parents.

Ishani Rai Singhania walked with pride inside the Principal Cabin. Luthras were yet to arrive. Ishaani sat & asked "Yes sir why did you call me". The Principal explained the entire fiasco, Ishaani smirked & replied "Sir...So what he had asked her to kiss him. She just could have done that & moreover you only told that these twins are new & are coming from States, these kissing etc are all common there" Ishaani said which made Principal as well the other parents disgusted but kept silent knowing that she is a Raisinghania. "Yes you are right Mrs. Singhania that these are common in States but our upbringing is not like that, our upbringing doesn't allow us to kiss some brat or some random bastard. We know our tradition & we never do anything that puts our mother's head down" Nirvi told shocking Ishani "Maybe it might be in your tradition to kiss some guy whom you don't know" Nirvan completed his sister making Ishani furious "Hey you two!! You don't know who we are. We are the Raisinghanias. And how dare you to question me" Ishani raised her hand to slap Nirvan but was stopped by Nirvi "Don't you dare Aunt" Nirvi released Ishani's hand. "Raisinghanias....hmm...interesting very interesting.....So what you are Raisinghanias. Don't you have shame to tell that you are a Raisinghania, what you have done till now for being a Raisinghania, wearing branded clothes & shoes" Nirvi said "You have done nothing other than sitting at home & spending your brother's & husband's hard earned money. I know about Mr. Vansh Raisinghania & your husband Angre. Even I have heard about your sister Sia Raisinghania also who is a famous designer but you nah I haven't Nirvi..Am I right or Am I right" Nirvan completed Nirvi. This made Ishani furious, how dare some random children humiliate her like this, she was going to slap them but a voice interrupted them.

"Don't you dare Ishani Raisinghania" Adya came there. She & stood there with her children. The Principal greeted her & explained the situation. After hearing everything Adya turned to the twins & smiled "Okay sir. Nirvan Nirvi come one lets go" she was going to leave when Ishani stopped her "Is this the way to nurture children, spoil brats." She commented. Adya turned & replied "Ohh we know that you are a spoiled brat Miss Raisinghania. And about nurturing my kids, I have nurtured them very well, thatsy they are standing here confidently without our support & your son hiding behind you like a coward. Now excuse me we have to leave" she smiled "You" Ishani was cut by Adya "Don't you dare. You don't me. I am Adya Luthra & if we Luthras want to destroy anyone we will vanish them from their roots. So I am warning you to stay away from us" Adya warned & left with kids.

Days passed by, everything was perfectly going as per Adhira's plan. Neither Arohi met Vansh nor Adya met Reyansh. Her sisters, parents, brothers & children were enjoying there vacation. Even Armaan also went with them for few days as Adhira assured him that he will take care. Due to this workload increased, she ignored her health & fully concentrated on managing her business as well as her family.

The Luthras were enjoying in their farmhouse. Armaan's phone ranged, it was Adhira's PA "Yes Divya...WHAT...okay" he disconnected & looked at his family "Iera is in hospital"

Guys I changed Zain Imam's name to Ved Mittal to avoid confusions in the coming chapters

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