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Vansh was pacing & fuming, he was getting threatening calls for past days & he was unable to find the person. Even Angre couldn't find that person.

He was going towards the bar when someone caught his hand "V". Vansh was shocked, only one person called him that, he turned & saw him. "Z..Za..Zander" he couldnt believe. Vansh was seeing him after 6 damn long years.

Vansh immediately hugged him. They both were hugging each other when someone else shouted "ZANDER!!!". Both men turned towards the owner, Vansh was confused while Zander smiled. The owner came & hugged him tightly "When did you reach India you doofus??!!" "Few days back Ved" Ved smiled.

They both turned towards Vansh who was confused to see them both "Vansh, this is my college friend Ved Mittal. And Ved this Vansh, we are partners as well as friends"  Zander introduced. Vansh & Ved remembered the scene where they met at Luthra's party. Ved & Vansh shook hands with each other.

"By the way Zander, how are you here?" Vansh asked. Before Zander answer, he was interrupted by a voice "Zan!!!". They all turned & saw Myra Luthra who hugged Zander shocking Vansh & Ved. "I missed you bro!" "Missed you too sis" Zander pecked her forehead. 

They broke the hug, Myra's smile dropped seeing Vansh & Ved "Zan, you know these two?" she asked perfectly knowing their history. Zander noticed Myra's face & frowned "Ya, Ved & I went to same college & Vansh is my partner as well as my friend. Why? Do you know them, My?" . Myra smirked "More than you know them both".  Zander again frowned & decided to ask later. 

Ishaani was searching when she saw everyone. She saw Zander & got mesmerized. 'Who is he?? He is so tall & handsome. By looking at his clothes, he must be rich' she gawked. She immediately sets her hair & walk towards them. "Bhai" she called Vansh. "I was searching for you. Oh!! I am sorry, I am Ishaani Raisinghania" she forwards her hand for handshake. 

Zander looked at the woman & smirks. He gets the idea of what the woman in front of him wants & shakes hand with her. Vansh rolled his eyes knowing his sister very well, Ved was confused watching Ishaani's antics while Myra controlled herself from snarling. 

Vansh broke Ishaani's thoughts "Hey you dint say, how are you here Zan?". Zander smiled & wrapped his hand around Myra "Myra is my cousin sister, am close to Luthras & Tagores are my in-laws" he smiled shocking Ishaani the most. Ishaani's dreams where crushed hearing this, she wanted to woo Zander, though she was married.

"You are married?" Ved asks "No, just engaged & my fiancé- is" Zander was cut by a voice "Me". They all turned & saw the owner, Ishaani & Vansh were shocked to see her. She moved towards them, she hugged Zander & kissed his cheeks. "I am soon to be Mrs. Sejal Tagore Zacharias" Sejal declared while glaring at Ishaani. She noticed the way Ishaani was eyeing her man. 

Vansh covered his shock & plastered a smile, Ved also did the same & hugged Zander. After Vansh congratulated Zander him with a hug, Ishaani was going to do the same but Sejal's pinch on Zander's waist signaled him to just shake hands with her. 

"Zacharias!" there stood Adhira Luthra with her dangerous aura around her. Her posture was screaming possessiveness & evilness; possessive for her family's safety & evil for her enemies.

"Luthra" Zander just smirked & they both shook hands. Vansh & Ved noticed that Zander addressed Adhira with her last name & Adhira did the same, they were not any friendly vibes between them. They also noticed Myra & Sejal shaking their heads & muttering something like "Kids" "stubborn" "idiots". 

Adhira & Zander stood their facing each other, hands in their pockets. They looked like they were trying to measure their greatness & worth. 

Suddenly Ved covered his mouth in shock & controlled his laughter. Vansh saw this & frowned, Ved noticing the frown, replied "Actually, Zander & Adhira used to be rivals in College. Though she was younger than us but they used to compete with each other in every thing. They were both stubborn, fiesty & competitive". 

Vansh frowned & asked "And how do you know about this". "We all were in the same college. Atharva, Anika, Zan & I were friends back then. Thats how I met Iera &" Ved stopped in his track, realiazing what he was going to spit. He looked at Vansh who was frowning at him. "Nothing we were friends back then" Ved avoided his gaze & looked at Zander & Adhira who were still staring at each ther like 5 year old kids.

"Zan Uncle!!" the children shouted in excitement breaking Adhira & Zander's staring competition. Zander smiled at the children & opened his arms for hugs. They ran & hugged him immeditely making him stumble. "We missed our favorite Uncle" the kids kissed his cheeks.

Adhira snorted at the scene but was internally smiling at their bond. Its true that Adhira competed with Zander, God know for what reason. Even Zander shared the same emotion. She have adored & respected their family. She had respect towards the her rival & ex-army man. The way he handled their business after retiring from Army was commendable. She respected how he followed his parents' paths of law & enforcement & become a Lieutenant. She loved the way how he looks at Sejal with pure love & adoration, a thing which she always craved for.

Zander chuckled at Adhira's behavior. Though he will never tell it on her face but he adored her & respected her the most in her family. He know that Adhira had a very rough past. He competed with her, God knows for what reason. He liked the fire in her eyes which she was still in her after these many years. He adored the way how she have nurtured & brought her kids being a single mother. He loved the way how she worked hard for Fornax & Phoenix. If both these companies are famous & world-wide known then its because of Azaan & her efforts. He also knows that it was Adhira who gave push to Sejal to take step forward towards Sejal & his relationship.

Myra & Sejal looked at the two stubborn adults who were behaving like a 5 year old kids. They both know that they respect each other for their own reasons. But their ego will never allow them to tell that tp each other. They were of the same skin; stubborn, feisty, determined & competitive. 

Check New Entries chapter for Zander's character sketch. Sorry for being late, couldnt find a proper ending for this particular chapter

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