Really up close

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Luthras were pacing outside the room. The kids were worried for Adhira. Arohi came after talking to the Adhira's doctor "Di is fine. She stressed herself much. She didnt  had her food properly even her medicines too." They all entered the room & saw Adhira sleeping peacefully, she was sedated. Ayaan & Rayyan sat beside her "We shouldnt have let her alone" Rayyan said looking at her with moist eyes. "Now I dont want her to take more stress. Its enough now, how much she will punish herself like this" Nayantara said with her teary eyes. Armaan & Atharva were silent, Raj noticed that & dragged them outside for a talk "I want to know everything boys" Raj ordered them. They both looked at each other & sighed "Actually after the engagement party, Iera didnt wanted Adi, Ruhi & kids to meet Vansh or Reyansh" Atharva started "So she kept everyone away from here. Vansh' grandma Indrani Raisinghania will be coming to our hospital for her checkups & the Khuranas are very eager to join hands with our IT company" Armaan completed. Raj nodded his head understanding her situation. Ayaan came outside "I wanna say something. Few days back Mr. Mittal came to our office. I dont what happen between them two but when we entered the cabin they both were holding each other collars in aggression. And seeing that Rayu completely lost it & he tried to attack him but Mom & me stopped him. We were going to say this to you but Mom ordered us strictly not to reveal anything" he said nervously. The Luthras blood boiled hearing that "That bastard have this much guts to come into our place & attack my daughter" Raj clenched his fist in anger. "Dad now our priority is Iera, we will deal with him later" Armaan calmed him down controlling his own anger.

"Come Dadi we have to do this" Vansh told his grandma Indrani Raisinghania who was admitted in the hospital for a surgery. She had to stay there for few days before the surgery. Vansh admitted her in the ward & went to talk to doctor. Ishani & Angre were also with him. They were coming back after speaking to doctor when they saw Luthras there. Vansh went to see Raj with Ishaani & Angre. "Mr. Luthra" he called from behind. Raj, Athrava & Armaan turned around & saw them. They were shocked to see them there, at last what they feared was coming true. "Mr. Raisinghania, you here?" he shook hands with Vansh "Ya actually, my Dadi (Grandma) is admitted here for her Angioplasty. And you here???..did you came to check the things up?" Vansh asked "Ahmm no. Adhira is admitted here for few days" Raj informed "What happen??Is she fine now??" "Ya. She's just stressed out, for the past few days the workload had been increased. Now she is fine dont worry" Raj fake smiled. Vansh nodded & turned to his family "Ishaani, Angre this is Raj Luthra. Luthras are the owner of AYKIZ Industries, you might be knowing them. And Mr.Luthra this is my sister Ishaani & her husband Angre" Vansh introduced. Luthras greeted them, Nirvan came outside to talk about the medicine for Adhira when he Raisinghanias there.

Ishaani was shocked to see Nirvan "YOU HERE?" they both said in unison. Both their families were confused "Ishaani how do you know him" Angre asked. "I will tell you" Nirvan replied & explained their encounter in the college. Vansh & Angre were fuming while Luthras smirked at each other "You were wrong that day Mrs. Raisinghania...Am I right or Am I right" Nirvan smirked. Vansh wiped his head towards Nirvan when he heard that dialogue. Then he turned his head towards his sister "I will deal with you later" then turned to Luthras "Am very sorry for her & Ishaan's behavior". Luthras smiled "Its fine. Moreover we have answered  her" Nirvan replied with creepy smile. Ishaani glared him, then Vansh took a leave from them & went to their Dadi. Luthras sighed in relief "Uff that was up close" Armaan face palmed "Yes now we have to be more careful as Iera  is admitted for few days Ruhi will come here" Raj said. 

Adhira was sitting with her family. "Now no more work for few days. You are going to rest here then at home" Nayantara ordered. "But mom then who will manage" she was cut by Atharva "I will manage". Adhira frowned "Oh & business. Did you forget how much you got for your MBA Atharva Luthra" Atharva made faces "I dont want lose my shares & partners becaz of you " she said making everyone laughed aloud "Hey you are my wife atleast you support me"  he whined to Sara "Sorry Mr. Actor. I know Truth is bitter & dont forget you we both were in the same college. You were a record failure that even my department also came to know about you" Sara chuckled. "Okay Dad will handle the company" Nayantara said ignoring her son's embarrassed face. "Okay guys now am going to check everything as we were not here for few days" Arohi announced "NO YOU WILL NOT" the Luthra men shouted. The ladies were shocked with their behavior "I mean I will also come with you Ruhi" Armaan covered up. "Thats okay but why did you react like this" Adya asked. They just gave sheepish smile. Atharva signed Adhira about Vansh. She got an idea & said "Ruhi, leave it. Let Maan handle it. You stay here beside me". Arohi smiled & said "Okay I will be by your side" she sat beside him. The men including Adhira sighed in relief. 

Raj, Atharva & Armaan came outside when they heard a voice "Oye Raj Ji" they turned & saw Khuranas "Why all are here??? Dont we have other hospitals in the city..Oh God" Atharva mumbled "All of them together. Only Mittals were left now. But they wont came here as its our hospital" Armaan joked. "Raj" a voice called & they again turned back, they were shocked to see PremShankar Mittal there.  Armaan gulped, he looked at his father & brother who giving murderous glares "I that" he was cut by Atharva "Dare you open your mouth you asshole. Now manage them" Atharva gave him smack on his head.

They three gave smile to them "Oye Raj ji, you here. Oh must have come to manage everything. But normally I have seen Nayantara here" Daljeet Khurana smiled. Armaan revealed the reason for Raj's sudden appearance in hospital. Premshankar asked worriedly "Is Iera fine now Raj?". Raj smiled & replied "She is fine just takes a stress lot but why are you here Prem" "Ahmm you know I have issues with my Disc so came for that" Prem informed. "Daljeet Ji what about you" Armaan asked "Oh puttar Ji. I getting old. My sugar is high nowadays & cholesterol also" she smiled & replied. "Can we meet Adhira now?" both of them asked worriedly. Raj was going to say yes when they a heard a voice "Dadi you are here". They turned to Reyansh who was looking for Daljeet. Then she explained the situation. "Actually she is sleeping due to sedatives" Atharva lied. "Its fine let her rest, we will meet her tomorow" Prem said & left followed by Daljeet & Reyansh. As soon as they left they, Atharva punched Armaan on his stomach "You bloody idiot. Cant tell anything good or auspicious, you had to say the obvious right Armaan Luthra" he scolded his twin brother "Arre how will I know that they will come in real" Armaan innocently replied. Raj warned his kids that they are in hospital, both the twins depart & said"But that was really up close"

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