You all died for me!!

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Samrat Dev Arya

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Samrat Dev Arya

"Buddy" Luthra kids ran towards them. His bright Grey eyes immediately lit up seeing the kids & hugged them. Ayaan & Nirvi hugged him when their siblings realized him from the bone crushing hugs which was almost choking him. "We missed you Buddy" Nirvi said "I missed you too my Lioness" . "Didnt they accompany you?" Ayaan asked. "Are you asking about us?" a voice came from behind. They all looked behind to see the owner of the voice

Raisinghania's who were already in shock got another when they saw the owner of that voice "Sia!!". They saw their lovely daughter after years, the whole clan had tears on their eyes, they further widen their eyes to see the people accompanied her. They all met the kids then rushed towards the elders.

"Sia, Kabir, Aryan & Sejal you guys are late" Sakshi scolded, they all smiled sheepishly "Sorry" they all said in unison. Sakshi smiled & hugged them.

Raisinghania's were still in shock "He completely looks like Vansh Mammu( Mom's brother)" Reni said "Yes. The only difference is with his hair, beard & eye color. Vansh Bhai have brown while that guy's eye is greyish" Ishaani further added. Vansh was still in shock, never in his life he though even in his dreams that his lie is really someone's truth & existence. The lie which he told to Ridhima that Vihaan was look-alike of Vansh will come to life like this. Indrani Raisinghania was like a frozen statue, she never thought she will face situation like this. "But what is Sia doing with them? And where the hell Aryan & Kabir came?" Angre yelled with frustration.

Sia, Aryan, Kabir, Sejal & Samrat were talking with Luthra's when they noticed Raisinghania's but ignored them. Ishaani & Vansh wanted to go & hug her but stopped when she ignored them & decided to talk to them after the party. Indrani were looking at them with loads of tension when her eyes locked with a greyish iris which showed no emotion other than anger. She looked away immediately.

Suddenly Adhira rushed towards the entrance, Raisinghania's, Luthra's & Ved looked at her. She stepped inside cooing a 2-3 year old baby. The baby was crying, Adhira rubbed her back to stop her cries. Moments later the baby was giggling & playing with her chain, a tall, devilishly handsome man accompanied her after a while. Three of them went towards their family. 

Ved was confused seeing them, his stomach churned & a part of his heart pained looking at them like that. The baby started to play with Ayaan & Rayyan, the man standing with them. Ved clenched his fist in anger, they were looking like a perfect family. Ahana was drooling over the tall man "He is so handsome, so tall & charming" she thought.

"Now why are you late Mr. Virat Krishna Arya?" Raj asked "You know about Ira, she was fusing a lot!!" he sighed

 Virat Krishna Arya?" Raj asked "You know about Ira, she was fusing a lot!!" he sighed

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Virat Krishna Arya

They all were talking while two men were fuming with anger & jealousy, Vansh & Ved. Samrat was with Arohi along with Nirvan & Nirvi. They were looking like a perfect family, Samrat was always by her side. He heard Nirvi  & Samrat talking like daughter & father which irked him more. Thats when he noticed that Nirvi's eye color was also grey which made his heart sink. He knew that Arohi is his Ridhima, he confirmed it when he saw the mole on her shoulder & the sensation & feelings which he got only from Ridhima was getting from Arohi. On the other hand watching Adhira playing with baby Ira, Ayaan & Rayyan talking to Virat in a very friendly way made Ved frustrated. 

The party got over & all the guest retired to their respective rooms except Raisinghania's & Luthra's with their family friends. Vansh & Ishaani rushed towards their baby sister Sia. They hugged her but she dint hug them back. Tears were rolling down from their eyes "Sia why you dint contact us, how are you & how do you know Luthra's?" Vansh asked her with tears in his eyes. This Indrani stepped forward "Tell us dear, why dint you contact us?".

Sia looked at them with emotionless face "Who are you?" , this question made Raisinghania's widen their eyes "Sia, what are you saying, we are your family!" Ishani was cut by Sia who started laughing "Family? Seriously!!. You call yourself as family!! Wow"  she clapped her hands. She looked at them with anger "In which family, the daughter-in-law of the house been threatened, in which family people try to kill their daughter-in-law, in which family a husband try to kill his own wife. TELL ME DAMMN ITT!!". Raisinghania's flinched hearing her, Arohi was silently reminiscing her past life. "The day Ridhima was kicked out of the house & got killed, that day you all died for me" she announced freezing Raisinghania's . Vansh caught her shoulder harshly "She betrayed me Sia, you knew everyone know that Vansh Raisinghania hates deception, then how can you expect me to forgive her" he growled. A lone tear escaped from Arohi's eyes which she wiped immediately. Sia released herself from Vansh's grip "It was you who married her forcefully, it was you who married her without knowing her, it was you who stopped her whenever she tried to reveal her past to you, it was you who dint notice the tortures of the family on her. It was bloody you who tried to kill her inspite of her taking bullets for you not ONCE BUT TWICE!!" Sia pushed him. Luthra's clenched their fists hearing Sia. "And after all you still think that she betrayed you. I thought after all these years you reach the truth atleast try to find the truth but alas you still think that Ridhima betrayed you. You are nothing but a loser Mr. Vansh Raisinghania" Vansh widen his eyes, Indrani was angry "SIA" she came to slap her but was stopped by hand.

Indrani looked at the person who stopped her "Dare you slap my sister" Samrat said in his deep baritone voice. Virat handed Ira to Nayantara & went towards them "Though she still carries Raisinghania name but she dont considers you as her family. And being her brothers, we will not tolerate a single scratch on our dear sister" Virat warned them. "If you dare, then you will face the wrath of Luthra's as well as Arya's" Atharva pointed his finger. Raisinghania's were shocked to see this. This angered them further, Vansh released Indrani from Samrat's grip "She maybe consider you as her brothers but she grew in VR mansion with us, with her real family" Vansh was cut by Azaan "That doesnt matter Mr. Raisinghania, Sia is our sister & always be our sister. And sensing how you treat your family members, its better she stays with us". 

Sia turned to Vansh "I always wanted to say the truth but I stopped myself to see how much you love Ridhima to find the truth yourself. But I was disappointed as well as happy, disappointed that the Vansh Raisinghania dint trust his own wife & tried to kill her & happy becaz Ridhima was free from this venomous family with backstabber, betrayers & killers. You never loved Ridhima, you acted being in love with her. You used her, you mocked her for being a orphan, you snatched her identity which was her everything, You just used her" Sia spat on his face "SIA" "Dont shout it is the TRUTH. And I am going reveal one more truth which will make you cry, which make you beg for her love, which will make you kill yourself, which will make you disgusted from yourself Vansh Raisinghania"

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