Masquerade Trouble!!

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It was the second day at Cruise. It was special day for Luthras as it was Raj-Nayantara & Rajveer-Sakshi's wedding anniversary. The hall was decorated very beautiful, everyone was busy in preparing everything. The kids already had their gifts ready with them for their grandparents.

It was Masquerade theme party. Raisinghanias were also their except Indrani Raisinghania. The masks were provided at the entrance of the hall. So everyone who enters the hall will have a mask. All the Luthras were also wearing the Mask, at correct 9pm they will remove the masks & cut the cake for both the couples.

The host welcomed all & announced a couple dance. Luthra couples went towards the stage with other couples. Adhira, Adya & Arohi were sitting when Nirvan came & stood in front of Adhira "Miss Adhira Luthra will you give me the pleasure to dance with you" he forwarded his hand. She smiled "Of course my Bacha" he made a face hearing 'Bacha',  "Mommm, here am asking you like a true gentlemen & you are making me Bacha"  he whined, she kissed his cheeks & started to dance. Ayaan took Adya whereas Rayyan took Arohi to the floor with Adhira & Nirvan. Yashvi was happily eating chocolates & Ice creams with Veer, Zara & Rudra. Nirvi was dancing with her Uncle Abhir. 

The host told to change the partners, they changed their respective partners. Adya reached to Ayyansh, Arohi with Atharva & Adhira with Advay. They could recognize each other as they saw each other & can feel their family. The song changed, Adhira froze when she saw those hazel orbs. She could recognize anywhere, the feeling which is immerging when the man touched her is uncontrollable , hatred & anger. She chose not to speak, she had fire in her eyes which wasnt unnoticed by the man "Come on Adhira dont pretend that you havent recognized me" the man smirked "What are you doing here in our party?" she asked while he twirled her. Now her back was crashed with his chest, his breath fanning over her neck. If it was few years before she would have enjoyed each & every touch but now she feels disgusted with herself, if it wasnt her parent's anniversary, she would have ran to her room & taken a shower to rub off his touch. "Just came to wish my ex-in-laws  for their anniversary. Woww Adhira you still smell the same, no change" her anger rose to the peak "And you are still the same pathetic bastard who uses other & plays with other's feelings for your own fuck self. If I wasnt in public Mr. Ved Mittal, I am sure I would have fucking beat the shit out yourself & dumped your fucking body to dogs. But still I pity you. You know why? because you are the same asshole dog who still licks & roam around his father & ask permission for each & everything even if it going to a bathroom. So its better you go & lick your father's shoes & be happy with your fiancé Mr. Ved Mittal. You dont have a single idea whom you are messing with" she said in low tine with fire in her eyes. Ved's anger shot up & dragged her outside, not without assuring no one saw them. 

Ved dragged her to bar where no one was present. He gripped her arms tightly, she was till glaring at him "Now you have no idea with whom you have messed Adhira"  she smirked "What truth stings Mr. Mittal?" she went towards the bar & removed her mask. She ordered drink for her. "When did you start to drink alcohol Adhira?" he asked coming towards her "Thats none of your fucking business!!" she drank her drink in one go & took her mask. "Stay away from me otherwise I will not think to twice  to shoot you" she said dangerously by pointing gun towards them. They were so close only the gun was between them "From where did the gun came?" he thought. Adhira left him there & marched towards the hall hiding her gun to her place. 

Adhira reached the hall & saw Arohi was dancing with a man, she looked at the man trying to recognize the man. She saw her sister stiffening with his touch. She understood she wasnt comfortable so she marched towards her sister & man.

When the song changed she changed from her Uncle Rajveer to a man which she dint recognize first. But when she saw the face covered with mask, he was staring at her doe-shaped eyes intensely. She recognized the man who is dancing with her, the man she once loved, adored & his arms once a heaven for her, once she felt the safest in his arms. But now she loathes this man to her core, she hates his existence, she feels like she is in worse than a hell in his unsafe & hypocritic embrace. She felt something disgusting crawling through her body when she holds her waist. And the VR logo on his coat was assuring her the identity of man. "Mr. Raisinghania, welcome" she  fake smiled. He widen his eyes "How do you know its me?" he asked. She smirked "Luthras have eyes of an eagle, only stupid will not recognize you. Your Tuxedo have your VR logo, Mr. Raisinghania!" "Will you not ask me how did I recognize you" he asked "Not interested Mr. Raisinghania. Maybe with the tattoo that we all have in our family"  she smirked evilly. 

Before they could converse further Arohi was pulled away by Adhira taking her sister's position. Arohi looked at her sister who winked at her, she smiled gratefully at her elder sister. Now she was with her brother Abhir. Vansh couldnt say anything as the song changed their partner also changed. Vansh again looked at the partner who was dancing with him now, it was Luthra he noticed the Tattoo which was printed on each & every Luthra. He knew about their tradition. "Miss Luthra?" he asked "Yes, Adhira! Tattoo??" she asked while he nodded . "May I ask you something Miss Luthra?" she nodded "What does your tattoo symbolizes?" "Its our tradition to imprint the tattoo to each & every Luthra. As you can see the tattoo consists of Lion, Snake & Eagle, Lion for bravery & courage with a crown on its head which shows our Royalty ; Snake for the cunningness & sharpness ; Eagle for the wittiness & intelligence" she explained "Interesting" he smirked.

Adya was immersed in those Hazel eyes. She know the man dancing with her, she could feel him. For the first time in these many years she saw these Hazel eyes which she loved for the first time. His eyes was the most attractive thing, she fell for those adorable Hazelnut Iris. She didn't need any introduction or greeting  to recognize this man. While he was confused, he have seen those beautiful cat eyes. He looked at those eyes with intensity, he know that he have seen those eyes. Then memories hit him like a tornado. He whispered "Adya"

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