Deal is on!!

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"We dont want to keep any relation with you now" Adhira declared. Vansh panicked hearing this, he have invested a lot in that project & backing out at this time will a huge loss for him "No. Please I have invested a lot you cant back out now" he said making Adhira  & Azaan smirked "Look Mr. Raisinghania, its your family who have messed with us not once but twice. And now you looking at your preposterous behavior towards my sister have made me decide that" Adhira exclaimed. Vansh again asked not to back out but Adhira was stern in her decision. At last Arohi stepped forward "Wait Iera di, if you are talking about the Hospital Project then let him do" she said shocking everyone including her family. "But Ruhi" Azaan was cut by Arohi "Let it be bro. Let Mr. Raisinghania do it. But I have three conditions" she smirked "I will do anything, just let me do this project" Vansh replied. "First Condition, SAY SORRY TO ME" Arohi said coolly making her family smirk & Raisinghanias shocked "WHAT" "Yes for pointing out my character & harassing  me now. Come on do it say sorry" she said. Vansh closed his eyes & said "Sorry. I am really sorry for my behavior" he said. Raisinghanias were shocked at the scene which took place in front of them. Adhira & Azaan smirked at their sister, now she is turning into a evil like how they wanted Arohi & Adya to be. 

"Second condition, No one I mean not even a single Raisinghania will messe with us again as they dared to do last two times" she said "Agreed. Now third one??" Vansh asked "Why this much hurry Mr. Raisinghania. Patience, Patience. My third condition, hmmm .. I will tell you later" Arohi said. "As you have agreed for the conditions. Our deal is still on" Azaan said, Vansh nodded his head. Adhira looked at Ishaani "It was started my your son but ended by my children. Am warning you for the last time. Do not mess with us, you have seen only one side of mine & you will be not at all happy seeing my others side" Adhira said caressing her gun. Raisinghanias nodded like obediant children. Luthras left from the VR mansion.

Indrani Raisinghania was furious on her family, she looked at Vansh "Vansh I wanna ask something come to my room" he looked at her & followed her to her room. They sat on bed "Look Vansh, I still believe that Ridhima dint to anything wrong. I still remember when Sia woke from coma she was looking for Ridhima but when we told everything about what we did, she was shocked & disgusted. I saw her expression & after that day only Sia never talked woth us & left India. There is something more to it. And I really feel Arohi is Ridhima & if she is then find out about her children's father. I noticed that Arohi's daughter have your eyes even her actions & behaviour was like you. I want to know if they are your kid s or not, if they she is Ridhima, if they are your kids then the children will stay here, in VR mansion. They are the heirs of Raisinghanias" Indrani said to Vansh. It was not unnoticed by Vansh also that Nirvi possessed some of his traits now after what his Grandma said he will find out the truth.

They entered their house & saw entire Luthras waiting for them for the explanation of the fiasco. Azaan stepped forward & explained everything from tip to toe. Arohi looked at the faces of of her family especially her father & brothers "Why your faces tell that you have met him before also" she asked making them gasped. "It means you knew then why didnt you tell me". Luthras looked here & there, they couldnt reply to her question as she always told them to stay from her problems. At last Rayyan told "To protect you Ruhi Ma", Arohi looked at her children "But I dont need any protection" she said in frustration "Its not protection its just" Atharva was cut by Arohi "WHAT HUH I TOLD THAT I DONT WANT ANY PROTECTION. I CAN STAND & FACE EVERY PROBLEMS, I HAVE DONE THAT FROM THE STARTING ONWARDS, I HAVE FACED EVERYTHINHG ALONE" she yelled. "NOW YOU HAVE US AROHI, WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE FACED EVERYTHING ALONE FROM THE STARTING. BUT NOW YOU HAVE US, YOU HAVE YOUR FATHER, MOTHER BROTHERS, SISTERS, SISTER-IN-LAWS & EVEN OUR KIDS. IF WE ARE PROTECTING THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU ARE WEAK AROHI, IT MEANS YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU IMMENSENLY & CANT SEE A SINGLE TEAR ON YOUR EYE" Adhira yelled & stormed to her room. They all stood numb hearing her. Ayyan & Rayyan went towards their mom's room whilst rest of them went towards Arohi.

Nayantara went towards Arohi "Ruhi" she looked at her mom & hugged immediately "Mom its too painful" she cried in her mother's embrace. "My baby I know its painful, just cry & let it out" she caressed her daughter's head while moving towards Arohi's room. Nirvan & Nirvi wiped their eyes looking at their mother. Raj came towards them & hugged them "Are you fine" he asked they just hummed in response.

Arohi was crying hugging her mother "I know you all wanted me to not get hurt. I dont want you all to get into trouble while dealing with them" she explained her part. Nayantara cupped her face "Baby you know that what we are capable off still you think that. You should not worry about these things Ruhi. You have half your life now & going to start a new one. Dont let the past ruin you" she hugged her daughter "Yes mom I have new life ahead"

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