Suffering Pain

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She lights her third cigar of the night, leaning towards the railing she takes another puff in each second. Tears rolled down her cheeks which hasn't released from her eyes in quite few years. She have broke down in her parent's arms few days back before that she was on her auto pilot mode for past many years. Its been 4 hours after she made Ira sleep with her father along with Ayaan & Rayyan, they wanted to be with their lil sister. "Adhira" a voice called, she turned & saw Virat & Abhir. "Hey you guys dint sleep?" she asked taking another puff. "Couldnt sleep" Virat replied while Abhir noticed the cigarette in her head, he looked around to see many alcohol bottles, he shook his head  "Iera you know" he was cut by Adhira "Ya Ya I know, dont start now". 

Virat & Abhir stood beside her & watched the waves silently. Adhira laughed suddenly "Adhira" she laughed wiping her tears "The Adhira Luthra, whom the business world fears, Masters in Business, CEO of the her company, Luthra Princess is a loser in her real life" she laughed again then opened another bottle of Whiskey & took a sip. "Adhira Luthra is a real looser, cant even stand for herself huh" she took another sip while wiping her tears vigorously. Virat looked at her with pain, a lone tear escaped from his eyes which he immediately wiped. Abhir was hiding his pain seeing his sister like this, partially it was his mom's fault for Adhira's miseries in her life.

"Iera Di" a voice called her. Adhira immediately wiped her tears & made herself look better in front if her sister. "Ya Ruhi" she turned to see Arohi & smiled. Arohi looked at the disheveled state of her elder sister. Arohi always knew that Adhira Luthra always put a façade on her mask to hide her pain & miseries even from her own family which made a distance between her & her kids. Adhira never wants her kids especially Ayaan & Rayyan to see their mother's devastated & broken state.

Arohi took Adhira into her room & made her sit, Virat & Abhir also were with them. Arohi knelt down & snatched the Alcohol bottle, she cupped her sister's face "Siso, its fine to cry no one will judge you. Its only Bir, Virat & me here. Please dont keep everything inside you" she said to her elder sister.

 Adhira looked at her, then sat near Arohi. She gazed at her sister for few minutes then suddenly started to cry "AHHHH". Arohi immediately hugged her, she kept her head towards her chest & let her cry. "Why? Why me always" Arohi rubbed her back. Virat just looked away from the sight as he couldnt endure it, he started crying silently. "Why its always me Ruhi? Cant I get some happiness??" he heard Adhira mumbling "I am tired...I am tired of being strong, I am tired...I also want to love my children like a normal mother...I want to hug them & cry.." she continued. Neither Abhir nor Arohi stopped her, it was for the first time she breaking down & sharing her pain which she kept inside her for years "I am tired, am really tired. I am tired of losing my love. I lost both my Love" she cried aloud. 

Virat cried silently hearing her, Abhir saw him & hugged him. Virat cried "I cant see her like this Abhi, I cant. Its paining" he whispered while crying hugging Abhir. "I know Vi, even I cant see my sis like this". 

Arohi know how to lose your love, after all she also have went through the same pain. She never felt the pain when Kabir betrayed, it wasnt that strong compared to her love for Vansh. 'Vansh' that name itself gives a felling of disgust & immense anger. A man she once loved the most, for whom she took bullets, for whom she joined hands with the dark side just to keep him safe. She put herself & her babies in danger just to save him & have a peaceful life. And what he did, just ignored her & brought another woman. She was broken, furious & angry but she bulit herself for her babies. After leaving VR mansion, she got support from Sejal then she reunited with her sister & parents who supported even further, stood by her side, trusted her & loved her immensely. Her babies were their strength to live life then her family became the reason to live.

Arohi Luthra was fully ready to move on but again the Bloody Raisinghania's entered her life again & brought the storm which was vanished from her life since many years. She had to put a complete full stop on the name VANSH RAISINGHANIA & she was determined to that after all she wasnt the old naïve Ridhima, she is Dr. Arohi Luthra, Princess of Luthra Family. She will fully end this chapter by the end of the year. And help her elder sister to end the chapter of Mittals from their life.

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