Swear to Salazar

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Luthras arrived at the port. They all went to the ship through boat. They entered the ship & checked inn. They all got ready to welcome everyone as there was a small get-together. Adhira came out & saw her family standing at the entrance "Guys what happened why are you standing here like this" she saw they were glaring at someone, she followed the their direction & froze to see the people entering. 

"What are they doing here" Azaan asked "Only Salazar knows" Nirvan & Ayaan muttered together "Can you stop your Harry Potter things & focus on the situation"  Nirvi muttered back. "Sis, normal people use 'God' instead we use Salazar Slytherin's name thats it now stop complaining" Ayaan retorted. Nirvi & Yashvi rolled their eyes. "Why in the world these Mittals are doing here" Anika fumed. Atharva rushed towards the receptionist & asked about the Mittals as half of the ship were booked by Luthras. 

"They are here for vacation, they probably booked few days ago" Atharva informed as per the information given by the manager. "We have to control ourselves guys. Media, our employees & our business partners are here so we should not make any ruckus" Azaan reminded while all nodded "But if they do anything outrageous swear to Salazar I will rip of their head" Armaan cursed "Salazar what" his siblings asked "Oh Salazar, guys Salazar as in Salazar Slytherin the founder of Hogwarts. We people use our house's founder's name instead of God" Nirvan explained "Yes" Armaan shrugged still glaring at Mittals. Rest of the Luthras just rolled their eyes while muttering "Maan is still a kid". Anika, Sara & Tara looked at Adhira "We are with you Iera, Relax baby" the assured her, she looked at them with smile & nodded. They all left to meet everyone.

They all were on the top pf the ship chatting with each other. Luthra kids were enjoying with each other. Rudra, Veer, Zara & Yashvi planning to prank while their elder twins set were chatting with their friends. Ayaan went towards his room to pick something when he bumped into someone "Oh am sorry" he apologized & saw the person "You" Ayaan fumed & clenched his fist "You have a very bad temper kid" Ved Mittal chuckled noticing Ayaan's fist. "None of your business" Ayaan replied & walked past him "I know who is your father kid" Ved shouted causing Ayaan to stop on his track, he turned & saw him smirking. Ayaan calmed himself & said "So what, even we know who is our bloody sperm-donor. We dont need you to interfere our life Mister". Ved chuckled slightly "Isnt bad to speak to an elder like this boy". Ayaan calmed his mind & controlled himself from punching the man in front of him "It is bad to talk to an elder like this but you should see the 'elder' here we are talking about is YOU. Who have hurt & dared to touch my mother few days ago. So its my decision how to talk to you. Satisfied??" he gave a fake smile. "Just becaz I fought with your mother, you will behave like this" he asked further annoying the young Luthra more. Ayaan moved closer to him & whispered dangerously "Listen Mr. Ved Mittal, any person who hurts my mothers which includes Adya & Arohi Luthra along with my biological mother Adhira Luthra will face my wrath & will face very I mean very very Dark Side of mine, swear to Salazar. Normally am a calm person but when it comes to my mothers I will be worst that Lucifer himself. At last am warning you specially you are a MITTAL, stay away from my family, I might be young but it will not stop me from showing my shooting skills on you" he smirked & left before Ved could ask anything. Ved saw the retreating figure & smiled "calm yet dangerous".

Raisinghanias were moving towards their room they saw Nirvi talking to manager. Vansh signed something to his family & they left for their rooms except Vansh. Vansh went to Nirvi who was now checking her phone. He coughed to gain her attention, Nirvi looked up & stiffens still she calms herself "Yes" she asked "Vansh, Vansh Raisinghania" they shook hands "I know you Mr. Raisinghania, no need of a introducing yourself as it was quite good introduction few weeks back at you mansion" she smirked causing Vansh to flinch. "Feisty" he thought, "But I dont know your name" "Why you need my name Mr. Raisinghania, no hurt feelings but you are working with my mothers not with me so why you need to know my name?? I dont get the reason" Nirvi fake smiled. Vansh noticed the girl in front of him, her posture screamed that she wasnt interested in talking with him. Still he wanted to know about the mystery called Arohi Luthra & about her kids. He cant directly ask her about her father as he have witnessed what happens if someone asks about their father. Ishaan still had stiches on his body.Through his sources Vansh came to know about that Arohi Luthra was a divorcee & few years back her ex-husband died in a car accident  Infact all the younger Luthra Princesses were divorcees which raised many suspicions. He suppressed his doubtful nature "I just simply asked Miss Luthra" "So you just came here to ask my name??" she raise her eyebrows, he nodded in response. "So I will take your leave Mr. Raisinghanai" she left without waiting for his response. Vansh looked at her & murmured "Soon".

Abhir Luthra was pacing around his room. Azaan entered & saw him pacing like bull "Bir what happened". Abhir looked at him "I think our sister is upto something", Azaan widen his eyes "You mean by Adhira right. Even I was suspicious" he told. They both sat at the couch sipping the alcohol in their hand. "Mittals are here, under same the roof as ours. How it is possible" Azaan yelled in frustration. "And main point Adhira Luthra is silent, she is calm" Abhir pointed out "Maybe she wants to move on from them & ignore their presence" Azaan said. Abhir chuckled "No, she is definitely upto something. I know Adhira Luthra very well more than anyone in this world does". Azaan looked at him "She was never the person you are thinking Abhir, I know my sister" . Abhir laughed "Seriously 'Zee', you know how much she pretends to be nice but deep inside we all know whose blood in running in our veins 'Zee'. The truth is inevitable"

Sorry for late update, as I had my practical & theory exams. Now I will update continuously

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