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Luthra mansion was decorated like a bride .It was Armaan & Tara's engagement. They all were running here there. The whole family were busy except the would-be bride & groom .Even Adhira was involved like before .Raj & Nayantara were also happy to see Adhira like this. She forget everything in between her brother's wedding. The kids were also helping their families.

It was evening. Tagores were waiting for Luthra to arrive. The engagement was going to be held in Tagore Mansion. Sara was already present their with her sister. Soon Luthras arrived & were welcomed by Tagores. Arnab Tagore Tara's father leads Atharva to the stage while Luthra ladies except Adhira went upstairs to Tara.

Adhira was handling her as well as Armaan's work as he took leave due to wedding. Though he told to leave the work but Adhira didnt wanted to ignore so she continues her work. She was talking in the phone when she dashed into someone "What the hell cant you see" she looked at the guy "Excuse me" the person said. She turned & saw the person. Adhira was shocked to see the person there, but she composed herself & asked "What cant see & walk "Excuse me I should be the one who should ask you. You were talking in phone miss" the person said "Hey you came & dashed me. I know boys like you" she was cut by the person "Dare you say that...You dont know whom you are talking to. I am Vansh Rai Singhania " he finally revealed his identity

 I am Vansh Rai Singhania " he finally revealed his identity

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"You also dont know to whom you are talking too. I am Adhira Luthra & dare you mess with me" Adhira replied & went from there.

Adhira was searching for Atharva but couldnt find him .She saw Raj & went towards him "Dad....Vansh Rai Singhania is here" she said nervously "WHAT where" Raj was too shocked. Adhira  was going to reply when Vansh called them from behind. Adhira faced him & saw a girl with her. "Hello Mr. Luthra. I am Vansh Rai Singhania" Vansh introduced himself. Raj plastered a fake smile "Hello Mr. Rai Singhania, at last I have met you. I have heard a lot about you" there a sarcastic tone in his voice which was not noticed by Vansh "Pleasure is all mine..Ahh meet her Mr.Luthra. She is Ahana Vansh Rai Singhania, my wife" Vansh said holding her hands. Raj composed himself & Adhira was clenching her fist.

Suddenly Ayaan & Nirvan came there running. Nirvaan was chasing Ayaan "Grandpa Iera Mom. Look what Ayu did" Nirvan whined, they both didnt notice Vansh- Ahana & started their complaints. "He pour juice on my new shoes" Nirvan smacked Ayaan's head. Raj & Adhira rolled their eyes "Mom it was a mistake", "Ayu say sorry" "No  I dont want sorry but I want a new shoes for the wedding Iera Mom as Ayaan have spoiled this one...Am right or Am I right" Nirvan winked. Adhira narrowed her eyes "This is  becaz your mother refused to buy new shoes rt!!! AH leave it I will bring new shoes for you". Nirvan jumped in happiness while Ayaan's gaze was fixed on the man & woman standing front of them.

 He broke the trance & introduced himself "Sorry Mister for interrupting you. I am Ayaan Luthra" he forwarded his hands for hand shake. Adhira saw the hidden emotion in her son's eyes "Mr. Rai Singhania he is Ayaan Luthra my son & this is Nirvan Luthra my sister's son" Adhira introduced them. "Ohh your sons...I didnt knw that you were married" Vansh sounded little shocked. "What you would do with her relationship status huh" Nirvan retorted who sounded little sarcastic. Vansh was flabbergasted with his answer. Listening to his answer Raj, Adhira & Ayaan smirked internally "Nirvan" Adhira glared him with a mischievous smile. Nirvan & Ayaan understood her & turned to Vansh "Mr.Rai Singhania dont mind him.He is being protective" Ayaan said in a professional tone. 

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