Its my Fault

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Adhira & Abhir were talking with each other in the lounge when someone came & closed her eyes with palm "Tell me, who am I? " the person asked. Abhir smiled at the person, Adhira also smiled when she heard the voice "Come on Bitch! do you think that I am that naïve Mrs. Singh" she turned & hugged her. "I missed you so much Vaidu" Adhira cried on her shoulder. "Hey why my Iera is crying huh?" Vaidehi broke the hug & wiped Adhira's tears "Nothing its just I am happy & I missed u baby"  she smiled at her. Vaidehi looked at Abhir, he signaled 'I will tell later'.

"Is that Mrs. Vaidehi Kashyap Singh here?" Armaan came into the hall with kids. "Yes Mister Doctor"  Vaidehi hugged him tightly. "Vaidu Aunty you forgot us!!" Ayaan whined "Oh my boy" she hugged him & rest of the kids. "Hey where is your idiot husband?? Didnt he come with his lazy ass?" Armaan asked earning a smack on his head "Who the" he was going to curse the person but stopped seeing the person who smacked him "You are the one who completed your MBBS in 6 years instead of 5 years becaz of your lazy ass" the guy said "Hey I dint fail. Its becaz I got chicken pox during my exams, you butt" Armaan whined. The ladies rolled their eyes & muttered "Boys". Adhira came forward & warned "Mr. Dev Raj Singh & Mr. Armaan Luthra stop fighting otherwise you both will be admitted in your own hospitals. Do you want that?" she glared at them. They widen their eyes, they knew that she will definitely admit them so stopped bickering & nodded their head like obedient children. "Good, only God knows how they both became Doctors. Idiots" she muttered earning chuckles from everyone & glares from Armaan & Dev.

They all were talking in breakfast table when Samrat & Virat came along with little Ira. They both saw the Singhs there, they immediately went & greeted them. Vaidehi took Ira in her arms & played with her "Ira, how are you?" she asked in childish tone "Did you miss your Vaidu Mom" she tickled her making her laugh. "At last!! untill you are here, you deal with this naughty girl right Virat" Adhira said passing Nirvan's juice. "Yes, Aunty she have became very very naughty" Nirvi said passing the plate to Samrat. "You are just joking my Ira baby is not naughty right baby!" Dev asked while she clapped happily making everyone smile.

Dev, Vaidehi, Virat & Abhir were standing together watching the kids playing with Ira. Abhir & Virat were explaining past few days' events when both Dev & Vaidehi asked the reason for a gloomy Adhira. "We have really neglected her, Virat" Dev said sadly. Vaidehi had tears hearing about her best friend's situation. 

Vaidehi & Adhira had been friends since they were kids. Their grandparents were very good friends, even their families are friends. Dev & Arman studied together in the same Medical college , Vaidehi's elder sister Vanya was Anika's friends in College. Though Vanya & Anika lost contact but Vaidehi & Adhira stick together like glue. Dev was also very found of Adhira, he considered her as younger sister. His younger triplet siblings Darsh, Diya & Daivik considered Adhira as their mentor who are currently working under Adhira in Fornax Corp

"You are right Dev, she did everything to get us both married & what did we do for her?" Vaidehi cried. "Hey Vaidu, its not your fault. I was the one who neglected her, I thought it was for her good but" Virat couldn't complete his words, he closed his eyes in pain & looked away. "I always did that as I thought it will make everything right but I was just pushing her into hell. I couldnt even go & see her in hospital when she fall unconscious after marriage" he cried atlast. Dev immediately him & Virat cried on his shoulder. 


Vansh was still drowned in his miseries, he was shattered when he got to know that his Ridhima, well now Arohi..have moved on & have children who are not his blood. But he noticed one thing though Arohi's daughter had Samrat's eyes, he felt some connection with her kids. And their age was also was somewhat odd,  they are one or two years younger than Ishaan. He still remember when Ridhima was pregnant, it was just after Ishani's 4th month pregnancy. He was suspicious so he decided to take the matter on his hands, he will now find out the actual truth. He was thinking all the possibility of Nirvan & Nirvi being his kids when Indrani barged inside his room with a letter. 

"Va..Van..Vansh, I got this" she handed a note with trembling hands. He made her sit on the couch & took the letter

If you think you can hide from me, its your foolishness. Be careful Raisinghanias I am just behind you. You will be destroyed completely. Soon I will take what is mine..Tick..Tok..Tick..Tok----- unknown (with signature of star)

Vansh was shaking with anger but he saw some glint of fear in his Grandmother's eyes. He knelt down near her & assured "Dont worry Dadi, you know that your grandson will let anything happen to this family & our business". Indrani hesitantly smiled at her, he asked who gave this not for which she replied that their was flower bouquet for her, in that roses she saw this letter.  Vansh called Angre & explained the situation to him. 

They both came outside when they saw Nirvan, Aryan & Kabir. Vansh wanted to know how they know Luthras & rest of them. He cleared his throat to gain their attention. The trio looked at him "Yes, Mr. Raisinghania" Nirvan asked. He looked at the kid who resembled his childhood self a lot & said "I want to talk to Aryan & Kabir" "So you can talk to them no one is stopping you" Nirvan replied "Alone, I just want to talk to them both with Angre" Vansh emphasized. Nirvan smirked & crossed his arms over his chest "Interesting  very interesting. You have been invited by us, the Luthras still have the audacity to kick me out". Vansh & Angre widen his eyes at his statement while Kabir & Aryan chuckled but sensing the situation Aryan intervened "Nirvan go, we will join you later", Nirvan looked at him & he signed him to go. 

Nirvan sighed but Kabir stopped & said  "Tell your father, the lazy git that he have to attend a meeting in 10 minutes. Last time he forgot that he had an important meeting with Australian Clients  & your dearest mother had to kick his lazy ass & pour a bucket full of water over his head to wake him from sleep. And I cant hear the wonderful profanities for your father from your Iera Mom & your mom. Please have some mercy on me & tell that git whom we call Samrat Arya & you as DAD, to be on time" putting pressure on words 'Dad' & 'Father'.  Nirvan chuckled & replied while walking off "I will tell Dad" .

Aryan just chuckled at Kabir's evil antics. He knew Kabir very well now by now, he purposely brought this conversation to piss off Vansh & giving him a declaration that 'Samrat is their father'. Aryan saw the result of Kabir's antics victoriously, Vansh was shaking & fuming. Kabir smirked internally whiled shook his head in disbelief with the man standing in front of him. He still had the audacity to call Ridhima oops Arohi as his wife after all what he had done. 

"You wanted to talk to us?" Aryan asked straightening himself. Vansh calmed himself "How do you both know them..I mean Luthras?". "We all are friends thats it. Rest of the details none of your business. You are our brother that doesnt mean you can interfere in our lives So bye, will meet you later, we both have an important meeting with Sam & Adhira" Aryan said smiling. Kabir's phone rang, he picks the call without noticing the caller name "Hello" "KABIR & ARYAN RAISINGHANIA GET YOUR ASSES RIGHT HERE AT THE HALL...OTHERWISE"  Kabir disconnected the phone is hurry with fear. " Oh God we are late, now Iera will kill us" Aryan wiped his sweat remembering what Adhira Luthra does to them when they are late for meetings. "What are you thinking you Idiot!!!..By now Iera would have started pinning nails on our coffins.Come on runn"  Kabir & Aryan ran towards the hall like they were followed by the Grim Ripper himself. Vansh & Angre looked at their retreating figure "Angre, get the information about their relation. I think they are close to Luthras as they both are on her nicknames bases which very unusual for Luthras especially Adhira Luthra, she is tough nut to crack" Vansh said while Angre nodded


"Its not your fault Dev, Vaidu & you also Vi"  Abhit consoled them. "No, it is our fault. We were tangled in our problems that we completely forgot about our Iera who was going through double the pain we went through" Vaidehi cried "I ashamed of myself, I call her sister still I forgot about her" Dev hugged Vaidehi. Virat nodded his head & allowed the tears to fall "I..I was responsible for everything" " Virat" Abhir tried to interrupt him but Virat showed his palm & continued "Its true Abhir, I was drowned in my own miseries but forgot that even Adhira was going through the same pain. I promised her that I will be with her always but I failed..I failed... After the marriage instead of being in contact with her, I pushed her ignored her so that she can move on but I myself pushed her into hell. How could I??? HOW COULD I WHEN I LOVED HER.....SHE WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT WOMAN AFTER MY MOM AND I HURT HER ABHIR. I HURT MY LOVE, I HURT MY WORLD, I HURT MY ADHIRA" 

Vaidehi & Dev's character sketch is in the NEW ENTRIES chapter. Check it out

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