Birth of Twins

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Adhira was sitting between her boys. She looked at her sons who were sleeping peacefully on her left & right, she smiled. Her Ayaan & Rayan, her sons, her blood, her flesh, her world. She closed her eyes reminiscing the moment when she got to know that a life is growing inside her, she was going to bring a new life to this world. She was happy- it was understatement, she wasnt just happy, she was overjoyed by this news. She wanted Ved, her love to be with her but when she remembered his betrayal she stopped herself. 

Adhira was jumping in happiness when she got to know that she wasn't bringing only one but two new lives into world. Two innocent lives were growing inside her. She forget everything & just focused on her babies. She worked hard day & night to stabilize her life. The company which she started in London wanted her leadership. She started it as a branch of Fornax Corp  in London.

After 6 months of hard work Fornax was successful though not as successful as Indian Branch. During these months, she had many breakdowns, stress & anxiety attacks due to her pregnancy hormones. She endured everything for her babies, she controlled her emotions whenever she was in Office. Her carvings increased when she was in her 5th month, she did everything by herself as she couldnt afford a maid & she was all alone. She even coulnd contact her parents as she was ashamed & dint had the courage to talk to them. Abhir & Adya were the only one who were in touch with her but she never told anyone that she was pregnant.

At 6th month, when she met Arohi, her long lost sister, she was happy to get her back. She was furious when she got to know about her past life. Adhira informed her family about Arohi. But Arohi stopped them from coming to London untill her delivery & that's when Luthra's got to know about Adhira's pregnancy. They were furious for hiding this new from them but still she refused to talk to anyone. 

Next day Abhir & Adya reached London. They informed Adya being pregnant with Reyansh's child. Abhir & Adhira reached Indian secretly without informing anyone & warning Adya, Arohi not to tell anyone. Both the Luthra's wanted to end Ridhima's Story. Armaan informed them that a dead body was lying in their hospital's Mortuary for more than 2 months. Atharva investigated about the dead body's life but dint get to know anything. They put a notice in the Newspaper also still no one came to claim to the body. They waited for one more months then at last they took the body.

They brought a cheap car in the name of Ridhima. Then one night they put the dead body in the car with Ridhima's belongings to prove that the body belonged to Ridhima. Then they blasted the car then pushed into a cliff. They burnt every sought of certificate related to Ridhima except her Medical college certificates, so that they can change her name & utilize her certificate for her further studies. 

Atharva & Armaan were with Adhira in hotel as she was taking rest. They got to know that the Police has found a girl's body near the cliff through Abhir. They also got to know that Raisinghania's have also got the news. On that day, Ridhima Vansh Raisinghania died & Arohi Luthra was born.

Despite the restrictions of traveling during her 6th month of pregnancy, she flew through their private jet with Abhir to London. She was glad that atleast in her last two months her sisters & Abhir was with her. They fulfilled her every wishes & cravings, she forget everything & enjoyed her last two months.

Even her delivery wasnt normal, when she went to labor, the doctors told that she have complications. Without listening to the complications she declared that "Just keep my babies safe. Please doctor dont let them die whatsoever happens to me, please" she begged to the doctor. They even asked Adya, Arohi & Abhir about their consent, they also knew how Adhira loved her children so they also told just to follow what she said.

After more than 3 hours, Ayaan & Rayyan were born. Adhira quickly kissed her boys & fainted due to exhaustion. She was kept under observation for more than 24 hours. At last when she met her boys, she had tears of joy. The pain, sufferings which she bore after leaving Ved was suddenly vanished into thin air when she hugged her babies to her chest & sobbed. From that day onwards she swore to protect her boys as well her nieces & nephews from every sort of danger, pain & sufferings

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