We hate them

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"Now its time to exchange the rings" Nisha Tara's friend announced. They all clapped, Adiya gave the ring to Atharva, he smiled at Tara & slipped the ring into her finger .Now it was Tara's turn, Sara gave the ring & she slipped into his finger. They all clapped for the couple, Luthras came & hugged their son/ brother, then they hugged Tara.

Nisha announced for a couple dance & dragged Atharva & Tara to the center. Everyone was dancing, Ayaan came & stood in front of his mother "May I have the chance to dance with you my beautiful mother" he forwarded his hand. Adhira smiled & nodded. Rayyan went to Arohi while Nirvan went to Adiya. All this time Nirvi & Yashvi were left alone. "Come one Yash we will dance together" Nirvi said, both went & accompanied their family.

They exchanged their partners, Adhira dashed into Raj while Adya to Atharva &  Arohi to Armaan. When the other sisters were happy while Adhira felt uncomfortable with her father .Raj noticed this "Iera" he called, she looked up to meet her father's eyes. Its been years she has heard her father calling her by her nickname. Once she was very close to her father, its not like she wasn't close to her mother, Adhira was always a daddy's girl. Raj was her mentor friend everything. She used to share each & everything with her father. She never stayed away from her father more than 2 days she loved her father the most. But now the situation is different, she was guilty as she herself was the reason for this.

"Iera you don't need to be guilty, every human makes mistake you also did one. We love you baby, have you imagined how your mother & I lived without seeing you. You always used to run from us, you are still doing that Iera" Raj twirled her "I was scared Dad, I thought you all hate me thasty. I didn't have courage to face you & mom...I am Sorry Dad" a lone tear escaped from her eyes "We never hated you, yah we were upset with you but never hated you baby. Please come back Iera, I want my old Adhira back" he told wiping her tears. "I don't Dad, but I will to try to become the old Adhira" she happily replied.

"I think everything is alright between them" Atharava told looking at his father & sister talking. Adya sadly smiled "But Bhai everything is not sorted" , Atharva raise his eyebrow "What do you mean" "Ved Mittal" she replied. "What" hearing his name Atharva's blood boiled "Where is that bastard doing here" he looked here & there "Bhai please...he is with Kavya Sharma, her fiancé. Kavya is Tara Di's classmate but the main thing is" she hesitated to say that "What Adi" he asked "That Rayyan met him". Atharva was shocked to hear that, he started to search his family.

  Atharva dragged Armaan with him "Ved is here" "Reyansh is here" they said together shocking each other "What". "Adi told she met Ved, Rayu also met him" Atharva said shocking Armaan "Even Ruhi & I met Reyansh, Yash met him" but there was more to come for the brothers "Even Vansh Rai Singhania is here" Adhira came from behind "WHAT" both the brother were flabbergasted with this revelations. "All of them together...OH God" Atharva was feeling dizzy hearing the revelations "Nirvan met him even Dad was with me". Atharva was going to tell about Ved "I know Ved is here & Rayyu met him" she revealed shocking her brothers. "Iera " Armaan was going to say something but she nodded negatively "Am fine Maan, I don't want Ruhi to meet Vansh & Adi to meet Reyansh" "But Iera" Atharva was interrupted by her "Even I don't want any of my kids to meet their respective fathers. But if they want" "We don't want to meet any one of them Iera Mom / Mom" three of the siblings turned to the voice.It was Ayaan, Rayan, Nirvan, Nirvi & Yashvi.

Luthra siblings were shocked to see them like this "How" Atharva asked "We just know who is our father....Our mothers only told us not what they did but who are they. Our moms didn't told why our fathers left us, but we hate them now after seeing them happy with separate girls, we hate them more now" Ayaan said. Adhira was shocked, neither she nor her sister wanted their children to hate their respective fathers "Ayaan" she shouted. But Rayan showed his palm "No mom. I know that you three didn't wanted us to hate our fathers but hate is emotion which comes from inside. We loathe them after what they did to you. Neither we want to see them nor we want our mothers to see them. We will protect them" they left except Ayaan who stood there. 

"Whats the plan" he asked looking at his mother & uncles. "Why you didn't go with others Ayu" Armaan  asked. Ayaan raised his eyebrow "Rayan & Yash is there for Adi mom as Yash is small & for Ruhi Mom Nivy Nirvi are there......Am here for my mom.. Though she tells she can handle but am her son I know her very well" he completed while Armaan & Atharva patted his back. Adhira was proud of her son, now she was confident enough to tackle everything & everyone. Till now she fought everyone alone for her sisters & kids but now her sons are there for her.

They all left & went inside the hall & joined everyone .Adya was confused by the behavior of her kids "Why both of you are standing with me" Yashvi & Rayan was nervous but hid that & replied "Why cant we stand with our mothers huh" Rayan replied. Though Adya wasn't convinced fully but shrugged of all unwanted thoughts. Arohi was in the same situation as Adya, "Why" she asked while her kids raise their eyebrows "What why" Nirvi asked "You both with me" "Oh that, we all planned to stay with our moms soo here we are" Nirvan replied. "Okay" Arohi replied.

Adhira  was with Tara & Armaan in the stage, Ayaan was also there with them greeting the guest & gifts. "Taru" they turned to voice "Kavya" Tara jumped in happiness & hugged her. Armaan's heart started to beat fast seeing Kavya while Tara introduced Kavya as her classmate. "I want you to meet my fiancé Ved" she called. He stepped on the stage smilingly while Luthras along with Tara froze at the moment. Tara looked at Armaan who was clenching his fist then looked at Adhira  who tried to maintain a stern face, she awkwardly greeted Ved while he smirked at them. "Hello Tara, Hello Armaan " he said. Armaan plastered a smile on his face. Kavya saw Adhira  "Oh you must me Armaan's sister. Hi am Kavya" she forwarded her hands for handshake, Adhira  also shook her hands. Adhira felt that Kavya was a sweet lady, being in the business world, she could identify a person very easily by a mere sight. Ved was still smirking at them. Kavya saw Ayaan & misunderstood as Rayan "Hey Rayan Hi again. So Adhira is your mother". He smiled at the lady. He got an idea about Kavya from his brother & said "Hello Miss. Kavya. Actually am Ayaan, Rayan is my twin brother. And yes WE ARE ADHIRA LUTHRA'S SONS" he declared with pride. Ved's smirk vanished in seconds, he looked at Ayaan then at Adhira .His still had confusions "What about your husband" he asked suddenly shocking everyone "She don't need husband & we don't need a father. We don't need any man, she is independent & we both brothers don't need our sperm donor in our life" Ayaan replied in a very casual tone.

Kavya glared at Ved & apologized to them left the stage. He saw a fire in Ayaan's eyes who was glaring at him all the time .He looked at Adhira who was talking to Atharva. "She have changed lot, stern face huh" Ved thought. He looked around to find Rayan & saw him standing with Raj & Adya. Rayyan who felt someone's gaze on him looked around & saw Ved staring at him. Again he  saw the same fire which he saw in Ayaan's eyes "Are they my kids??" 

I changed the names.Please check the characters again...Sorryy

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