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Virat was searching for Adhira, Ira was crying and he couldnt calm her. "Oh!! my baby, calm down, we are going towards your mamma" he kept on saying to her. Ayaan & Rayaan ran towards him & informed that Adhira is in gym.

Virat along with the kids came into gym & saw Adhira . They immediately went towards her, "Mom/Iera"  she turned towards her kids and Virat. She saw Ira crying, "Ayu, bring the towel, am sweating. I cant carry Ira like this" she instructed. She wiped the sweat & immediately took the crying baby "Oh my baby what happened, look mamma is here now, look everyone is here" she cooed her baby. Virat was wiping the sweat while she was calming the baby, the twins kept on making faces to make Ira laugh. At last after a lot of effort, Ira stopped crying & started laughing.

 Adhira laughed at her kids' antics then turned towards Virat who was looking at her. He dint turn away but kept on gazing at her, even she dint look away. She felt something inside her flutter, after many years. Virat's gaze made her feel those emotions which she buried deep within her heart. No she cant dig those again. She looked away reluctantly, fixed her gaze on the baby in her arms. Virat smiled, he know this will take time but this time he wasn't going to leave her alone, he is hopelessly in love with her, he know that he will make her fall for him again. Even if he has to kill Ved Mittal, he will do that.

Adhira and kids went back to her room while Virat left for the lounge not before dropping a kiss on kids' as well their mother's forehead. Virat was strolling when Ved Mittal stood in front of him.

Ved was furious, he came to gym for workout but hid when he saw Adhira. He was staring at her when Virat came there with kids. He clenched his fist in pure anger & jealousy when saw the scene in front of him. Dont touch what's mine. They are mine.

Virat frowned at the sight "Yes, Mr. Mittal do you want something" he asked. Ved snorted "Yes, I want Adhira & my kids back". Anger was building inside Virat, he was never a patient man, there are only few cases he shows his patience. The normal hot tempered Virat Krishna Arya controlled himself & snapped "How many times Iera have told you that they are not yours. Adhira is mine and Ayaan, Rayyan, Ira are my kids. They are Iera and my kids. I am their father not a bastard like you".

Ved grabbed Virat's collar "I know she is lying and they are my kids. And about their mother, she is also mine. Once she have left her family for me because she loved me now she will do that again when I make her fall for me again, this time she will come with me along with my kids. You are nothing for her". Ved smirked at him but soon it got vanished when he saw Virat laughing manically with an evil glint making him lose his hold on the collar.

Virat keeps on laughing "I....(laughing)..am...nothing ..to her" he keeps on laughing which irks Ved more. Virat controls & says "Let me tell you something. I, Virat Krishna Arya means everything to her. And Adhira Luthra means everything to me", Ved scoffs at him. "Oh its true. Wait let me remind you. You claim that you love her and know her then let me ask you. Have you ever noticed a tattoo on Iera's nape??" Virat asks. 

Ved know the tattoo, about which Virat was speaking but he would be damned if he accepts. Virat smirks noticing his expressions & continues "Its tattoo of Lord Krishna's flute with a V and a crown on top of V" . Ved widens his eyes at the specification Virat was giving about Adhira's tattoo. "It was printed before you met her. Now think the meaning of that tattoo" Virat smiled evilly. Ved was confused, he dint even know that Adhira have a tattoo on her nape till Adhira and he became friends. "You are so dumb. Just think Ved. Let me help you" Virat started to explain "My name starts with V, Virat also mean a Ruler or Leader, that explains the crown. Now flute, my full name is Virat Krishna Arya" Virat smirked victoriously when he saw Ved's expression.

Ved was shocked to learn the new piece of information about his ex-wife. He never bothered to ask about the tattoo, he thought she printed it as she loved him. His name also started with V, he always ignored other two things. Now it made sense, V for Virat, Crown for Ruler & Flute for Krishna. 

"Now you know my importance in her life. Listen Mittal, she was never yours at first place. She was born for me & I am born for her, she is my everything. She is my oxygen, my air. Adhira and my kids are the sole reason I am living. I will do anything to be with her & to keep her with me. Each & every vein in my body screams her name, she runs in my blood. And I am definitely sure that I am there in her Heart. So you better back off otherwise this time I will personally castrate you. And think about the tattoo along with my importance in her life" Virat warned & walked off leaving a fuming Ved Mittal.

Samrat was talking with Virat about the party when Nirvan & Nirvi came there. Virat got a phone from Sakshi to meet her so he left immediately leaving three of them. "The colors will not match" Nirvan said while pointing towards the designs of the party. "Its true it will not match lets re-design it" Samrat agreed.

Arohi came there searching for them "Wow!! am searching all of you everywhere & you are here. You guys havent eaten anything since afternoon & you have lot of work. Come on!! I have brought some snacks, have it" she kept the tray on the table, she kept the papers away.

They were eating & chatting happily. Arohi looked at her children who were laughing & smiling, the she looked at Samrat. His mere presence was enough to make her kids happy, they called him 'Dad' & he did everything that a father does. He have protected her as well as her kids. Its true that she hated his face due to Vansh. She hates Vansh Rai Singhania which made her hate Samrat's face despite they both being different human beings. But his care towards her kids vanished the hatred towards his face & could not stop herself to drown in those grey silver irises. 

For the past days Arohi was contemplating of Aryan's words of moving on. The idea wasnt that bad. Samrat was not Vansh. Samrat will accept her kids happily if she asks him to accept but she have to confirm that Samrat likes her. She cant force him into an unwanted relationship.

They finished their snacks, the kids went towards their room to take shower. Arohi kissed their cheeks, she kissed Samrat also making him shocked. She smiled & went towards her room leaving a shocked Samrat. He touched his cheeks where she kissed & blushed. "She kissed me" he thought grinning like Cheshire cat. 

Samrat came back from his dreamland when he saw Vansh standing in front of him. "Stop dreaming, Arya. She will not become yours, she is mine. Ridhima belongs to Vansh" Vansh snapped. He saw their interaction, he was fuming like bull. Samrat frowned "Dude, you know that you are practically calling my Arohi, my wife, the mother of my kids as yours". Vansh clenched his fist "How dare you call her as yours??!! She is mine, she is my wife & they are my kids" , Samrat just smirked "They call me father, they love me. Nirvan looks like Ruhi but Nirvi looks like me, she have my eyes". Vansh was going to say something but Samrat waved his hand "Dont, I dont want to hear any shit from your mouth. You are complete useless human being who trust everyone else other than your own wife. So it will be nice that you wrap your shit & get lost from here as soon as possible. And mainly, STAY AWAY FROM MY  AROHI, MY KIDS & MY FAMILY, Raisinghania. Am warning you, its better you dont mess with me & my family, it will be not nice scene to witness when Aryas turn on their devil mode.Tell your family especially your Grandmother, Sister to stay away from us." he said in a very husky yet intimidating tone & walked off.

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