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"I look handsome in this picture

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"I look handsome in this picture. Where did they get these pics?" Armaan stared at the newspaper.

After Adya and Reyansh's reconciliation, Luthras didnt wait even for a minute and talked with Khuranas who were more than happy with this marriage. Daljeet Kaur, Reyanh's grandmother was on cloud nine, she always wanted a tie-up with Luthras. Reyansh was in tears when he met his daughter for the first time. He felt very guilty for his past actions towards Adya. He apologized to Yashvi, Adya and Luthras. He cried in front of his daughter and begged for her forgiveness. Although she dont want any father and her mother was her everything, still she accepted him understanding his actions of past. She realized that he was kid and childish back then. A part of her heart always wanted a father figure but dint say anything due to her mother's condition. She was happy that her father understood his mistake, accepted her and apologized to her and her mother. 

Adhira Luthra was the most happiest one. She saw her sister and daughter was happy. She have seen how Yashvi looked at her friend's parents longingly though she showed that she never wanted a father. She even noticed her sister how she used to caress Reyansh and her photo which she took in their college days. At that moment she knew that her sister still loves Reyansh and her daughter Yashvi needed a father. She investigated about Reyansh. She came to know that he was still single but a grown up man who handles his family business fantastically. She remembered how Adya described him when they were in college, a childish fun-loving playboy who dint care about others. She got every information about him and watched his every moment through her allies from the time she reached India. She was happy when Reyansh came, accepted his daughter and apologized to Yashvi and Adya. Her happiness was escalated when Yashvi, Adya and her family accepted him. She was proud of her lil Yashvi who understood Reyansh's action of past and accepted him. They were engaged on the spot and will marry on the day when Armaan-Tara will marry together with Zander-Sejal.

Arohi was watching her family when Samrat walks towards her. Her breath hitched when she saw him. For past few days Samrat was affecting her so much. She hasnt felt this since Vansh. Though Samrat's face reminds her of Vansh but when she stares into Samrat's eyes, she only finds love and adoration for her. His grey steel eyes shows her how much he loves her, how much he loves her children. She forgets everything when she sees those steel grey eyes of Samrat Arya.

Samrat smiles at her kneels in front of her surprising everyone in the room except Nirvan and Nirvi who were smiling at them. Samrat looks into her eyes "Ruhi, I know destiny has given you many bad memories. But now I want to fill your life with happiness and joy. I have loved you since I have known you. I know that my face reminds you of Vansh but I love you more than anything or anyone in this world....ahm lil less because first comes our children. When you smile, it feels like someone has burst crackers inside me. And about Nirvan and Nirvi, I have accepted them as mine since those lil devils were placed in my arms when they were born. Please give me chance to prove that I can be a good father in all sense, please give me a chance to prove that I can be a good husband in all sense. Please Ruhi...Will you marry me?".

The entire family were in tears and eagerly waits for their daughter's reply. Nirvan and Nirvi crossed their fingers and waits for their mother's reply. "Yes" a whisper echoed in hall. Samrat opens his eyes and saw Arohi smiling happily at him "Wh..wh..what" he stammered not believing what she said. "I said..yes I will marry you Mr. Samrat Dev Arya" Arohi smiled at wiped her tears. Samrat wiped his tears and picked her up and twirled. They laughed happily at the couple. Samrat immediately took out the ring from his pocket, puts the ring in her ring finger. She smiled at the ring and kissed him on his cheek. Nirvan and Nirvi ran towards him "Now we can officially call him 'Dad' right?" they asked. "Yes" Arohi replied wiping her tears. She was happy that her children got a father. It was true that she said yes for her children but there was part in her that said yes because she started to fall for Samrat.

Adhira was watching everything from the corner. She wiped her tears. She was happy and content. Her children got their fathers, her sisters got their love. Her family was happy, that what she wanted, happiness for her family. She caught Virat looking at her. He gazing with love and love. These eyes were not stranger for her. There was a time when these eyes used to be her heart, her world. These eyes have seen her in her most vulnerable moments once. NO. She chastised herself. She cant and she wont. She wont for that pit again. She turned and ran towards her room.

Adhira reached her room. She quickly removes her top. She stands in front of the mirror, looks at her. She touched the tattoo which was printed just above heart. She closes her eyes and feels the tattoo. The crown, the flute and the letter V. A lone tear escapes from eyes. 

Suddenly she felt someone standing behind her, she opens her eyes and saw Virat through mirror. "You must lock the door properly, anyone can come inside while you are in this state" he whispered. She was in her jeans and innerwear. She felt him move close to her, his chest collided her back. Virat brought his hand and touched the tattoo. "You dint remove it" he dint break the eye contact with her. "Couldn't" . He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from back and whispered "I love you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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