New book update!!!

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Don't make eye contact with the popular kids.

Have lunch in the library to avoid the embarrassment of walking around like a lost puppy looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria.

And most importantly do Not Draw Attention To Yourself. Though her white hair and anger issues don't help at all.

Olivia Henderson will finally be free from those bullies at her old school, free from the secrets she kept hidden from everyone. She gives herself three easy rules to follow to survive at her new school, to go unnoticed for the next two years. That was supposed to be the plan. Until the schools hottest bad boy comes knocking at her front door. Literally. Because well you guessed it they are neighbors.

Who knew living right next to Marco John would bring so much drama to her door step. Olivia's plans of staying unnoticed fly right out the window just like that!
She absolutely despises him, how unbelievably hot he is and how he manages to make her blood boil with just one sentence out of his pretty mouth.

He's rude and cocky but as she finds out more about him, she realizes there is more to the sexy creature that is Marco than meets the eye.
As the mysterious bad boy learns about her past, old wounds open and it looks like Marco is the only one she can cling to.

Squeeeellll I am excited to announce the release of my new book 'Living Next To Marco'....

I really want to know what you guys think about it.. is it interesting?? Would you read it???

Also let me know if you want an epilogue for TPPI, or a sequel. A sequel will take some time though. Any chapters you would want in Ajax's pov.. and also fire any questions you have aimed my way..

Lots of love Trinity❤

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