Mr Fluffles

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Okay so Ajax's pov is going to come in this chapter, but it will start of in Harper's pov. Be warned I've never written a male's pov and this is basically my first book.

I'm open to constructive criticism (most probably will cry myself to sleep next to a tub of ice cream if I get hate comments), but I am excited for this nonetheless.


Harper's pov:

I grab my teddy bear's soft arm and yank him towards me in an effort to have something to hug close to me, I sleep better with my large doll with me.

'Five minutes please!' I grumble when someone tries to take my teddy away from me. That same person keeps on tugging at my warm bear and I hold on to it wrapping my left leg around it's hard torso. I snuggle closer to it when they have evidently given up leaving me to sleep in peace. Ha! Victory. 

'Harp, you're squeezing me.'

'Shh Mr Fluffles, only five minutes.' I mutter groggily and place my head on my large teddy bear's chest. Something about him is different but I'm too comfortable to give a damn.

'Okay shortcakes, five more minutes.' My bear lets out a throaty chuckle when I give out a tranquil sigh.

Wait a minute. My bear doesn't chuckle. Let alone breathe, and Mr Fluffles is soft and cool not warm and rigid. And only one person calls me shortcakes.

I slowly open one eye and then the other and to my complete horror Ajax is staring right at me with an amused smile on his lips.

'Hello.' He says with his deep husky voice. 

'Hi.' Is all I manage to say when I realize my arms and legs are wrapped around his large frame, my cheeks flush instantly, the feel of his body so close to mine is giving me a tingly sensation that's making me feel uncomfortably hot. A feeling that bombards my body whenever Ajax is close to me.

'I-I'm sorry.' I stammer out still not letting go of him.

'It's okay. You still got four minutes.' He shrugs a bit and smiles, I blush even more and smile back not being able to resist, his smile is so infectious. He hasn't made any move to pry himself out of my hold, so I won't either. We just lay there in comfortable silence. This is somewhat nice.

What the hell, Nice?! I quickly untangle myself from him, but with a little too much force because next thing I know my back collides with the floor with a loud thud.

'Harper, you okay?' He asks more amused than worried.

'I'm good asshat, I actually meant to do that.' I say sitting up and crossing my legs. I am not going back on that bed.

'Yeah right clumsy, I bet you did.' He says sarcastically and turns on his side so he's facing me.

'Yep, the floor missed me, so I said why not give it a hug. Now I'm just going to sit here for a while.' I shrug and pat the ground, he lets out a loud laugh.

'You can come back onto the bed you know.' 

'No no I'm good, still bonding with my good ol friend, the floor.' I say nervously.

'Dio Harper, I won't bite you. I should be the one worried incase you assault me again.' 

'Assault!' I scoff, 'I did not assault you, I thought you were my teddy bear.' I defend myself.

'Of course you would mistake me for a fucking teddy bear.' He laughs.

'Language.' I say before I can stop myself, he laughs even louder.

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