She-Devil With Fake Makeup

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Harper's pov:

'Stupid tears.' I mutter to myself while wiping tears of my face, I reach into my bag that's beside me and grab my huge bar of chocolate. I know it's stupid that I'm crying for absolutely no reason at all. I just can't help it, somehow my eyes are always locked and loaded with a waterfall of tears just waiting to fall freely at the slightest sign of distress.

I don't want to go back out there, Katie will definitely make me go take their orders and say some shit like 'Show him that you don't care about him and his little sluts'. I'm not sure I can face him knowing that I have a crush on him now. Knowing that he most probably doesn't like me back, that our date was just him paying me back for sitting on his lap. 

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear voices outside the door. I quickly scramble of the bench and press my ear against the door, I recognise Katie's voice and....oh lawd Ajax is with her. I start biting off chunks of my chocolate. 

Why did she lead him here? I thought she was going to be on my side, the betrayal.

I become even more skittish when the door knob starts turning. I back away into the far corner of the room hoping to disappear in the shadows. The door opens and Ajax steps in, I take another nervous bite of chocolate when ours eyes meet. Lord he has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen, and his curly hair and freckles are just icing on the fudging cake.

He gives me his killer smile, and I start to choke. 

His smile fades and he rushes over to me, 'Harper are you okay?' He pats my back with a worried look on his face.

'I'm fine.' I say whilst coughing, 'It's the chocolate that went exploring in the wrong tube.' He chuckles. This is not a lie, and it's his smiles fault.

'Don't tell me you forgot how to eat shortcakes.' He smirks and I roll my eyes. Incase you haven't noticed I do that a lot.

'I would be dead by now if I did. Eating is my life.' How I wish someone would love me like I love food.

'Believe me I've noticed. We almost went bankrupt when you left, trying to replace the food you devoured.'

'Pshh excuse you Mister, I didn't eat that much.' I give him a death glare.

'Agree to disagree shortcakes.' He says staring at me. We both fall into an awkward silence not knowing what to say to each other. Well I do, I'm curious about that girl he was with, but how do I ask without sounding like a jealous ex-girlfriend.

'Who is that girl you were with?' I blurt out. Curiosity got the best of me.

'Oh, her. That's Carina.' He shrugs still looking at me and I take another bite of my half eaten chocolate. 

'She is your girlfriend?' I ask trying not to sound too interested. He smiles.

'Not even, she's actually here meet my girlfriend.' I feel a pang of jealousy.

'Oh. Your girlfriend works here?' Another humongous bite of chocolate.

'Yes she does.' He chirps and my heart sinks. He has a girlfriend that works here? Names of the girls that work here start flooding my mind. I bet it's the girl who works by the toppings bar. Of course he would go for her, she's so nice and kind and not to mention really beautiful. Why didn't I know about this.

'You never told me about her.' He smiles even wider.

'Yes well, because there is one problem though.' He runs a hand through his hair, 'I haven't exactly asked her to be my girlfriend yet.' He says nervously. This girl must be really special if she makes Ajax so nervous.

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