Mint Chocolate Chip

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Harper's pov:

'No you get them.' I say grinning. I'm definitely drunk.

'What?' He asks clearly not believing that I actually said that.

'You heard me reach into my bra and take the keys.' I say again, honestly is he deaf or something?

'I am not doing that, Harper.' He shakes his head.

I huff and pull my house keys out of my bra. His green eyes widen and he starts laughing.

Stupid pretty asshat that doesn't want to reach into my bra.

'You were actually serious, I thought you were joking.'

'Why would I joke about something as serious as my house keys?' He laughs even harder.

'You're no fun.' I cross my arms on my chest.

'I know for a fact that I'm loads of fun.' He snorts.

'No you're not, you are very boring, Cary.' He rolls his eyes and gets out of the car.

'Don't call me that, now come on clumsy let's get you inside.' He says opening my door.

'Nooo, I'm too comfy here.' I whine lying back on the really comfortable seat.

'Here we go again.' He sighs, 'Come on Harper lets go.' He grabs my hand and pulls me up.


'I'll dance with you.' He's definitely not.

'I am not a fool. I know you won't so. No.'

'There's food inside.' He tries again.

'Sold!' I yell jolting upwards and running out the car straight to my front door. How can resist food?

Thoughts of my gorgeous tub of ice cream that's sitting in the freezer fill my head and my mouth starts watering. Oh wait till I get my hands on you, mint chocolate chip ice cream.

It takes a few tries to actually get the key in the hole and twist it successfully. After attempt number six I am victorious!

'Mom, Mother!?' I yell but she doesn't answer. She's most probably asleep or not home, either way I don't really care because my main focus right now is my ice cream.

I walk/run to the freezer, still wearing heels, and yank it open. There he is, the love of my life. For now at least.

I bend over the freezer so I can reach the ice cream. What inconsiderate jerk put it so far down in here?

Oh wait. Me, heh.

I try to lift it but it's stuck, there is too much ice surrounding it. Knife, I need a knife.

I rummage through our drawers until I find a big enough knife.

Yes, you will do very nicely Mr Butcher Knife.

'Please tell me you're not planning on murdering me.' Ajax says standing by the doorway.

'Maybe I am.' I smile evilly at him and he chuckles.

'Our date wasn't that bad shortcakes.'

'I beg to differ.'

'We both know you had a lot of fun Harper.'

'I did not.'

'Yes you did.'

'Did not.'

'Did to.'

'Fine yes I did. Now shut up and sit down.' I say pointing at one of the barstools by the kitchen island with my my knife.

'Yes sir.' He says sitting down and I roll my eyes. I walk back to the freezer and scrape off the ice around my ice cream. I can feel his eyes on my bum.

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