For The Love Of Fudgetarts

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I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't know what a fudge tart actually looked like until I started writing this book... Ik and I call myself a food lover.



Harper's pov:

How in the frankfurter did I not guess this sooner! That's why Mrs Carter looks familiar, Ajax is her son. But she seems so nice and Ajax is such an asswipe, a goddamn beautiful one but an asswipe nonetheless.

'You two know each other?' Lauren questions looking between me and him.

'She's the reason I came home covered in dry sauce and cheese on Sunday.' He states glaring at me. I give him an even nastier look.

'And he's the reason I spent two hours in my shower washing cornflakes and syrup out of my hair.'

'Ajax, why would you do such a thing.' His mother reprimands him.

'She started it!' He points an accusing finger at me. 

'I don't think she did that on purpose.' Then she turns and faces me, 'Did He at least say sorry?'

'No he did not.'

'And he will not.' He scoffs.

'Ajax Cary Carter, You apologies to Harper right now.' I try my hardest not to laugh, Cary?

'No thank you, I'll just take her bags upstairs.' He grabs my bags and struts up the stairs. Stubborn dickwad.

Welp, it's safe to say that my mouth is not as clean as I thought.

'I'm sorry about him, the boy couldn't say sorry if his life depended on it.' She shakes her head.

'Hey, at least he took my bags up for me that has to stand for something, unless I find all my underwear ripped to shreds and some of clothes missing tomorrow.' She throws her head back and laughs, her laugh is as beautiful as her son's. Meanwhile there is me who laughs like a dying goat.

Her phone rings and she excuses herself to go and answer it, leaving me all alone, not a good idea if you ask me Snoop is my middle name. I walk around for a bit and after opening and closing random doors and searching through drawers I find the object I have been looking for, a photo album full of Ajax's baby pictures.

The first picture is a photo of him wearing a birthday hat and he's smiling wide right at the camera and he's got icing on his cheeks. I keep flipping pages and I land on a picture of his cute little baby bum. I can't help the little giggle that escapes my lips, why are mothers so obsessed with bums?

'What the fuck are you doing here?' His deep voice startles me.

'Er me? Nothing. What are you doing here?' I question him trying to subtly hide the evidence of my snoopiness behind me.

'I live here, I'm allowed to go anywhere I want. What are you holding behind you?'

'I'm holding my ass duh! Definitely not anything that belongs to you.' I laugh nervously and he lifts an eyebrow at me seemingly unconvinced. I still have years worth of embarrassing pictures to go through, he can't take all this blackmail away from me.

'You always have something dumb to say.' The audacity! It's true but he doesn't have the right to say that.

'And you always have something rude to say in return, like the hideous asshole that you are.' Lie! But he doesn't need to know that.

'I'm not hideous.'

'Yes you're not, you are a hideous asshole.'

'You know most girls find me irresistible, but you don't.' Yes I don't. I think he's hot but not that hot

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