Don't Touch My Food

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Harper's pov:

'Harper chill the fuck out, I don't think he actually means it.' Katie says trying to calm me down as we are walking towards the cafeteria.

She's tried everything but I won't stop venting.

'Do you not get it Katie, Ajax is going to make my life here hell.' She rolls her eyes at me.

'I think he is making up excuses to spend more time with you.' Ha funny.

'Yeah right if he wanted to spend more time with me I don't think he would be plotting ways to kill me, plus him and I are worlds apart he said it himself he would never date a girl like me.'

'His loss then, you're cool.' She says with a shrug, she doesn't express her feelings much, she rarely opens up, unlike me anyone can read me like a book.

'Yeah yeah I know let's hurry up though I don't want to be the last inline for mac n cheese Wednesday.' I don't get why they had to put it on the menu on a Wednesday.

I think we can all agree mac n cheese Monday would have made more sense.

'Thank you Tilly.' I say to our lunch lady. I always make sure to thank the people that give me my daily dose of happiness.

Katie hates cheese so usually I eat her share and mine.

I inhale the mouthwatering aroma of the food in front of me and moan, I can almost taste the deliciousness. But my moment is short lived because as promised Ajax had to ruin it.

He has the audacity to sit right next to me like we're friends, earning us a couple of stares from people, can't high school students mind their own business?

'You should just marry it, but on second thought maybe it doesn't find you attractive.' Maybe it doesn't find You attractive.

'What do you want asshat.' I say in displeasure.

'Aww I thought you'd be more excited to see me shortcakes.'

'State your business Ajax I want to eat my food in peace.' I'm getting really annoyed now.

'There's not much I want to do, just this.'

And with no warning what so ever he dumps the plates of mac n cheese all over my clothes, licks his fingers and says,

'Hmmm that was pretty good, to bad it had to go to waste like this.' And he casually strolls back to his table where all the cheerleaders and basketball players are sited, staring and laughing at me again.

'This is my favorite t-shirt! The imbecile got it on my poor Jughead.' I say looking at the ruined face of Cole Sprouse.

Oh he just crossed the entire bridge!

'Harp no, calm down he isn't worth it okay.' Is she serious, Jughead Jones is absolutely worth it.

Katie knows I can get nasty, especially when you mess with my food.

'I'm going to murder him.' I say charging towards him before she can stop me.

'You bloody piece of shit, you ruined my shirt!' I scream grabbing his neck with both of hands and squeezing tight.

'Ajax Carter, you can call me ugly or fat or nerdy or anything else that small brain of yours can think of. But you never and I mean never touch my fucking food. I can take anything, but you crossed the line when you messed with my Macaroni and cheese. Never do that again, do you understand?'

He quickly nods his head, he looks kind of scared. It takes all four of his friends to pry open my fingers from his neck.

He starts gasping for air and I smile at the red marks I left on his neck, that will teach him.

'Damn Harper, who knew you could be so savage.' Asher says while checking out Ajax's neck.

'I'm a very peaceful person actually, just don't touch my food.'

'Take her warning seriously, she sent my little brother to the hospital after he stole four packets skittles from her.' Katie says joining in on the conversation. Ajax still hasn't said a word.

'So the nerd has a fun side to her, I kind of like it at least there's someone who can put this big bully in his place.' Devin says.

I'm still covered in mac and cheese and it's not a pleasant feeling.

'Do you have some extra clothes?' I whisper to Katie.

'No I don't.' she whispers back.

'Ajax has an extra t-shirt and sweatpants.' Aden whispers, frightening both me and Katie. How the hell did he hear us?

'Yo Jax, it's cool if Harper borrows your clothes right?' His eyes open wide and he shakes his head.

I don't want to wear your clothes either.

'Don't be a dick man, it's your fault she needs a change of clothes anyway.' Thomas cuts in. I had forgotten he was even here, he's so quiet.

He grunts and nods his head, it must hurt for him to speak. I almost feel bad for him, almost.

'Awesome come on Harper, I'll give you the clothes while we wait for Freckleface here to stop sulking.' Ajax gives Asher the middle finger.

I nod and Katie follows us.

'Here you go, feel free to keep them.' Asher winks at me.

'I'll return them tomorrow.'

'Sure.' he says laughing and walks away, Katie follows him.

I remove my sticky, smelly clothes and put on his.

Where the hell does Ajax get his clothes? Giants R Us?

I had to roll up the bottom of his pants six times and tie two knots at the end of his shirt, and still I feel like a damn midget.

On the bright side these clothes are covered in his scent, a smell I can only describe as heavenly. And I get to inhale it for the rest of the day.

I step out of the girl's bathroom only to see All of them waiting for me right by the door, and when they see me they burst out into laughter, except Ajax he's glaring at me.

'Aww you look so teeny-weeny Harp.' Devin says and they laugh harder.

'It's not my fault he's a mammoth!' I complain.

'Or maybe you're just really short.' Asher says and I stick my tongue out at him. But he's not wrong I'm small.

I cast a brief glance at Ajax but it just turns into me full on ogling at his gorgeous face. Yeah I know I'm a creep but you would do the same.

'What are you looking at.' He snaps at me. Dang I've been caught,

'I don't know actually that's why I'm looking at it.' He's at a loss of words for once, oh I am not missing the opportunity to tease him about this.

'What's the matter Ajax, cat got your tongue?'

'Fuck you.' He says and walks away with the twins right behind him laughing.

'Lucky you nerd Ajax Carter just offered to fuck you.' I glare at Devin.

'I'd rather be burnt alive chopped into little pieces and fed to piranha's.'

'I'll give you guy's a week.' He says walking away with Thomas who I didn't notice was with us. The boy could be a ninja.

'Yeah right' I mutter to myself. That will never happen.

'Dude! They just willingly spoke to us.' Katie says excitedly.

And she's right this is longest they've ever spoken to us. Why do I feel like this is only the beginning?


Yeah! it's long.... just realized it's not that long lol

Peace! Voting Is AlLoWeD UvU

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