Did You Kill Ajax?

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Harper's pov:

'Okay, what's going on with you?' Katie asks me whilst we are putting on our Pizza Palace aprons in the employees changing rooms. I'm already hungry.

'What do you mean?'

'You are grinning like crazy. Did you kill Ajax? How could you do that without me.' She whines pouting a bit.

'I did not kill him!' I say whilst we head out to the counter, it's mine and Katie's job to take orders and hand them out.

'I'm smiling because I actually had fun on my date with him. He did to and he liked my dress.' She raises an eyebrow.

'Mhmm I still don't trust his ass though. But I am glad you had fun with him, otherwise he would have had me to deal with.'

'Really Katie, you're still holding a grudge?' I laugh at her.

'Yes I am, since you don't have an overprotective brother that will hate all your boyfriends. I, unfortunately, have to fill that role, like the bombass bestfriend that I am.' She wipes imaginary dust from her shoulders.

'That's so sweet of you Katie, but you don't have to worry. Ajax is not my boyfriend.' I sigh but immediately regret it because Katie catches that and starts squealing, earning us some glares from the high school kids that are trying to gossip in peace.

'You like him!' She smiles, but then it slowly starts disappearing, 'Oh no. What if he doesn't like you back? I mean he is a player known to have had girlfriends from all over the world.' Oh my word she's right, he's most probably had girls that look like freaking supermodels. Then there's me, god-fucking-zilla.

Katie starts smiling again, 'Buuut, you are like the first girl he's ever actually paid this much attention to. And the way he looks at you.' She's all enthusiastic again.

'Are you sure, I don't think he likes me like that Katie. Plus it's just a crush.' That will hopefully go away soon.

'I beg to differ. Thomas told me he won't shut up about you.' She winks and nudges me with her elbow and I laugh.

'Thomas you say?' Now it's my turn to nudge her. I wonder what's going on between those two.

'He's an absolute,' She pauses when she's someone enter the Palace, 'Fucking asshole sucking bitch!' She hisses, her eyes locked by the door.

I turn to see what all the profanities were about and see Ajax, my face immediately breaking out into a smile but it slowly fades when I see a gorgeous girl with beautiful grey eyes and long blonde hair hanging onto his arm. My face immediately drops, they look so good together.

Questions that I have no right to ask start flooding my mind. Who is she? Is she his girlfriend? Are they together? If they are then he cheated on her with me, but maybe it was just a date between friends to him. Maybe he really just thinks of me as his friend.

He spots me and gives me heartstopping smile as he goes to sit down with his "girlfriend". Why does the sight of them together hurt so bad? I can feel tears welling up in my eyes and I quickly run to the back of the restaurant with Katie calling after me but I ignore her. I just want to be alone.

I don't understand why I'm acting like this. I am not his girlfriend, so why do I feel like this, so jealous and angry, I'm just his friend.

Nothing more.

Ajax's pov:

I smile to myself as I get up to go and shower. Only Harper would call someone at seven am to yell at them about changing her clothes whilst she was asleep. I didn't of course, because I'm a gentleman.

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