Where's Katie's Chainsaw?

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Harper's pov:

I stare at his retreating figure still trying to process what he just said to me. A date! At a club! Am I even old enough for that? Why me? What do I wear? What do people even do on dates? Does this mean he likes me? Do I like him? Oh gosh I'm freaking out. I can't stop eating these surprisingly delicious fries that are in front of me.

'Harp slow down, it's just a date.' I shake my head and just keep eating. Yeah right just a date, with the schools most popular guy and the captain of the basketball team, which is very inactive these days. Basketball season must be over or something.

'Not just a date Katie.' I say with a mouthful of fries.

'Okay. I see we really need this sleepover. Don't worry Harp I'll get you something real sexy for your date.' She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I'm definitely not wearing whatever that maniac has in her head. Now to get through the rest of the day without screaming out of happiness.

I suffer through class after class until, Finally the day is over! I've told my mother that Katie's coming over and she's cool with it.

'I'll catch you outside Katie, need to use the restrooms.'

'Alright cool, I'll be in my car waiting.' She waves and walks away.

I rush to the girls restrooms and do my business and as I'm washing my hands Franchesca struts in and stands right next to me, her strong perfume literally choking me.

'Well well Harper Williams.'

'Well well Franchesca whatever your surname is, what do you want?'

'For you to stay away from my Jaxie.' That nickname makes me want to gag.

'He's not yours, and I'll only stay away from him when he tells me to. Not because you feel threatened by me.' I shrug and dry my hands, she blocks my path as I try to exit. Lord she's testing me.

'I am not threatened by the likes of you, Harper.' She cackles.

'Oh really then why are you wasting your time here. Don't you have a cactus to suck and choke on?' I ask sweetly and she turns red.

'He doesn't even want you.' She spits in a distasteful tone.

'Okay cool. Now out of my way Franchesca.' Fastest way to get out of a disagreement is to agree with the idiot.

'You won't be able to handle all his shit.' She sneers at me. Gosh she won't quit.

'I really don't have time for this.' I say and try to side step her but she blocks me again, this time pushing me further inside so hard I almost fall.

'I'm not done with you!' She screams. Look I may be a My little Pony fan, but I will still kick a girls ass! No doubt.

'Well I'm done with you.' I roll my eyes.

'Look bitch I don't know what you think you're doing but you're playing a very dangerous game here, you don't know him like I do, so I suggest you back the fuck off. He's Mine.' I look at this girl straight in the eye and shove her out of my way. I don't like the way she claims him, like he's some toy.

'I suggest you stay out of mine and Ajax's friendship, and I'll stay out of your "relationship" with him or whatever you call it.' I spit at her. She will not ruin my good mood.

I march to Katie's car, get inside and slam the door shut.

'Woah what happened?'

'Franchesca, that's what freaking happened.' I huff.

'What did the bitch do?'

'She threatened me to stay away from Jax. The fudging nerve!'

'Alright I'm finna get my chainsaw. Google how to hide different body parts on my phone, I think I have a body bag somewhere in here.' She says climbing into the back of the car, I burst out in laughter, this girl.

'Don't worry bestfriend, no need for murder.' 

'Harp don't let that hoe get to you, she's just jealous.' Ha of what, two friends hanging out?


Right now I'm in my room, a pigsty, and Katie and I are browsing the internet for a dress I can buy for my date online.

'Now to show you your outfit.'

'Lemme see!' I say excited.

'I present to you.....' She says in a snobby voice and puts her phone in front of me.

All my excitement dies down, 'I'm not going on a date in a fishnet dress, half naked

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All my excitement dies down, 'I'm not going on a date in a fishnet dress, half naked.' I say looking at the picture.

'You're no fun Harper, all the girls there will be practically naked anyway.' She laughs and I roll my eyes. I can't believe we are planning an outfit for a date that's three days away.

'Nope next please.' I say and now it's her turn to roll her eyes.

'How about this one?' She hands me her phone again

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'How about this one?' She hands me her phone again.

'Oooooo cute, but they don't have one in my size.' I sigh. I keep on scrolling and searching and scrolling until I finally find something I like.

 I keep on scrolling and searching and scrolling until I finally find something I like

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I instantly fall in love with it. 'Katie, Katie! I found ittttt.' I sing, she rushes over to me and squeals when I show her the sexy black dress.

'Yass girl now that is the shit! It's perfect for you. Now order the fuck out of it before we have to hunt somebody down and kill them for this dress.' Outfit, Check!!!


Heyooo....Just a filler chapter, Idk why I wrote it but I just wanted to I guess.. Updating twice since this one is very short. Next chapter will contain Jax's pov!

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