Sauce and Cheese: Ajax's pov

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Ajax's pov:

'Why the fuck am I doing this again?' I grumble as Devin parks in front of The Pizza Palace. 

'I told you dumbass, my nephew has a crush on some waitress that works here and he wants her number.' He replies. I roll my eyes.

'Isn't he like four?' Asher asks.

'Yep he is.' This man is unbelievable.

'I honestly don't have time for this. You woke me up this early to get some girls number for a four year old kid?' 

'Precisely. And it's not even that early, it's twelve pm.' Excuse me for wanting to sleep in on a Sunday. I never have peace with these idiots as my friends.

'How does he even know this girl? Has he ever talked to her?'

'Yeah, plenty of times. He says about ten words to her whenever he orders his favorite cheese pizza. He says she's the most beautiful girl in the world.'

'Then why doesn't your nephew grow some balls and ask for her number himself and leave us out of it.' I say. 

'I-well- we umm. He is an adorable four year old kid you all should show some compassion for the poor fella.' He says. Something's up with this douchebag.

'You're hiding something Devin. What's the real reason we're here?' I raise an eyebrow. He looks away from me and starts to play with his fingers.

'Stop interrogating him. If he wants to get his nephew a girl's number, let him fucking get his a nephew a girl's number. And we are all going to help him.' Thomas says and we all huff in annoyance. Tom doesn't speak much so when he does it only makes sense for us to listen.

'Urgh fine then. But you're buying lunch. I'm not spending a single cent.' I grumble and Devin grins.

'Urghh is there even a hot waitress here? Or do you just want some of their terrible pizza?' Aden groans. He, like me, is also upset that his day of relaxing was ruined by this idiot called Devin.

'Will you stop complaining! And I don't know if there is a cute waitress that works here. I think she goes to our school.' I almost body slam him.

'You fucking ass. We could have done this at school, and you decide to ruin my Sunday by forcing us to come here against our will.' I say rubbing my fingers against my temple.

'Well, I don't think we could have done this at school.'

'And why the fuck not?' Aden spits. He is my favorite twin at the moment.

'Because if people at school were to even see me asking for her number they would automatically assume that I'm into her. And I don't want that, there's this new blonde girl I really want to ask out.' 

'A girl. All this for a girl.' Aden pinches his nose.

'Correction dude, two girls.' Asher says and Aden looks at him unimpressed.

'You are all annoying. There is no nephew, I want something here. Let's go.' Thomas states and I glare at Devin who laughs nervously.

'What does he mean there is no nephew?'

'I made it up, Thomas is the one who wanted to come here.'

'Why?' Aden looks at Thomas.

'There is something of mine here. I want it.' He shrugs.

'I'm not moving my ass cheeks from this seat.' Aden says, I want to agree with him.

'Let's just go and get this over with guys. The faster we do this the sooner we can all get to our homes safe and sound.' Asher says. He has the audacity to make sense.

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