Lady With The Stick

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Harper's pov:

'You! You have major explaining to do.' Katie half yells at me whilst grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the janitors closet.

I don't know why but whenever Katie and I have major tea to spill we haul each other to the janitor's closet, I know it's such a typical dorky thing to do. Janice doesn't mind though, she even gave us a spare key.

We check to see if the coast is clear, it's still very early and people haven't arrived at school yet, it's only us beautiful nerds. Katie literally shoves me inside and closes the door behind her. What have I done? I don't remember doing anything wrong to her.

'Explain right now.' She demands holding her hip.

I look at her confused, 'What are you going on about?'

'I'm talking about five dashingly handsome Princes coming into our English class and asking for Your homework.' She puts extra emphasis on the word your.

'What, real life Princes?' I ask acting Dumb. Ajax and his crew were actually nice enough to go to all my classes and get all the work I missed out on. Well at least Devin, Aden and Asher were, Thomas just tagged along because he had nowhere else to go and Ajax made it clear that he was forced to do it against his will.

'Fuck you Harper, you know what I'm talking about. Now speak.' She hits my arm.

'Ouch you didn't have to hit me that hard.' She raises her hand in an attempt to hit me again but I block her.

'Okay! Jeez. I spent the weekend at Ajax's house and-' I'm cut off by Katie's very loud squeal. I slap my hand over her mouth to prevent her from getting us caught in here.

'Not so loud Katie, we will get caught.' I look at her to make sure she won't make any more noise and she nods her head.

'Holy shit Harper. I need details how was it? Is he as good as girls say he is? He didn't force you did he?'

'Gosh Katie I did not have sex with him! I was staying over there because apparently that was the safest place for me whilst my mother was gone.'

'I know there's more you didn't come to school on Friday and I didn't see you at the Palace yesterday either.' She gives me her famous "you're not telling everything look". I sigh and tell her everything from the crying and the cushion fight to Ajax chasing me up the stairs and calling me a bitch. I still feel guilty about it.

'Hold the fuck up, Ajax called you a BITCH!' I nod my head.

'I kinda deserved it Katie, I always ask him too many personal questions.'

'Harp sweetie I know your intrusiveness can be very annoying, but that does not give that little shit the right to call you a BITCH! I swear when I see him he's going to wish he was never born.' Oh no this is not good, Katie gets really dangerous when she's angry.

'Katie no, calm down maybe he'll apologies today.' I say trying to reason with her.

'He didn't say sorry! Its official Ajax fucking Carter is going to die today, mark my words.' She states. And I'm momentarily distracted by the way the little light in here makes her skin glow. Katie is African American, she's got beautiful dark skin and jet black hair that's always in a huge afro.

She grabs a broom stick and marches out the door no doubt heading towards her target. I lock the door and run after her.

'Katie stop it's not a big deal okay I'm fine.'

'Fine! Really Harper you are not fine you don't see the hurt in your eyes. I know you. You cried once when a random person said have a nice day to you because you thought she was the only one who cared, you cried when a bee died after it stung you. The smallest things make you cry. I'm not calling you weak, I love that you're so compassionate and sensitive so I know for a fact that Ajax saying all that to you hurt you way more than letting on and I'll be damned if I don't bust his balls for doing that.' And she marches of to the quad in front of the school where the popular kids usually hang out.

That was the longest speech Katie has ever given to me or anyone for that matter. I'm the one who usually talks a lot in our friendship, like I said she's always reserved. But she is my best friend.

I follow after her worried but also intrigued, she is right Ajax shouldn't have called me a bitch and if I don't have the guts to beat the shit out of him at least I have a savage best friend who can.

'Where are they Harp?' There is no use fighting her and people are beginning to notice us, I don't want any more attention drawn to us.

I point towards the picnic table where they are all seated. I see Franchesca and her Barbie dolls there to. Oh God she's back and she's seated on Ajax's lap. I feel a pang of jealousy hit me, why is beyond me. Katie grabs my hand and hauls me towards them.

'Apologize asshole.' Katie says pointing her stick at Ajax who hasn't looked up from his phone. Franchesca gives me a nasty look, and still she manages to look pretty. She's looks like a super model with long blonde hair and captivating blue eyes and a tall slender figure, her skin slightly tanned maybe because of the vacation she went on.

'For what?' He asks calmly still not looking at us, this asshole deserves this. Katie moves her weapon closer to him and Devin blocks her.

'Whoa whoa calm down lady with the stick he didn't do anything.' Devin says. Katie turns her weapon towards him and he puts his hands up above his head.

'The cunt knows what he did to Harper.' Gosh she's making it sound like he murdered me.

Ajax looks up and our eyes lock, I take a deep breath and try to look away but I can't. Why do I freeze every time he looks at me? It's like my body goes haywire whenever I'm around him, Gosh he's so hot.

'So you're just going to sit there and say nothing you little bitch.'

'What did you just call me?' Ajax asks lightly pushing Fanchesca off of him.

'I called you a little bitch. Doesn't feel very nice does it asshole.'

'Shut up, you don't know anything.' Ajax threatens Katie.

'She knows that you called me a bitch. I get that I asked too many questions but you didn't have to be an ass about it.' I close my eyes, darn you emotions for making me want to cry whenever I'm angry.

He seems almost guilty but he quickly wipes the look of his face. 'Oh that's fucking it!' Katie swings her stick at Ajax but he quickly ducks before it hit his cheek. Katie aims to swing again but Thomas grabs her before she can actually hurt him. She struggles against his grip but he's too strong for her.

'This is not over Carter, You hurt her and I will hurt you!' Katie says as Thomas carries her away. Now I'm left standing here with all these popular kids glaring at me, well Franchesca and her Barbie dolls are.

'The fuck are you still doing here nerd.' She sneers at me.

'Yeah no one wants you and your depressing sense of style here.' Barbie doll #1 says.

'Omg who comes to school wearing a spiderman t-shirt, leggings and flip flops. She's like a walking fire hazard.' Barbie doll #2 says and people start to laugh at me.

I turn and fast walk away trying my hardest not to cry. The sad thing is a small part of me hoped that the boys would stand up for me but they all just kept quiet. I rush to the janitor's closet, close the door and just cry. Why? Crying makes me feel better.

'Harper they don't deserve your tears.' I say to myself, I'm so glad I don't wear make up.


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