Choking Dog

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I choke on air almost everyday.... that's on being extraordinarily clumsy

Harper's pov:

'Mom, mom!' I scream once I burst through the front door of our house. My heart is in my throat, I've tried to call my mother at least four times but she isn't answering. Ajax wanted to come inside with me and make sure I'll be alright, but I told him not to, I told him I'll be fine.

Plus if my mother really is here, how do I explain a godlike creature with freckles in the house at 5 am?

'Mom!' I scream louder but she doesn't answer, God where is she? I check her greenhouse, I check the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, I look everywhere and there is no sign of her.

And then a thought hits me, I haven't checked her bedroom! I mentally facepalm myself. I've checked all the rooms in this house and not once did I think of her bedroom!

I literally fly up the stairs and yank open the door to her room and there she is. My beautiful mother is seated on her bed reading a book with a glass of wine in her other hand. This explains why she isn't answering her phone. She hates being disturbed when she's reading. Just like me!

'Hey sweetheart,' She chirps giving me a warm motherly smile, 'You're home super early, Kate told me you slept over at her house after the party.'

'Come sit and tell me all the details before you go to school, I know you talked to at least one guy.' She says as she places her wine on the bedside table and pats the space next to her on the bed. The feeling of intense relief washes over me and I can't stop myself, I run and jump on her throwing my arms around her encasing her in a tight hug.

'Oh mom I'm so glad you're okay.' I say unable to stop some tears from falling. I'm such a cry baby.

She hugs me back and squeezes even tighter than I am, 'Aw honey, this is nice but why wouldn't I be okay?' She asks rubbing my back.

I stiffen, do I tell her? We went through so much because of that bastard. My mother wouldn't talk to anyone except me, she looked so lifeless though she was alive. My father beat us, he abused us, my mother received most of the blows protecting me from him. But now she's better, she's happier. She goes out with her friends, she smiles more , laughs more and that spark in her eyes is slowly coming back to life.

I don't want her to be that person again, he hasn't hurt me so why worry her with a stupid phone call?

'No reason.' I say, I'll tell her if things get serious.

'Oh okay. I definitely don't believe you.' She rolls her eyes. Dang, why does this woman know me so well?

'Might all of this sudden affection be because, he's out of jail?' She says slowly. I nod searching for any signs of depressed mom on her face, so far so good.

'Don't worry yourself my love, he's not allowed to come anywhere near us or else he'll return to that place for the rest of his fucking life.'

'Woah mom calm down.' I joke and she playfully hits me.

'I am calm idiot. We're fine Harper, he won't hurt me or you.' She hugs me again then pushes me of her bed.

'Now go prepare yourself for school, you've disturbed my reading.' She takes her book.

'Geez you didn't have to push me that hard mom.'

'Out Harper.' I stick my tongue out at her and run out of there before she can throw her book at me. I head to my room and take a long shower, I still have time to kill so I wash my hair as well. I finish and blow dry my hair, getting dressed in a Harry Potter t-shirt, leggings and flip flops. I walk downstairs where I'm going to get, you guessed it, food!

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