Hey its me, the writer

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Hi.. tis I Raven Dorris Mcbride. 

My middle name isn't even Dorris.. Raven isn't my real name either haha.

Anyhooo. you might have noticed the reduction in chapters, I unpublished them, the whole lot. Because wow I need to do some serious editing. I'm super excited for it too... 

Here's the sad part I have my igcse's this year and I'll most probably be studying my black butt off most of the time, sad life..yeah i know

Happy part is this book will come out ten times better and with like an even better plot and ending (at least I hope so)

Be patient with me lovess ilyy

the lovely new cover has been made by @eclipsc- ilysm dude thankyouuu


Edit: I wrote this when I was 14.... there's a lot of chaos in here....

But some of yall actually liked it? Anyway please don't be mean in the comments when the plot makes zero sense...

And believe me, it will (make zero sense that is) so yeah.. enjoy?

If you get bored of this one check out my other books, Living Next To Marco and Arundel.

I'm in the process of slowly editing this book, so be patient. BUT I appreciate you for reading<3333

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