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Again not what she looks like.. she can look like whatever you want....

but she does get hit with a ball... like what kind of author would I be if my main character doesn't get thwacked in the face by a ball..

Happy reading!! hehe


Harper's pov:

I've been in this damn shower for ten minutes, and I'm still washing cornflakes and syrup out of my hair.

You know what screw it I'm just going to ask my mom to cut it.

'Are you sure you want to do this I mean it's so long and beautiful and so soft.' I roll my eyes, I think she loves my hair more than I do.

'Yes I'm sure.'

'But-' I cut her of,

'Mom I'm not going to cut it all of just get it to shoulder length.' She gives me a sad sigh.

'Alright fine, goodbye pretty long hair.'

'And hello just as equally pretty short hair.' I add.

'For this Ajax has lost serious points with me.' Yes blame him!


'Harp, how are you?' Katie says as we make our way to gym class, it's been two days since that prank and few people are still talking about it.

Everyone's now focusing on the kid who threw up on the principle whilst receiving a participation certificate at a spelling bee. Sucks to be him.

'I'm good Katie for the hundredth time you don't have to worry about me.'

'Okay if you say so. Did I tell you that I love the new hair?'

'Yes you have, now come on let's get through the next hour of absolute torture together.'

'Together.' She agrees, we giggle and head to the girls locker rooms.

Crap crap crap. I didn't bring any gym clothes and I left my back ups in the dryer, and you don't even want to know what my back up back ups smell like. It's not pretty.

'Hey Katie can I borrow some clothes?' she nods and tosses me a shirt and a short.

I have no problem sharing clothes with Katie, but it's just that she's tall and petite whilst I'm slightly shorter and curvier, her clothes are really tight on me.

But at least it's just us girls so it shouldn't be a problem.

'So girls change of plans we are going to be playing dodgeball with the basketball team, apparently this is "punishment" for the boys.' Our coach scoffs.

Oh for the love of flamin' hot doritos, why today of all days?!

'Thank the gods you left your shitty clothes at home, now Carter will get to see all of these curves and realize what he's missing.' I roll my eyes at her and smack her shoulder.

'I thought you were on my side!'

'Bitch I am on your side. I ship you and Ajax.' And as if on cue, he walks in with his four minions right beside him. I really hate gym.

'Alright we are playing a game of dodge ball, boys vs girls, lets get this over and done with.' All the boys give us devilish smirks, Oh no.

I think it's pretty obvious why Katie is holding and ice pack to the side of my head with Ajax smirking at me and Asher apologizing on his behalf.

You guessed it he whammied me right in the face with a freaking dodgeball.

'Dude will you just apologize to her.' Aden says, turns out Asher and Aden are twins.

'I will not apologize for her being so slow.' Ajax says, his smirk becoming even more annoying, and I lose it.

'I have had it with you, you flirt with me and act all nice, when really you were distracting me so that your zombies,' I say pointing at his friends,

'Can invade my locker and plant a goddamn syrup bomb in there, then you dump cornflakes on me, and that mixture was not easy to wash out by the way so I had to cut my hair, and boy does my mother hate you for that. And as if that wasn't enough now I have a bruise the size of a fucking tennis ball on the side of my head, and you refuse to swallow your fucking pride and say sorry!!'

I take a deep breath to calm myself down,

'Wow Ajax, you got her to swear within two days of knowing you and I've been trying basically my whole life.' I give Katie a death glare, and she goes quiet.

And I return my stare to the baboon that's standing in front of me, 'Apologize like you mean it Ajax.'

He chuckles, 'I'm not doing that until we are even, I'm just getting started with you shortcakes. And I wasn't flirting with you, you'll know when I do.' I choose to ignore his last comment.

'Urrghh why can't you just get over it already?' I let out an exasperated sigh.

'I am over it, I'm just having way to much fun torturing you.' He says with that same annoying smirk plastered across his face.

'You can smell the sexual tension here.' We both turn to look at Asher who instantly regrets saying that.

'Gross dude, there are plenty other girls, why would I waste my time.' He says defending himself.

I turn around and start marching towards the locker rooms.

Well screw him I don't like him either!


I enjoyed Harper's little popping of moment, did you?

xoxo Triny

Peace.... You can vote!! UvU

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