Sauce and Cheese

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*Coughs awkwardly*

So yeah. Hi! Enjoy

Awesome cover made by @eclipsc-  Thanks sooo much I love it urgh



Like all Sundays the old bell makes an odd ringing sound signaling that another customer has entered through the door of The Pizza Palace.

I don't bother to check who it is because one, it's most probably some of the many popular kids from my school that come and hang out here, two I'm on a thirty-minute break and three this stupid game I installed on my phone keeps kicking my ass. I got it to keep me occupied and cure my boredom but instead, it just makes me so mad.

"Harp can you please go serve table 9 for me." Katie, my best friend, says to me. I look up at her with a groan.

"I know you're on a break but I'm super busy." She says, her brown eyes pleading with me.

"Fine, I'll do it, I need to get away from this game anyway before I smash my phone." I smile at her and tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Thank God! You're a lifesaver babe." She gives me a thankful look, "And I told you not to play that game, remember what happened to my younger brother?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not your brother. And I will beat that game." I stick my tongue out at her.

"Don't say I didn't warn you Harp." She playfully smacks me.

I wonder who is at table 9, that's where the make-your-own Pizza bar is, as well as on tables 10, 11, 12, and 13. The Pizza Palace is home to the greatest pizzas known to man.

I'm not exaggerating. Every day is a full house here because of their variety of delicious pizza flavors and toppings as well as their stellar customer service. I love working here, and dude- free pizza.

Working with my best friend is a big plus too.

My easy-going smile drops when I actually look at the table I'm supposed to serve and notice the people who are seated there.

No freaking way, Katie wants me to serve Ajax Carter and his friends!?

Absolutely not, nope- I wouldn't know what to say to that beautiful creature.

Even though it's pretty simple, hi welcome to The Pizza Palace what can I get you?

That's all I have to say, whenever I'm taking orders from customers. But me being me I'll most probably find a way to screw up that one sentence, not because I have a crush on him or anything, but because English and I aren't exactly what you would call friends.

And maybe- kind of, sort of because he makes it hard to focus on anything other than himself.

He and his attractive face that has a sprinkle of freckles over his nose, and those bright green eyes that make you want to get lost in them forever, and his curly brown hair that looks so soft and..... urghh he's already invaded my thoughts; I can't do this.

I march towards my so-called best friend who's telling the chef her new order. She knows how I feel about Ajax and she's asking me to go there and say words to him!?

"Katie I'm not going over there, nope no way." I start with a dramatic wave of my hands. I know I'll mess this up and most probably end up getting fired.

"Oh, c'mon Harper. It's not like I'm making you marry him, and you don't even have to do anything. Just take these trays, place them on their table, and come back. That's it." She nods her head slowly in encouragement at me with her hands on my shoulders.

The Pizza Palace IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now