He's Back

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Harper's pov:

'Why do I need make up if it's going wash out in the pool anyway?' I ask Katie. I'm seated at my mother's dressing table since she's the one with makeup in this house. Katie has been trying to get me to paint my face but I won't back down. I don't want it.

'It's called waterproof makeup for a reason Harp.' I roll my eyes.

'Well I don't want it on me. No hate to all the girls that do wear makeup it's just not for me.' I dodge the brush she's trying to powder my face with.

'Urghh fine you are a lost cause Harp. You're lucky you're a natural beauty.' She sticks her tongue out at me and I smile.

My mother comes in holding a plate of cookies and my stomach rumbles when the sweet smell hits my nostrils. Katie and I look at each other and we race towards my mother

Katie pushes me onto the floor, jumps over me and grabs a handful of cookies.

'No fair you play dirty Katie.' She cackles and my mother shakes her head at us.

'Don't worry love there is more downstairs.' Thank God. We all head downstairs and I shove some cookies into my mouth.

'And don't you two look gorgeous and sexy.' My mother wiggles her eyebrows at us and we both giggle. Katie and I wearing the same things the only difference is our bikinis and she's the only one wearing makeup. We both have ripped denim shorts and gold sandals on.

'Thanks Andrea.' Yeah Katie and my mother go by first name bases.

'Thanks mom but we should be going now. We'll see you later.' I say as we walk out the door.

'Okay. You won't find me home though I'm going out with some friends. And do not come back pregnant at least use protection.' I blush and Katie laughs.

'We won't.' Katie says and we wave goodbye at her.

'Are you ready to fucking party baby girl!' Katie screams once we enter her car and I laugh.

'Hell yeah!' Since this is going to be my first party it's only logical that I get shitface drunk right.

I direct her towards Ajax's house. Katie parks and we step out of the car. We can hear the music from out here. Devin spots us and he addresses the group of girls that's surrounding him and jogs over to us.

'Harper, Katie hey glad you guys could make it.' Katie nods at him, she's busy on her phone. Devin chuckles.

'I hope we didn't disturb your little meeting over there.' I point towards the group girls that are looking at us. Devin waves at them and they all giggle.

'Not at all Jax said I should bring you to him when I see you.'

'I'm not some package that needs to be delivered to him.' I roll my eyes and Devin laughs.

'Come on you two I'll get you something to drink and we can go have fun.'

'Finally! I need some strong ass drinks.' Katie says whilst putting her phone in her bag. We grab each other's arms and follow Devin into the house. Few people are inside I guess the rest are by the pool. Someone calls Devin over to him and he leaves us after saying he'll be back. I know he won't.

'Guess it's just me and,' I turn and Katie is nowhere to be found, 'Myself.' Party experience so far is a little boring. Where the hell did she go?

I head towards the pool side. The pool has lots of lights and balloons that are surrounding it, there is a Dj booth in the corner where the music is coming from. I spot Ajax, Asher and Aden. Should I go to them? Does Ajax still want me here? Maybe this was a mistake I'm about turn and call it quits but Ajax spots me and gives me a heart stopping smile and waves at me to come over.

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