The Universe Doesn't Want You Here

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Harper's pov:

My alarm rings and instead of growling at it and wishing I could break it to pieces, I lightly press the off button and jump out of bed feeling happy and well rested.

Why? Because, Ajax Carter is my boyfriend! How this even happened, I have no idea at all. I skip into my bathroom and look in the mirror, a daily routine.

Wow today I look better than usual. I still look like godzilla, but happy godzilla.

It's a bit chilly today so I decide on some sweatpants and a hoodie. Sweatpants that I haven't seen in like, weeks. I dig through a random pile of clothes that are on the floor and I come across Ajax's sweatpants. You know, the ones he was forced to give me when he covered me in mac n cheese.

I guess Devin was right, I didn't return Ajax's clothes hehe.

I pull them on, they are clean by the way, and I put on a plain black hoodie and tie my hair up into a neat bun.

I run down the stairs feeling very hungry.

'Morning mummy.' I kiss my mother on the cheek, she eyes me suspiciously.

'Good morning honey.' She says handing me a plate of eggs, bacon and toast.

'Thank you mom.' I smile and dig in.

'Is there a hot new teacher I don't know about?' She questions leaning on the counter top and sipping her coffee.

'What! Eww gross no.' I shake my head.

'Okay did someone buy you an unlimited supply of Doritos?'

'Noo. Why are you asking weird questions mom?'

'Well I don't know, maybe because you're acting all happy on a Monday and I know you hate Mondays. I even heard you screaming the intro song to The Powerpuff girls in the shower. So spill missy.' She raises an eyebrow.

I smile, 'I have a boyfriend.' And she squeals, really loud.

'Mother, stop!'

'Sorry, sorry. I'm just excited, I told you boys find you attractive idiot. Is he cute?'

'Yeah, yeah he's cute.' He's more than cute but my mother doesn't need to know how much of a creep I am.

'Oooo, has he kissed you yet?' She makes kissy faces. Honestly sometimes I wonder who is the teenager between the two of us.

'No he hasn't.' She makes a disappointed face.

'Really, dang. Wait what's his name?' She throws her hands up in the air. She is where I get my drama from but somehow mine was multiplied by ten.

'Umm his name is Ajax.' I mumble. Remember when I said my mother is holding a grudge, well she maybe kind of sort of still is.

'Ajax, as in asshole that made you cut your hair Ajax?'

'Yes, that Ajax and he's not an asshole.'

'Mhmm. Dinner today at seven.' She states taking my plate and placing it in the sink.

'I know that, I live here.'

'No, I want your boyfriend to be present as well.' She shrugs.

'What! No way it's way too soon mom. We started dating like yesterday.'

'I don't care, he better be here. Now get your ass to school.' She points at the door. I huff and stand up grabbing my bag and my phone. Why did I tell her?


'Bestfriend! Heyyy.' Katie sings whilst running towards me. She's wearing her usual mini skirt, long sleeve t-shirt and platform boots, which make her look even taller than me. You know what they say "Every tall person needs a short bestfriend". Incase there is confusion I'm the short bestfriend.

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