Isn't This Illegal?

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Harper's pov:

It's Friday, 06:28 am. The day of my first ever date and it's with Ajax, all the girls dream guy. He'll be all mine just for tonight. I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it. I told my mother and she was very happy for me and even agreed to let me wear the dress, but she wasn't too excited that my date is the guy who drove me to cut my hair.

She's still holding a grudge.

As soon as my alarm clock rings, the spongebob death track, I snooze it instantly and jump out of my bed and race to my shower. I try to take as long as I can but, the excitement is making it hard to do anything slowly. I get dressed and rush out the door. I woke up early but I somehow managed to be late.

I sing along to the trap song that's blasting in my ears through my earphones as I enter the school building. Cardi B is growing on me, and it's because of my mother.

I enter my math class and surprise surprise I'm the first one in. I grab a seat in the middle row and pull out my doodling pad and start drawing random things on on it. 

Jax's scent is what gives him away when he sits right next to me. I remove my earphones and smile at him, he smiles back.

'Wow you have a shitload of Cardi B songs, are you a superfan of hers?' He questions as he scrolls through my music. Like I said, she's really grown on me.

'Apparently so. What type of music are you into?' I ask him and he hands me his phone giving me access to do whatever I desire with it. I look up at him but he's still busy doing fudge knows what on my phone. 

Instead of looking through his music I decide to go through his gallery to find embarrassing pics but nope, nothing, nada, zilch. This boy looks like a model 28/7. I keep scrolling not giving up, until a message from an unsaved number pops up on his screen.

Now we all know my name is snoopy so I do the sensible thing , I open it and oh my fawk, this is my number. He's sent himself random pictures of me, and not the pretty ones either.

'Jax, what the hell is wrong with you!' I say a little too loud because everyone in the class turns their heads towards us.

'Miss Williams. Care to explain why you are disrupting this class.'

'I umm- er he. Umm Ajax here wrote the wrong math problems. And you of all people know how passionate I am about math.' I hear Ajax laugh silently beside me. Mr Fernsby gives a short mhm before turning back to the board.

'I hate you.' I hiss at a smirking Ajax.


'Harper are you sure.' Katie asks me seriously. I nod my head slowly.

'I'm sure, I have to do this.'

'There won't be enough time to turn back.'

'I know Katie. Paint me.' And we both laugh at our silliness. I've actually agreed to let her do my makeup, gosh I hope this doesn't backfire.

'Alright then let me go get my kit.'

'But it's right here.' I say pointing at the little black bag.

'Harp sweetheart, we have different skin tones. The stuff in there will not look normal on you, that's why I bought a kit with stuff for your skin tone as well.' She says and walks away. Wow I'm clueless. 

'Okay Harper. I'm really sorry, but maybe I was not the right person for this, I don't know how this happened.' Katie says thirty minutes later. 

'What the hell did you do Katie, I better not look like a skunk.' I say stomping towards the mirror.

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